
作者&投稿:夏项 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Long, long ago there was a very foolish thief. Do you know what he did one day? When he wanted to steal the bell on his neighbour's door, he walked up to the door, took hold of the bell and pulled hard. The bell made a very loud noise. The thief was afraid and went home.

Then he sat down to think, "I must do something about the noise," he said. He thought and thought. At last he had an idea. "Ah, I'll put some cotton in my ears. Then I won't be able to hear the noise." The next day he went to the door of his neighbour, and took hold of the bell. This time he pulled even harder. The bell rang loudly, but the thief did not hear anything. With another hard pull he got the bell out. Just then the neighbour came running out.

"Steal my bell? I'll teach you a lesson," the angry man shouted. And he hit the thief on the nose.
The foolish thief did not know how the neighbour found out he was stealing the bell. "Why did he come out just then?" he wondered.
6. The thief was trying to get his neighbour's doorbell.
A. T

7. The thief put some cotton in his ears so as not to hear anything.
A. T

8. The neighbour ran out probably because he knew his doorbell was being stolen.
B. F

9. The neighbour hit the thief to punish him for stealing.

A. T B. F

10. The thief thought the neighbour couldn't hear the noise of the bell.
A. T

The Grade Demonstration
It is to certify that XX(姓名), student No.XXX, has been studying in the XXX middle school, China. here with grade demonstration below.We hereby certify.
Here is the grade of second semester of 2010~2011 .The academic record in XXX school is marked with 100-point system.


We have our own product catalogue, and I will email an electronic copy to you now.
About the quality (质量是等级吗?) of the product, we can discuss it in the near future.

I will send someone to deliver to you a product description booklet to you later.

If you have any other special request, please feel free to inform us about it.

If I can have the opportunity to be interviewed by you,I will be very grateful.May your respected company run even better, and make even more progress in the future.May your career get even better in the near future!yours Sincerely,Yuntong Zeng 我完全人工翻译...好累啊 ...

1.I told him of this thing as soon as I met him.2.If I have spare time, I will visit Mr.Zhang, because he is sick.3.I will certainly live in Hilton Hotel when I come to Shanghai.4.Xiao Wu came to Shanghai yesterday, but he will take a plane to Shenzhen to see ...

(我的暑假生活)汉译英 《急求会英语的哥哥姐姐们,麻烦帮我翻译成英语...
In August, I was in the supermarket sells milk. This short work let me improve communication skills. Because will encounter a variety of guests, the need for different customers with different language, but also master the guests psychological their milk to sell out. So, I had a ...

My room also has very many things, welcome you to come my family!Ask to help me to translate, had to use immediately, to ask 上面那位仁兄的材料翻译过来是;我有一俏丽并且舒适的room.There 是许多可爱的玩偶在我的屋子里。每早晨太阳发光入我的屋子并且天气温暖的并且cozy.On 我的书桌...

了解美国人如何看待事情,就有必要了解“点”“美国人提到它经常:“让我们开门见山地说,“他们会说。"My point is--""What's the point of all this?"“我的观点是-,“有什么意思呢?”The "point" is the idea or piece of information that Americans suppose is, or should be, at the ...

You are good, eric, thanks you to be able to find the problem, and gives the very good suggestion. First, user more choices have not sought for CTI. I to hope that is troublesome you to be able to give me an accurate explanation regarding CTI, even if possibly does not ...

The first day On the first day of practice, give me a teacher, teacher took me to a restaurant with the layout, is very elegant room, feeling good working environment, the place is not very big, employees, what do not have what specific jobs, still no account of working ...

The company is to be engaged in to gather the thing tube, teahouse, workout, dining and car zero produce of accessories sale and integral whole of diversification Business enterprise, successively be engaged in teahouse, Chinese food, workout car accessories to produce and sale etc....

Don't bother if it's too much trouble. -- No trouble at all.你如果这样做就会自找麻烦。 You will bring trouble on yourself if you do so.2. (使费事) put sb. to trouble; trouble sb.; bother; put out; put about:不必麻烦你到车站去接我。 Don't trouble to meet me at ...

