求英语作文关于过去和现在的自我介绍作文不少于八十词,,,要求过去用used to 结构

作者&投稿:张性 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
我过去常常什么。现在什么 英语作文 用used to~


I Have Changed A Lot
I have changed a lot these years.I used to be late for school and sleep in class,but now I don't.I go to sdhool on time and listen to my teachers carefully.I used to copy my classmates' homework,but now I don't either.I finish my homework on my own.In the past,I was very lazy and poor at lessons.I study hard and I am good at all lessons.I didn't get on well with my classmates but I do at present.I used to be impolite to my teachers but I am polite to them now.I feel very happy that I have made so much progress.

I used to play basketball in the school with my classmates. I used to wash my clothes in the washing machine. I used to eat noodles most of time.
Now ,I like to play table tennis with my colleagues after work. I usually have my clothes washing in the shop. I have rice for lunch and supper

When I was in primary school, I used to played alot. Sometimes I never complete my homework and already out in the street playing. I still manage to go into secondary school.
I am in a not so well-knpwn seconary school. I begin to realize education is important. It is also a realistic fact that people look at what school you come from. I study hard now.
In this pragmatic world, graduating from a prestigious university is a passport to getting a good job. I strive to get into any of the top three universities in China

过去和现在的.英语作文 篇1 Li Hua used to be a bad person. He used to have a bad temper. He would hit people whenever he want to. He used to throw away trash anywhere. He also addicted to video games. He would play video games for days without doing anything else.Li ...

过去和现在的初中英语作文篇1 Nowadays,many families have only one child. In the past,the children used to go to school alone.They did housework by themselves at home. When they grew up,they could work hard and do well.But now things are different.The children are taken to sch...

In the past, children often walked to school alone, whereas nowadays, many families have only one child who is typically escorted to school by their parents.Previously, children were responsible for household chores independently. This taught them self-reliance and the ability to contribu...

First,they used to work late at night to meet the deadline。Now they prefer to get up early and work at daytime。Second,n the past,they never used a phrase,such as “we,old people", while they use it from time to time。Third,when I was a child,they do not hav...

写自己过去和现在的变化的满分英语作文:The change of my life My life has changed a lot in the last few years. I used to be shy and with very little confidence, because I was not learning too well in school. I was the lowest rank in my class. I had very few friends. ...

In the past I was lazy and did nothing but watch TV at home . I was often late for school and was weak in many subjects. But now i am diligent and do well in many subjects . I have received a good grade. In the future I will be better because I have confidence .I ...

英语作文《我的过去和现在》带翻译  我来答 2个回答 #热议# 国际对恐怖组织的定义是什么?匿名用户 2015-10-30 展开全部 Changes in Our LifeOver the past twenty years or so, great changes have taken place in our life. Take my family for example. My parents contacted others mainly by ...

英语作文有关以前和现在的比较如下:In the past I was lazy and did nothing but watch TV at home .I was often late for school and was weak in many subjects.But now i am diligent and do well in many subjects .I have received a good grade.In the future I will be better ...

When you walk around our school, you can see various flowers and trees everywhere. At the same time, you can smell the taste, breathe fresh air. It's a nice place for us to study.女士们,先生们,大家早上好!我很荣幸告诉大家关于我学校的变化。当你行走于校园的时候,你随处可以...

学校的过去和现在 英语作文
写作思路:可以将爸爸妈妈上学时候的学校写成过去的学校,将自己现在读书的学校和爸爸妈妈那时候的学校进行对比式的描述。正文:Over the past 30 years of reform and opening up, earth shaking changes have taken place in all fields of our country. No matter in material, or in spirit. I'll...

兖州市13621313584: 英语小作文:用过去时和一般现在时介绍自己,说说过去的和现在的你分别是什么样? -
地湛扶正: I used to(have short hair),but now I (have long hair). 过去我留短发,现在我留长发. 括号里的词可以替换成别的. 望采纳谢谢!

兖州市13621313584: 急需1篇英语作文 介绍自己过去与现在的兴趣、行为、习惯等方面的变化、要求80到100词.写提纲、关键词、 -
地湛扶正:[答案] Hello! Everyone, I think I have changed.First, at the past, I'm very short, but I'm very like basketball best, so I'm exercise every day! At present I'm tall and I can play basketball very well!Then, ...

兖州市13621313584: 关于现在的我和过去的我的英语作文,大概100词左右以"How I have changed since primary school"为题目,最好从外貌、性格、爱好、学习生活等方面来... -
地湛扶正:[答案] Since I become a third year student in middle school, I have become much taller than before and also have learned more knowledge which was never taught in my primary school. As a middle school student...

兖州市13621313584: 求英语作文关于过去和现在的自我介绍作文不少于八十词,,,要求过去用used to 结构 -
地湛扶正: I used to play basketball in the school with my classmates. I used to wash my clothes in the washing machine. I used to eat noodles most of time. Now ,I like to play table tennis with my colleagues after work. I usually have my clothes washing in the shop. I have rice for lunch and supper

兖州市13621313584: 怎样写英语作文;以前的自己和现在的我 -
地湛扶正:[答案] 句式——i used to be……(坏的)now i am much more(比较级) in the past,i am ……but now i make some changes like……,参考如下文《我习惯的改变》A volume is wide the lawn which can dash about wildly, ...

兖州市13621313584: 以“这就是我”为题写一篇英语自我介绍,要求写以前的我和现在的我的区别.亲们,帮帮忙. -
地湛扶正:[答案] 新生的自我介绍 -- 给新同学留个好印象!; Hello everybody. My name is Stone. I come from Guangdong province in China.; 嗨,大家好. 我的名字叫石头,我来自 中国广东. I am very happy to come here to study with you.;我很高兴来这里和你们一 ...

兖州市13621313584: 求一篇英语自我介绍的内容,介绍我的过去的,谢谢大家了,简简单单几行字就行了. -
地湛扶正: My name is Lee Song,I am from China. I have spent last 5 years study Science in Australia. After graduated from Sydney University I have been invloved in Bible research for church. I believe that Creation is much more convencing then ...

兖州市13621313584: 写自己过去和现在的变化的满分英语作文 -
地湛扶正:[答案] 写自己过去和现在的变化的满分英语作文:The change of my lifeMy life has changed a lot in the last few years.I used to be shy and with very little confidence,because I was not learning too well in school...

兖州市13621313584: 关于过去和现在的自己的比较,英语作文,60词左右 -
地湛扶正:[答案] In the past I was lazy and did nothing but watch TV at home .I was often late for school and was weak in many subjects.But now i am diligent and do well in many subjects .I have received a good grade.In the future I will be better because I have confidence...

兖州市13621313584: 关于现在的我和过去的我的英语作文,大概100词左右 -
地湛扶正: Since I become a third year student in middle school, I have become much taller than before and also have learned more knowledge which was never taught in my primary school. As a middle school student, I begin to realize what science and ...

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