make their own decisions 中文什么意思

作者&投稿:濮卸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
(十万火急!!)should teenagers be allowed to make their own decisions~

I think teenagers shoud not be allowed to make their own decisons.
The reasons are as follows :
First of all , as teenagers ,we are too young to make own decisions ,we seldom make the right decisions on our own, even less ,we may make things goes wrong.
Second,our parent do not allow us to make decisions because they are too worried about us ,they always want us to listen to them ,never let us to fly with our wings.SO ,it is difficult to persuade them into listening to us .
Third, sometimes we should make decisions with the help of our parents
,which will off course benefit us a lot . They have rich experices and they can think twice before they make the final decision.
IN a word, i think teenagers should not make decisions on their.
that's all thank you very much!

make decisions
1.Too often we make decisions based solely upon what we see in the magazines.
2.We spent the next hour discussing how girls think about money and make decisions.
3.But we tried to make decisions for the long term, if we could.

make their own decisions


We wanted them to make their own decisions about their careers.

People can often make their own decisions, or at least share in decision-making.

宁明县15240327627: make their own decisions 中文什么意思 -
乘甘胃友: make their own decisions 做出自己的决定 双语对照 例句:1.We wanted them to make their own decisions about their careers. 我们希望他们自己决定职业发展方向,如果他们想进入家族企业,我们非常欢迎,前提是他们要遵守我们上世纪80年代确立的两条规则.2.People can often make their own decisions, or at least share in decision-making. 这些人就常常能自己做出决定或至少能够参与做决定.

宁明县15240327627: 翻译成英文:他们到了自己能做决定的年龄了.They're - _ - __ - to make their own decision. -
乘甘胃友:[答案] They're old enough to make their own decision.

宁明县15240327627: 根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词.1.Teenagers should not be allowed to s 2.parents should give Teenagers chances to make their own d -
乘甘胃友:[答案] Teenagers should not be allowed to smoke parents should give Teenagers chances to make their own decision

宁明县15240327627: 马克思的一句话 Men make their own history.........中文是怎么说的呢? -
乘甘胃友: 原句:Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past. 翻译:人类创造了他们自己的历史,但是这一切并不是随心所欲而为之的;他们并不是在自我选择的环境下创造历史,而是在已存的,由过去决定并传递的环境下进行的.

宁明县15240327627: make one's own decision造句 -
乘甘胃友: 我们可以做出自己的决定,不管他人的流言 We can make their own decisions, regardless of other people's gossip

宁明县15240327627: They think they are old enough to make their own___(决定). -
乘甘胃友:[答案] 答案:decisions. 根据题干They think they are old enough to make their own--(决定).可知句意为:他们认为自己够大了,可以自己做决定.their+可数名词复数.decision,名词,决定,复数decisions.故填:decisions.

宁明县15240327627: teenagers should be allowed to make their own d ---
乘甘胃友: decisions

宁明县15240327627: 1.Teenagers should - --- - ---- - (allow) to make their own decisions -
乘甘胃友: 1.Teenagers should __be___ allowed_____ (allow) to make their own decisions 2.China's first man-mae earth satellite __was___ sent_____(send) up in 1970

宁明县15240327627: 用英语给出关于某些人腼腆的建议 -
乘甘胃友: 1、 努力改造个性中的消极因素. 1, efforts to transform the negative factors in personality. 性格和气质的形成包含了先天后天因素,而后天的实践又起了决定性的作用,因此,性格和气质是可以改变的锻炼的.多与熟悉的人交流联系,尽量让...

宁明县15240327627: Parents should allow children to make their own decisions.用同义句转换. -
乘甘胃友: Children should be allowed to make their own dicisions by parents 望采纳、可追问

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