
作者&投稿:霍翔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Nancy is my good friend.She is my deskmate,.We are very outgoing. We like to laugh. She is as high as me, but she is thinner than me,.She likes sports,while I like art. Her political, biology, and English is very good,.We help each other.We have similarities and differences,.We are happy together!

These four translation if only in accordance with the word meaning of words, can be explained is good, but if the translation with the optimal relevance principle of relevance theory to analysis of words, is unsuitable.

Because the AD and the French cultural conventions annual one country kill pig activities.

In the original language cognitive environment, this activity to make people think the festive atmosphere is festival, the fullness of the reservoir and meat fresh friends gathered.

And in the cognitive environments, the language in British culture mountain no similar culture, it is difficult for people to have the above reaction, even may produce be disgusted with psychology.

Therefore, when translation can only stay in advertising words and sentences layer and the language, and need for flexible consider.

【Sims (The Sims) is The Sims studio Maxis and the development of the Electronic Arts published a series of video games. It is the most successful video games ever one. As of April 16, 2008, the games have been sold worldwide in more than 100,000,000 copies. As of March 19, 2008, it is history's best-selling PC games.

The Sims series of games do not have any clear goal of the game. Players create called the "public" People mock them into the house to help control their emotions, to meet their expectations. Players can put their own people into building a good house, or building their own house. Each series have been launched by an independent data set and the game player and an increase of its own people can do. 】

Tomorrow is my turn to foreign teachers in the class to do presentation, I want to do the theme of The Sims, but do not know how the following section of the translation, and errant help Baixie!

【Sims (The Sims) is The Sims studio Maxis and the development of the Electronic Arts published a series of video games. It is the most successful video games ever one. As of April 16, 2008, the games have been sold worldwide in more than 100,000,000 copies. As of March 19, 2008, it is history's best-selling PC games.
The Sims series of games do not have any clear goal of the game. Players create called the "public" People mock them into the house to help control their emotions, to meet their expectations. Players can put their own people into building a good house, or building their own house. Each series have been launched by an independent data set and the game player and an increase of its own people can do. 】

[the simulation life (The Sims) is Maxis and A Sims work room development American skill electricity publication video frequency game series. It is one of most unprecedented success video frequency games. Up to April 16, 2008, the game has around the world sold surpasses 100,000,000. Up to March 19, 2008, it is in the history the most best-selling personal computing game. simulation life series game not any explicit game goal. Plays the family creates the named “the resident” simulation character, admits in the house them, helps to control their mood, satisfies their expectation. Plays the family already to be possible to admit own resident in the building good house, may also construct the house. In the series each promotes one after another the material plate and the independent game increased have played the matter which the family and their resident might do.

哪位英语高人能帮我把下面中文翻译成英语 不要电脑翻译
1.重视原创和独立 Value originality and independence 2.小至5或6岁的小孩 Kids of 5-6 years old 3.中西方不同的学习方法 Different learning methods between China and western world 4.弥补过错 redeem the faults 5.从开一家廉价店起 starting from openning a price store 6.坚守平民般的习惯...

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School building is the material carrier of the entire campus culture, pleasant environment will enable college students optimistic about the progressive, advanced teaching facilities, a wealth of newspapers and magazines, regular radio, film and television-oriented campus culture to the develop...

英语高人帮我翻译几个句子 是简历里的一些内容 我怕翻错了出笑话 请...
1.2006 years during the summer vacation with the Federation of Societies to participate in the Fangshan District Forestry Bureau of the summer social practice 2. 44, 45 the first session of the Beijing Games in an interview with college students competing field work.3.2005-2008-year...

跪求高人 帮我翻译一下下面的英语 急用 谢谢
六,从英语翻译到中文 1,我们的好恶,品位,喜好决定了作为读书活动的选择,看电影,露营,或某种文化追求,都与社会环境和学习经验。我们取得的东西,从我们的家庭,学校,工作对象的各种利益,和大众媒体。基本上,这种态度就等于承认休闲是生活的重要休闲区和一个可以而且应该很好地加以利用的信念。2,...

interrupt.八、不需要让孩子每件事都做的完美 Do not expect perfection on everything the child does.九、给孩子展示自己的机会 Give the child opportunity to demonstrate his\/her ability.十、引导孩子独立解决问题 Provide the child with guidance to solve problems independently.【英语牛人团】...