1. I got to the school early even though it's raining cats and dogs.2. The ship is very large, which can carry at least 2000 passengers.3. I think i know his nationality.4. I think if you could help me to finish the task, that will be great.5. Even though he has...

临淄区18817636272: 英语翻译麻烦帮我翻译以下文字,急哦,需要专业点噢!① 双眼眼球上、下、左、右缓慢摆动各10次;② 双眼眼球顺时针方向缓慢地转动10圈;再逆时针方... -
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临淄区18817636272: 英语翻译麻烦帮我把以下的短语翻译成英文,只要意思对了就好.请将中英文一对一的写下来.1,我不会说英文,请你找个会中文的跟我讲话2,我身边的人也... -
钦质混合:[答案] 1 I can't speak English ,please send me someone who can speak Chinese. 2 No one around me can speak English. 3 All my staff have got off work,I will let them handle(these problems) for you tommorrow morning. 4 I don't know what you are talking ...

临淄区18817636272: 英语翻译麻烦帮我用英语翻译下面这段话,现金报销单中你老板的签名过于模糊,所以希望你能让你老板重新签名或是邮件里Approver. -
钦质混合:[答案] 签名过于模糊英文一般会用:too blurrytoo vague 是指意思太模糊,不确切现金报销单中你老板的签名过于模糊,Your manager's signature in the cash expense receipt is too blurry,所以希望你能让你老板重新签名或是...

临淄区18817636272: 麻烦帮我翻译(英语)以下内容: -
钦质混合: Hello!We have our own product catalogue, and I will email an electronic copy to you now.About the quality (质量是等级吗?) of the product, we can discuss it in the near future.I will send someone to deliver to you a product description booklet to ...

临淄区18817636272: 麻烦帮我英语翻译一下以下句子,谢谢 -
钦质混合: sorry i slept early last night. got it until get up. LOL u r sooo cute! i believe u do not forget me i am busy with exams,so much to recite! forgive me if i don't reply you quickly.and i am thinking about the video you said last time. how soon can i have a look?looking forward :) 我觉得这样比较符合和外国人聊天~我平时就这样跟我外国朋友这样发的~

临淄区18817636272: 英语翻译麻烦各位帮我翻译一下以下文章I Like to Be BusyMy name is Zhao Xiwen.My English name is Helen.I'm a student in tonghua No.13 Middle School.... -
钦质混合:[答案] 我喜欢繁忙的感觉. 我的名字叫赵锡文,我的英文名叫海伦.我是同华第三中学的学生. 每天我很早就起来阅读,我喜欢朗读中... 我喜欢每天都很忙,我想我们应该认真学习让我们的祖国美丽和富强. 除名字的翻译有误差外,其他包对.

临淄区18817636272: 英语翻译麻烦各位英语高手帮我翻译下以下语句:“今天才知道你有另一个她.今天才知道原来另一个她也不错.今天才知道我原来在白等了一个月.今天才知道... -
钦质混合:[答案] I have never known you have another girl.The one who is pretty nice.Maybe I'm a idiot that waste a whole mounth for waiting~Maybe I even have no brain!Now I understand that everyone has his own sweeti...

临淄区18817636272: 英语翻译麻烦英语高手帮我把以下文章翻译成英文可以吗?“一眨眼,你走了快一个月了.下个月就过年了.最近天冷了.我好想你哦.期待你回来的日子.” -
钦质混合:[答案] Yizhawen,you leave the fast of the month.On the Chinese New Year next month.Not sure you will come back?Tianling has recently.That you do not know how?I do not know the letter you received?I am easy t...

临淄区18817636272: 英语翻译麻烦英语高手帮我翻译以下句子.1.永远不放弃这段友谊.2.我会尽力挽留这段(我真的在乎的)友谊第二句希望用定语从句形式翻译,括号里的就是定... -
钦质混合:[答案] 1.永远不放弃这段友谊 I will never forget this friendship between us. . 2.我会尽力挽留这段(我真的在乎的)友谊 I will try my best to keep this friendship that I really care about .

临淄区18817636272: 麻烦帮我翻译成英语 -
钦质混合: The problem you metioned has already been exsisted for a long time, it happens twice or threee times a day, and each time lasts 5 to 10 minites. I've talked with CNC about this...

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