急求一篇与乒乓球有关的英语对话 重赏!!!!

作者&投稿:房送 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

给你三篇,你自己选一篇吧一A: Are you crazy about sports?
B: Certainly, I am a super sports fan.
A: Which is your favourite sport then?
B: Almost all the ball games such as basketball, soccer, volleyball, badminton, table tennis,etc. How about you?
A: I'm too lazy to go out to stretch my arms....
B: You'd better take up some sports, because sports can give you a perfect build and protect you from getting diseases easily.
A: Is that so? But sports are tiring sometimes...
B: Actually it is good for the metabolism...
B: 当然了,我是超级运动迷。
A: 那你最喜欢什么运动?
B: 其实运动对新陈代谢有好处......

mark:Hi mary ,where are you going ?mary,你要去哪?

mary:I am going to the gymnasium .我要去体育馆!

mark:Which sport do you like ? ping-pong badminton or volleyball ?你喜欢什么运动?乒乓球 羽毛球还是排球?

mary:Oh , no,i lke football very much ! 哦,不我喜欢足球!

mark:Wonderful , you are girl hero .好棒,你是一个能干的男孩.

mary:Thanks . Girl football is better than boy football in China !谢谢,中国的女足队要比男足队踢的更加好!

mark:Yeah , we must be great efforts now . The girl is more and more stronger now .是的,我们必须努力了,女孩现在越来越强大了.

mary:What about going with me ?和我一去怎么样?

mark:Oh ,great !好的! 三A: Hey, buddy, the Phoenix Apartment is good, let’s rent it, shall we?
B: Yeah, I do think so, it is good. It is well-designed, and also is fully furnished. Great!
A: The rent here is RMB 2000 per month, it will cost each of us RMB 1000 a month, sounds reasonable and acceptable.
B: Well, ahthough it has one frontage with street, it still quiet for study and sleep. The bus station nearby is very convenient for the transportation to work.
A: There are two separate bedrooms, we can choose one and can decorate the bedroom in our way.
B: The living room here is big and confortable, we can entertain our guests in the living room.
A: We can hang our washing out to get dry on the balcony, the prospect from the balcony is breathtaking too.
B: Well, if somebody want to smoke, it is better to smoke on the balcony instead of smoking inside, because the second-hand smoke is also bad to others.
A: You are right, we should make a “NO SMOKING” sign in the living room and force the guests smoke outside if they want to smoke.
B: How about the cleaning?
A: Good question, we have to make our room tidy and I think we should cleaning the whole apartment twice a week, OK?
B: OK. Why do we drawing up a roommate agreement? We can write down all the mentioned details we talked before, and we can observe the rules in the agreements in the future.
A: Great! Let’s go to rent the apartment now and them done the agreement, let’s go!
B: Buddy, let’s go.


A: Are you ready to go shopping?

B: Just a few minutes. I need to make a list of things that we need.

A: Good idea. Have you written down potatoes, carrots (胡萝卜),

and onions (洋葱)?

B: I don’t have onions on my list. I’ll add them. We should get some tea.

Is green tea ok or should we get the same tea that we usually get?

A: Let’s get both. We need some coffee too. Is that on your list?

B: Yes, it is. Here’s my list. Is there anything that I’ve forgotten?

A: I think you’ve got everything. I want to got some chocolate and some cheese.

B: What kind of cheese do you want.

A: I’m not sure. I’ll decide at the cheese counter, when I can see what they have. Have we got enough money?

B: We don’t have enough cash, so I’ll take my credit card and we can pay with that. Where are the car keys?

A: I’ve got them there. Shall I drive?


A: Do you do a lot of your shopping online?

B: Not really. I like looking on the internet at what’s available, but I usually prefer to actually see and touch what I’m buying before I pay for it. Sometimes, I’ll look at something in a shop, but later buy it online if it’s cheaper. You don’t like buying things online, do you?

A: No. I’m a little worried about security. You never know who’s trying to find out your codes and passwords. Aren’t you worry about that?

