
作者&投稿:子丰章 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A long time ago, the boy Ma Liang got a magic pen. The images he drew with this magic pen will become real. He often uses this magic pen to help the poor.
One day, a bad man took the magic pen, but the magic pen was not magical under his hands. So he asked Ma Liang to draw for him. As a result, Ma Liang killed the bad man with this magic pen.


He lost his parents, poor family from a young age, rely on their own firewood,mowing the lawn for a living. However, he and discouraged because lives in poverty, want to learn painting skill. Every day he heart hard, describing the birds in the sand school, in the rock school with painted fish. Night, took a piece of charcoal, in the cave walls, review the day of their paintings. Later, hefinally got a magic pen. He used the magic brush birds, birds flying in the sky;painting fish, the fish swim in the water. This is a greedy rich man knew, to Ma Liang to draw him large gold ingot. Ma Liang refused, he was locked into a stable. Ma Liang painted a ladder, and fled; and drew a big horse riding it, the rich man can't catch. The emperor to Ma Liang painting, Ma Liang is not willing to. The emperor put him into the prison. Ma Liang drew the island, the islanddrew lines of glittering shake Qian Shu, and drew a large boat, when the emperor and ministers and generals...... The boat to take money, strong wind and big waves engulfed them all. From then on, Ma Liang used his ability totake one's ease to draw for the poor folks, draw what they need: the plow,cattle, water tankers, stone......

Bob 's hobby is colecting shells .He has had this hobby for five yeas.And he has 220 shells now.Every shell is very beautiful .And there are many kind of colours.what an interesting hobby it is! Linda also has her own hobby .Linda's hobby is collect ing movie tickts. Since she was ten years old she began to collect movie tickets.And she has 350 movie tickets now.There are all kinds of tickets.I think it must be very interesting !

3. 根据材料写作文 800字 阅读下面的文字,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。 枭逢鸠。鸠曰:“子将安之?”枭曰:“我将东徙。” 鸠曰:“何故?”枭曰:“乡人皆恶我鸣,以故东徙。”鸠曰:“子能更鸣可矣,不能更鸣,东徙犹恶子之声。” 要求:全面理解材料,但可以选择一个侧面、一个角度构思作文。自主确...

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抛下思念17 2022-09-27 · TA获得超过2975个赞 知道小有建树答主 回答量:5 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:41 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 1. 根据材料写作文 高三语文期中考试题的作文题是一个给材料作文。 本报特约记者料是这样的: 上帝召开一个会议,了解自从赐给了动物们翅膀后,它们是如何...

永不言弃 同样是受困的飞虫,一只因为被眼前的困难打败而轻言放弃,最终死在了自己的忧愁之中,另外两只则永远怀抱希望,直面向前,以永不言弃的精神,为自己谋得一线生机。这个简单的故事告诉我们这么一个道理:世上没有绝望的处境,只有对处境绝望的人,勇敢的直面人生,永不言弃,你就会发现在生活的...

沁源县18855048508: 在生活中,我们应该相互帮助.请根据下面的提示写一篇80词左右的短文,介绍你是怎样帮助他人的. -
啜残二羟: 一天下午,我到附近的一家超市里买零食.正当我兴致勃勃的挑选零食的时候,旁边突然传来了一阵小孩子的哭声.我低头一看,是一个小孩子.我蹲下身子,问他:“小朋友,你怎么了?”小孩子抹了抹眼泪,说:“小姐姐,我妈妈丢了,我找不到她了.”说到这,他又哭了起来.我望着他,说:“那我带你去找妈妈吧!”我扔下购物车,拉着他,走到了服务台前.小孩子突然跑到一个中年妇女身边,是他妈妈.他的妈妈看着我,激动地说:“谢谢你帮我找到了我儿子,谢谢!”小男孩也感激的看着我.虽然我浪费了一些时间,但我帮助了一个小孩子,我真快乐啊! 字数好像有点多,你自己看着删删吧!

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啜残二羟:[答案] I'm Liuxing.i like many things.what's my favorite color is blue because i like sea.i always listen to music in my spare time.maybe you will ask me what kind of music do i like.i'm fond of the classical music for the music is quiet.it make my mind clam down ...

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啜残二羟:[答案] Oh,what a beautiful day!A new day natural have new invention.Today,again someone inventing new things,it is a multi-purpose invention,it can be used to study,also can be used to make games,that's something to the world's most useful invention!If you ...

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啜残二羟:[答案] to have a healthy body we should have healthy eating habits.we should eat green vegetables more than meat.but we still have to eat eggs and fruits to gain protein and vitamins.we should also sleep ear...

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啜残二羟: 深圳1980年成立,34年历史,历史悠久,就是国际交通枢纽,公路,铁路,航空,水路,就是南方地区,临近香港,澳门地区,就是国际奢侈品市场聚集地啊,就是椒江——深圳北的动车组,深圳北动车组下车了后,乘坐地铁到达深圳城区

沁源县18855048508: 根据下列提示写一篇80词左右的短文1.Where did you go last weekend2 -
啜残二羟: I went to watch movies with my friends Jhon last weekend.We watched Love Story ,it's good and exciting .We meet our English teacher at there,

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啜残二羟:[答案] My name is Peter .In ten years ,I wil be a computer programmer. I am going to study computer science really hard and I'm going to get good grades . I wil work in ShenZhen . I like playing the guitar. ...

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