而且沿着边境这个国家还有导弹飞机坦克 13 中国的接待团会告诉人们 “非常客气 非常礼貌 我们被接待的非常好”会谈非常商业式 非常准确没有任何一方的言论。 最后一句实在不知道怎么翻译才好。本人是英语专业的 希望能帮到你 希望你能采纳我的意见啊 thank you!

大家好,有哪位高人可以帮我翻译一下 英语啊 非常着急 万分感谢!! 谢谢...
1、My family runs a costume factory which is managed well with about 40 workers.2、I'm sorry. I am really nervous. Could you please say it again in Chinese? Thank you.3、Because my parents support me to study in America, they afford all the money I need there.4、I like...

1. To stimulate student interest in learning 2. Optimize the way of university students studying 3. Enhance the learning ability of college students 4. To promote the development of personalized college students 5. Contribute to the realization of self-education of university students 6....

When fire alarm goes off, please evacuate from your room.请携带您房间的门卡,谨慎行动。Take your room key card with you and act with caution.开门全请先以手掌探门和门把,如门把很烫或感觉异样,请不要开门;如温度正常,小心开门,但必要时请立即把房门关上。Carefully touch the door...

陇南地区13582108768: 请英语高手帮我翻译一小段话,谢谢(汉译英) -
丰怜梅格: Sorry, my oral English is not good enough. There is no problems for us to provide samples to you. But I hope you can pay the expense for them. Please let me know your address,after getting it, We will send our samples as soon as possible.

陇南地区13582108768: 急求英语达人帮我翻译一段文字,本人英文水平有限 -
丰怜梅格: Time will dilite everything. I still want to say: Don't be so extreme, no impossibility but giving up. Don't say no to love for sudden impulsion, there are still many who will treat you well. Let all go by nature with a bright mind's eye.what's more, to be more ...

陇南地区13582108768: 有英语高手可以帮我翻译一下这一段文字吗?最好要地道一点的,很急.谢谢! -
丰怜梅格: the olympics is blue to me. blue stands for peace and beauty. it's like what the olympics used to be, filled with wisdom and strength. i wish the blue olympics could get better, just like the sky and the ocean.the olympics is red to me. many ...

陇南地区13582108768: 求英语高手帮我翻译一段话语! -
丰怜梅格: 被楼上几个翻译雷到了...亲,选答案是时要慎重啊,一句一句核对吧.没有了容颜拥有了一切:莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 我什么都不说:《泰坦尼克号》IMDb7.1,《血钻》IMDb8.0,《无间道风云》IMDb8.5,《被解放的姜戈》IMDb8.6,《...

陇南地区13582108768: 请教高人翻译一段英文文字,谢谢!翻译好了,追加分.文字如下3000 years ago, the Celts already called this land Belen - Gaard( meaning "Garden of the ... -
丰怜梅格:[答案] 3000年前,赛尔特人就已经将这片土地称为Belen-Gaard (赛尔特语中意为“上帝的花园”).这个地点还是一块奇怪岩石的所在地,它曾在近年被督伊德教的祭司用作祭祀的石头.在10世纪,僧侣最先在这片俯瞰多顿河峡谷的独特土地上种植了葡萄...

陇南地区13582108768: 求英语达人帮我翻译一小段话,英译汉!一定要翻译的很准确,最好有些高级美丽的词汇啦!跪谢!在我遇见你的那一刻,注定是我生命中最美的瞬间.只求上... -
丰怜梅格:[答案] It was the most beautiful moment in my life when we met each other.We only wish there is no pity between us! 太文艺了..只能强翻..参考一下

陇南地区13582108768: 急求英语高手帮我翻译一下这段话....跪谢. -
丰怜梅格: 这是我自己译的,为了配合英文语法,做了些小改动.希望对你有帮助.每年的4月至12月是最佳旅游时节. Every year between april and december, is the best tourist season.如果想观赏太姥山的红叶最佳时间为11月下旬:景区西南侧霞浦县境...

陇南地区13582108768: 求助英语专业高手!!人工翻译一小段英文!!帮帮我吧 -
丰怜梅格: "Technology - a People Business" Although this slogan seemed a bit apart from the original wording, but it elaborated on Nokia's corporate culture not only vividly but incisively. In fact, from product development to human resource management, ...

陇南地区13582108768: 一小段英语短文的翻译 - --高手帮忙---在线等 -
丰怜梅格: 并不只是我们到了有那些动物的地方,同时也让它们更接近我们.国外的宠物给这个国家带来了一个新的疾病,这种怪病杀死了伊埃克森德得宠物,她说:“我认为如果我们并不了解...

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