B: Not really. I know that it happens, but if you buy from reputable companies with secure websites, you should be ok. Even though I use online shopping facilities, I don’t think it’s the best way to shop.

A: I’m surprised to hear you say that. I thought you loved anything technological.

B: I do. I’m a big fan of using new technology, but I don’t want to sit in front of a computer screen all day. I think people need to get out and interact with other people.

A: So, how about coming to the department store with me? I want to see if there are any new summer clothes on sale yet.

B: Sure. I’d love to join you. Can we stop by the computer store? I just want to see if they have something.

A: Sure. While you’re in the computer store. I will visit the book store opposite. I like to browse through their books and see if they have anything interesting.

B: Ok. I’ve finished online. Let’s go. I’ll just get some money and my credit card.

A: Thanks for reminding me. I had forgotten to get mine.
Asking for Directions


A: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to Holton railway station?

B: Sure. It’s quite far from here. Don’t worry, though. It’s not difficult to get there.

A: I think I’m going in the wrong direction, aren’t I ?

B: Yes. First, you need to turn around. Do you remember passing some traffic lights further up this road?

A: Yes, I do. They are about two miles away, right?

B: That’s right. Drive back to the traffic lights and turn right. Follow the road for about a mile, until you see the plaza hotel. It’s a really big hotel. You can’t miss it. Turn left at the hotel.

A: So, right at the traffic lights two miles up the road, then left at the plaza hotel, a mile along that road. Got it.

B:Then you just go straight on until you see the station ahead of you.

A:Ok. Got it. Thanks for your help.

B: No problem.第三个是关于大学生同居的












Table tennis, also known as ping-pong, is an exciting game that can be played by two or four players. Even recreational players can relatively quickly become highly skilled, and ping pong at the professional level is truly a sight to behold. I like it very much. Now let me tell you how to play.

1、 Find someone to play with.

You probably want to begin by playing someone who is at about your skill level or a little better, and preferably someone who isn't aggressively competitive.

2、Decide who serves first.

According to the official International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) rules, the right to choose whether to serve first is determined "by lot" (i.e. flipping a coin or drawing straws, etc.), with the winner choosing either whether to serve first or which side he or she wants. If the winner chooses whether to serve or to receive, the opposing player or team gets to choose which side of the table they will play on, and vice versa.

3、Serve the ball.

The balled should be tossed out of your free hand vertically and then hit with the paddle so that it first hits your side of the table once and then goes over the net and hits your opponent's side. If playing singles, the server can serve to any point on the opponent's side of the table, and the opponent should then return it before it bounces twice or hits anything other than the table. If playing doubles, the serve is rotated between you and your partner, starting with the person on the right, and the ball must bounce first in the right half of your side of the table and then must be delivered cross-court to your opponent's side. After two points have been awarded, your opponent or, in doubles, the person on the opposing team who is cross-court from the server, then gets to serve. After two more points are awarded, the original server's or, in doubles, his partner, then serves.

4、Return the ball.

After a serve or return, the ball may be returned over or around the net to any point on the opponent's side of the table. The ball must be returned after it bounces once on your side, but before it bounces twice or hits the floor or any object off the table. If the ball hits the net on a return, but proceeds to go over the net and hit your opponent's side, the ball is still in play, and your opponent must return it.

5、Score points.

A point is awarded for each rally that is not a let, and either opponent can score a point regardless of who served.

If your serve goes into the net, goes off the table without hitting the opponent's side, or (in doubles) hits the wrong half of the opponent's side, the receiving opponent or team scores a point. If you do not make a legal return (as described above: i.e. the ball goes into the net or doesn't hit your opponent's side of the table) a point is awarded to your opponent. If you receive a legal serve or return and hit the ball more than once with your paddle or touch the ball with your body, a point is awarded to your opponent. Note that if your opponent's serve or return doesn't hit your side of the table, you still get the point even if the ball hits you or you catch it after it passes the end of the table. If you touch the table with your free hand or move the table, your opponent scores a point.

