
作者&投稿:仰卸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


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"We must learn to protect our environment. If we reach out to everyone, then our world will become a cleaner and more beautiful, more peaceful. If you are still free to waste away; If you are public facilities At the characterization; If you are still spitting in public places, so please correct as soon as possible! Each of us should make efforts to improve the environment so that our home has become as beautiful as spring! Let our home full of laughter! So that the future of every day is full of green and more green! "

We ought to be aware of protecting the environment. If only everybody could help, our mother planet would be much more orderly, beautiful and peaceful. If you still are in the habit of littering everywhere, drawing on public facilities or spitting in public, then please correct it now! We should all contribute to improve our environment, and turn our home as beautiful as spring, and full of happiness and laughters! Let's make our future days greener and greener.


We must learn to protect our environment. If we reach out to everyone, then our world will become a cleaner and more beautiful, more peaceful. If you are still free to waste away; If you are public facilities At the characterization; If you are still spitting in public places, so please correct as soon as possible! Each of us should make efforts to improve the environment so that our home has become as beautiful as spring! Let our home full of laughter! So that the future of every day is full of green and more green! "

We must learn to protect our environment. If we can all stretch out both hands, then our world will become more neat, more beautiful, more peaceful. If you still abandon offals at will; If you still portray on the communal facilities at will; If you still spit everywhere in the public place, then please correct quickly! We all should protect our enviornment,let it as beautiful as the spring!Let it full of happy!Let everyday in the future full of green,more green!




我的名字是瓦格纳奥古斯托。我来自巴西和我打算开放和牙签行业。我所有的机器,我需要,除了一个。我需要一个机器,包装纸箱。我看见你的电脑在互联网上。请,只是让我知道这种机器的价钱,和太多的规格(如:电力,每分钟盒等等) 。你有一种机器,包在一个圆柱形状?如果没有,你知道其他公司销售的机...

英语翻译汉语 09 02 01
When anti-globalization protesters took to the streets of Washington last weekend, they blamed globalization for everything from hunger to the destruction of home-grown cultures.And globalization meant the United States.上个星期,反对全球化的抗议者在华盛顿的主要街道举行了抗议活动,他们指责...

英语翻译汉语 07 01 01

01.起始之时 02.只要有你 03.摆钟之心 04.逃离 05.碎月~命运~ELISA 悲伤舞曲 ELISA 凛冽地 幸福衣橱 慰藉 KOTOKO 怡人四季 ~开始到现在也好,现在到以后也罢~kumi 一直和你在一起 feat.(合)桃 kumi 手掌

世说新语 言语 原文及翻译

02 03 01 12 20 20 08怎么翻译
翻译成汉字:零贰 零叁 零壹 壹贰 贰零 贰零 零捌。

您好,很高兴为您回答!首先,了解下,罗马数字是采用七个罗马字母作数字、即Ⅰ(1)、X(10)、C(100)、M(1000)、V(5)、L(50)、D(500)。还有罗马数字中数字0都是用空格代替!所以,2001.06.01的罗马数字写法为:2001【MMI】,06【VI】,01【I】另外再给您附加一个1314 , 520的...

汉寿县13498244310: 英语翻译 1.我们将给我们的朋友寄一些明信片 2.没有时间了 3.学生们忙着为即将到来的考试做准备 -
拔娇先威: 1、We will send some postcards to our friends.2、Time is up.3、Students are busy preparing for the upcoming exa...

汉寿县13498244310: 英语翻译1.我怎样才能到达邮局 -
拔娇先威: 我怎样才能到达邮局 翻译成英文是:How can I get to the post office? 相关词汇: 1、get to 英[ɡet tu:] 美[ɡɛt tu] [词典] 到达; 开始; 达到…地步; [例句]I need to get to Lyon by nightfall 我需要在黄昏前到达里昂. 2、post office 英[pəust ˈɔfis] 美[post ˈɔfɪs] n. 邮局; [例句]She had just collected her pension from the post office 她刚去邮局取了养老金. [其他] 复数:post offices

汉寿县13498244310: 英语翻译 1 电话里的声音听起来我很熟悉 (familiar) -
拔娇先威: 1.The voice in the telephone is familar to me.2.He always comments on my sister's appearance.3. The police made no comment on the explosion attack.

汉寿县13498244310: 求教英语翻译01,希望擅长英语文学翻译的高手指教下啊 -
拔娇先威: 1.我们只是摇了摇头,想着艾姬和那个孤僻却善良,因受惊吓而滥施慈爱的母亲一起呆过的那些日子.接下来的几个月里,艾姬逐渐活跃起来.她开始读一些简单的书,竟...

汉寿县13498244310: 英语翻译1.because the conditions of the places where he took pictures were usually bad -
拔娇先威: 1 因为他拍照的场所条件通常很差.2 每天至少在外面30分钟.3 在好莱坞,他不愿太过在意他的英语.

汉寿县13498244310: 英语翻译 1.你的英语写作怎么样? 很好,但是我听力技巧有待提高 2.你能解释一下怎么做吗? 3.我想成为一名导游,因为我的梦想就是环游世界. 4.他还没觉定去哪度假 -
拔娇先威: 您好! 1.What about your writing English?It's well, but my listening skill needs to be improved. 2.Could you please explain how to do it ? 3.I want to be a tourist guide, for my dream is travelling all over the world. 4.He had not decided where to spend his vacation. 请采纳,谢谢!

汉寿县13498244310: 英语翻译:1 错过末班车,, 2 吃药的时候,,3 没有钱,,4 尽管不懂日语,,5 被电视节目迷住 -
拔娇先威: 1.missed the last bus;2. at the time of taking the medicine;3. running out of money;4. although not understanding Japan...

汉寿县13498244310: 一小段英语短文的翻译 - -----高手帮忙 -
拔娇先威: 对我们品行和诚实最大的考验可能就是:在知道自己永远不会被发现的情况下我们会怎么做.小女孩要说谎很容易,因为除了她,没人知道她要说的是什么.但问题就在这里:她自己会知道...

汉寿县13498244310: 英语翻译一句话:你还没说完,但我已经听完了. -
拔娇先威: “你还没说完,但我已经听完了.”可以翻译为“You haven't say that finish, but I have heard.”有关“hear”的知识如下hear英 [hɪə] 美 [hɪr]vt. 听到,听;听说;审理vi. 听;听见词语辨析overhear, hear, listen这组词都有“听”的意...

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