6、Win the game. Many people like to play to 21 or 15, which is fine for recreational play. The official rules, however, state play is to 11 points. In order to win, one must be ahead by two points. If the players or teams are tied at 10-10 or 20-20, for example, the normal order of service proceeds, but the serve alternates sides after every points instead of after every two points.

A: Er, have you read about Table Tennis of Olympics in today's newspaper, Miss?

A: 呃,小姐,你看过今天报纸上的奥运乒乓球赛吗?

B: Yes, I have. China has triumph for the great wall.

B: 是的,我看过。中国又赢得了大满贯。

A: Good news.

A: 好消息!

B: Why has the result been like?

B: 为什么结果一直是这样呢?

A: In China that's almost our national game. People from all walks play it.

A: 在中国乒乓球几乎是全国性运动,各行各业的人都玩乒乓球。

B: What does table tennis require?

B: 乒乓球有哪方面的要求?

A: It requires speed, balance, stamina, agility, flexibility, coordination and good footwork.

A: 它需要速度、协调性、耐力、灵敏、柔韧、协作和良好的步法。

B: That's interesting.

B: 那很有趣。

A: How about you?

A: 你玩得怎么样?

B: I'm only an amateur.

B: 我仅仅是个业余爱好者。

A: Do you often play it?

A: 你常玩吗?

B: Yes. Sure!

B: 是的,当然经常玩。

Table of Contents
Advanced Techniques

Advanced Strokes
The Loop
The Chop
The Flip
The Lob
Advanced Service Techniques

Advanced Strokes

The advanced strokes described within should be gradually incorporated into a beginner's training regimen. After you have solid control of the fundamentals, the experimentation of these difficult strokes can begin. Again, no amount of written instruction can show you exactly how to do these shots correctly. Even if it is your playing partner with just as much experience as yourself, have him/her critique the motions, and do the same for him/her. And watch the professionals do it, be it on television, exhibitions, or even competitions, should you be lucky enough to be able to attend(tip:watch their bodies move, not the ball). Finally, even if you don't readily have access to a table and training partner, many serious players use shadow-practicing and it should be a part of your training too. Good luck!

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The Loop

The loop drive is the primary attacking stroke of serious players today. A loop is basically a spinny counterpart of a drive, emphasizing topspin over forward motion. Likewise, a stronger upward motion is required in the swing, grazing the ball instead of hitting it. Despite the nature of the loop, they can go just as fast as the drive-approaching 100mph for an over-the-table loop by a talented player. If there were any doubts about the endurance requirements of table tennis, try hitting decent loops against extreme backspin time and time again. Players not used to this stroke may find it the most tiring for the first time.

Depending on the characteristic of the incoming ball, the loop must be modified to hit the ball correctly. If a ball is coming in fast and high with heavy topspin, the paddle should be more closed and the swing should go forward more. However, if a chop came floating your way, then the correct thing to do would be to open the paddle somewhat, and perform a strong upwards swing-think of it as 'pulling the ball back up with the paddle'. This is especially what makes the loop such a tough stroke. As the ball touches the paddle for only a short time, as well as meeting on a more perpendicular path(as opposed to the highly parallel paths during a drive), good timing is critical to avoid completely missing the ball altogether. This means keeping a sharp eye on the ball throughout the stroke is important, as it is for all other strokes.

FOREHAND LOOP: From the ready position, bring the right foot slightly back(while transferring your weight to it). At the same time, rotate your body backward, and the paddle should be brought back and slightly down, depending on which spin you are hitting against. Bend your knees slightly. Start the stroke by rotating the waist and hips forward, and start straightening out the knees to add more force. The forearms should gradually accelerate from the backswing to contact, snapping for maximum speed when you meet the ball. Hit topspin balls at the top of the bounce or while it is dropping. Hit backspin balls while it is dropping. Follow-through forward more for topspins and upward more for backspins. The weight should be completely transferred back to the left foot at this point.

BACKHAND LOOP: This time, the backswing goes in front of your legs, and to do so you should drop your right shoulder somewhat. Remember to keep the eye on the ball no matter what the other parts of your body are doing. Rotate your waist to the left and transfer the weight to the left foot. Against topspin, unwind your waist and hit the ball at the top of the bounce(or during the drop) with a forward motion, but remember to just graze the ball as opposed to driving it. Snap your wrist at contact. Against backspin, remember to apply more of an upward motion, but also add a bit of forward force or you could hit your nose in the follow-through!(nothing like defaulting due to a self-inflicted nosebleed eh?:)

Notes on the loop: Since a lot of paddle speed is required in this stroke, the extra backswing, bending of the knees, and the usual waist rotation and weight transfer are all needed, not to mention the wrist snap at contact. A forward graze will produce higher speeds, but they can only be used on relatively high balls at the top of their bounce. Use something between the all-out topspin loop and extreme backspin pull-up for most rallies. Killer topspins are prone to the net or going off the endline, and excessive usage of the high arcing loop can lead to a deadly smash by your alert opponent. A relaxed posture is doubly important for loops, both your speed and consistency will improve if you can go through the swing 'naturally'. Keep your rubber in good condition; how much spin and control you put on your loop depends upon the tackiness of the rubber. Bad rubber=weak loops(if at all).
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The Chop

The chop is the mainstay of advanced defensive players. Essentially an extreme backspin shot, the ball tends to travel in a very flat trajectory and bounce low. Chops are always taken when the ball is dropping, often below the table-up to 15 feet away! Anything higher and the stroke becomes a push. Defensive players who chop do so to force the other player into an error, and to do so one may vary the amount of backspin or change the direction of the shots. Matches against two equally skilled choppers used to be an affair of many hours until the introduction of the expedite rule. For an explanation of the expedite rule and other table tennis terms, visit the terms page.

FOREHAND CHOP: Back up, depending upon the speed of the incoming ball. At the same time put your weight on the back foot. Bring the arm back and paddle up, while rotating your waist. When the ball has dropped to about the table level(it has to go off the end in order to execute a successful chop! Push short balls), rotate your waist, bring the forearm down, and snap your wrist at the point of contact, which should be at the bottom-back of the ball. The paddle should be open at this point. When chopping, remember to graze the ball barely enough to return it over the net. Avoid extra impact that would take away the backspin or hit it too long. The follow-through should be long enough that the arm nearly straightens at the finish.

BACKHAND CHOP: Similar to the forehand chop, bring the paddle up and the wrist back while rotating the waist. Transfer weight to back foot. Snap the wrist and follow through all the way.
Notes on the chop: The point of contact will vary depending on the topspin present on the ball. The more topspin on a ball, the lower it should be taken during a chop. This means against a loop, one must bend his knees in order to get low enough to return the heavy topspin. Don't let this cause you to lose sight of the table. Also, the farther you are from the table, the harder you need to chop down on the ball. Be sure to relax and use a smooth stroke.

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The Flip
The flip is one alternative to the push in taking short balls. By allowing one to return such balls faster, it can provide an element of surprise. The nature of the flip requires a special foot position for support. The right foot(for right-handers) goes several feet ahead of the body, which often means sliding it under the table. In case the table has a crossbar that prevents your leg from getting through, just remember to brace yourself for the sudden forward lunge and put the right foot as far ahead as possible. The flip is a wrist shot. There is no room for anything else, so make sure you strengthen the wrist as much as possible.

FOREHAND FLIP: Bend the wrist back. Slide the right foot forward, then with the racket open, move it under a dropping short ball. When the ball touches the paddle, immediately rotate your wrist and move the arm forward and up, grazing it. Follow through, then immediately return to the ready position.

BACKHAND FLIP: Bend the wrist back. With right foot forward, execute a mini-loop with extra wrist and follow through.

Notes on the flip: How open the racket is before contact depends upon the backspin content of the ball. The most backspin there is, the more open the racket should be. For faster flips, graze the ball at the top of the bounce with more forward motion. If the ball is high enough, flip-kill(flip with extreme speed) it.
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The Lob

An exclusively defensive shot, the lob is almost always used to return a smash far away from the table. A good lob will land deep in the table, with plenty of topspin/sidespin. The trick to lobbing is consistency. The opponent, provided he/she is skilled enough, will relentlessly attempt to smash every lob that comes his/her way. Occasionally they will try something else, but the most common scenario is the lob/kill rally. A lob requires plenty of anticipation and footspeed on the part of the lobber. Without either of those, one could not possibly hope to play catch up with a 100mph ball(although they do slow down considerably with distance).

To execute a lob, first detect the opponent's movements: if he/she is well into a smash, move back fast! Get ready, and drop your paddle low, along with the shoulder. Move the weight to the back foot. Bend your knees a bit more. When the ball comes your way, watch it carefully and push off on your knees, while bringing the entire arm up in an upward swinging motion. Hit the ball of the drop, on the back-bottom surface. Follow through high, then get ready for the unexpected(another smash, smother kill, etc.)!

Notes on the lob: Hitting back a lob can be very difficult if one is not prepared. Make sure to modify any stroke so that it can hit an extremely high ball, not one that goes up 6 inches. Also use the entire body to introduce more force into the stroke, as you will be hitting a fast moving(and often spinning) ball in a perpendicular direction. To smother-kill a lob(for variety), the paddle should be very closed. Perform a smash right after the ball bounces. Timing is extremely important.
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Advanced Service Techniques

Advanced service differ from the basic service in the following ways:

The stroke is the same for all spins
By controlling where you hit the ball on the paddle(tip, middle, near handle) you can control the rate of spin
By controlling at which point in the stroke you hit the ball, the combination of spins is possible
The toss is often higher to aid in speed, spin, and deception
A variety of techniques, including high tosses and foot stamps, are used to prevent the opponent from anticipating the spin on the ball
There are two primary families of advanced serves: backhand sidespin, and forehand pendulum. Each uses a different side of the paddle, and both have variable points in the stroke that will produce one or more of the spins.
BACKHAND SIDESPIN SERVE: From the backhand side of the table, stand with the feet and shoulders 45 degrees to the left. This helps the body block some of the stroke from your opponent's view. Bend the wrist back. Bring the paddle, which is open, back and upward, while the ball is tossed from an open palm in front of the paddle. When the ball starts to drop, bring the paddle downward with your elbow in a semicircular motion sideways. At contact, snap the wrist. If you desire a sidespin serve with a little bit of backspin, graze the ball in the first third of your semicircular motion(downwards, right). For almost pure sidespin, contact the ball at the bottommost part of the swing. For topspin/sidespin serves, hit the ball at the last third, when the paddle is travelling upwards in the semicircle. This last spin may be the toughest to execute, but it can be done. Remember that topspin in these serves is not at all like the basic topspin serve, where the racket moved forward through the ball. The advanced topspin serve is more of a lob, or loop against backspin, where the paddle 'tugs' the ball upwards, causing spin. Thus it can still be executed with an open paddle. Follow through is the same regardless of the spin you chose, and this is important to complete the deceptive movement of the serve.

FOREHAND PENDULUM SERVE: The racket movement required in this serve cannot be achieved with the normal shakehands grip. The paddle is held almost entirely with the index finger and thumb. The other three fingers are curled against the handle. On one side, the index finger lies flat against the rubber, sticking towards the tip of the paddle. On the other, the thumb rests on the bottom part of the rubber(note: the thumbnail is not perpendicular this time to the blade. hold the rubber with the printed part of the thumb). Rotate the paddle back a bit more backwards in your new grip without bending the wrist-something that isn't possible with the shakehands grip. Now you can rotate the paddle in a semicircle with your wrist.

Stand in the forehand(or backhand) corner of the table, with your left shoulder and foot back so your body faces away from the table. This position helps hide the ball during contact. Place the ball in the flat of your hand close to your stomach, and with the new grip hold the paddle slightly behind the ball. Toss the ball about 1-2 feet into the air(more as you get better), and move the paddle back and up, with the hitting surface open. Use the elbow as a pivot point, and try to keep its movement to a minimum. the wrist back as far as possible. When the ball starts to drop, swing forward and down with the forearm, keeping the elbow in place. To hit a backspin/sidespin shot, graze the ball in the back-right region early in the swing, when the paddle is travelling down and left. For an almost pure sidespin shot, graze the ball at the bottom of the swing on the back of the ball. For topspin/sidespin, graze the back of the ball as you pull up on the racket. With this serve, the topspin portion can be especially tough when you consider the body is facing away from the table. For this reason it is vital to make sure that you perfect the grip for maximum wrist movement, and use the forearm and elbow only for the swing.

Advanced service notes: Be sure to shift your weight during the serves for maximum spin and speed. If speed is your goal, then there will be less spin. Speedy serves should hit your side of the table very close to your endline. That way the ball has the maximum distance available to travel in the air, and also land on the other side(preferable very close to his/her endline). Serving cross-court increases this distance. For increased spin or speed, make your toss higher. Incorporate exaggerated movements/follow-throughs to confuse your opponent. Everyone's serve is unique. If you have an unorthodox version and it shows promise, practice it. Practice a wide variety of angles, spins, and depths. After your service, remember to go into the ready position as fast as possible, and prepare for the return. If you use the special grip for the forehand pendulum, practice the transition from that grip to the shakehands(or insert your preferred grip here) grip. This goes double for speedy serves.

Barbara: Hi Hejuan. I hear you are a ping pong enthusiast.

Hejuan: Hi Barbara. Yes, I love ping pong. I am only a novice player, but I love to watch it.

Barbara: I was wondering if you could tell me who the best players are on China’s women’s team.

Hejuan: Oh yes. I think Zhang Yining and Wang Nan are our top women’s ping pong players. I can’t wait to watch them play. I am sure one of them will bring home the gold for us.

Barbara: Thanks. I hear that Ma Lin and Wang Liqin on the men’s team are really good too. Gao Jing said that the men have excellent reflexes and are really accurate at placing their shots.

Hejuan: Yes, the men are excellent too. But I think the women are fast and have outstanding hand-eye coordination. So they have an excellent shot at the gold.

Barbara: Thanks, Hejuan. I hope I will be able to watch both on television. They should be really exciting matches.

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日本动画乒乓《乒乓》是松本大洋的日本漫画作品,1996年至1997年间于小学馆周刊《Big Comic Spirits》,全55话。乒乓球题材,描写友情的青春漫画,并以神奈川县藤泽市为舞台。主人公星野裕(阿扁)和月本诚(笑爷)同属于片濑高校乒乓球部,小时候一起在田村乒乓道场练球。星野裕在乒乓上有着惊人的...

跪求一篇关于 介绍乒乓球运动 的英语作文,在线等!!!注意是英语作文!谢 ...
My favorite game is clip table tennis.Chen announced: "the games begin!" The words sound just fell, the classmates all cheer up. To me to play, and my heart pounding, very nervous. I picked up the chopsticks, try to pick up a table tennis, behold, table tennis was ...




大家好,今天,我告诉大家怎么才能打好乒乓球,我只能从宏观上给你们讲一下,自然这仅仅是一家只谈,不对之处共同探讨。 1.首先,要有一定的天赋,也就是一定的身体素质。没有这些要想打好比较困难,就好比为什么从少体校到省队,从省队到国家队,从国家队到世界冠军,又那么多的球员但是能达到很高...



Table tennis isone of the most popular sports in China. It’s my favorite,too. It’s a good wayof exercise, and it’s easy to play. You don’t need many skills. I often playtable tennis after class. Most of my classmates like it. So we always havepartners. But if ...

右江区18638319208: 一段关于在电话中邀请同学打乒乓的英文对话 -
鄹浩半夏: Tom: Can I speak to Tim? Tim: Speaking. Tom: Hi, Tim! How's everything? Tim: Fine, thanks. What's up for you? Tom: Superb! We haven't made fun together for a long time. How about playing ping-pong this afternoon at the estate club? Tim: Deal. I'll meet you at the gate around 5. Tom: See you then!

右江区18638319208: 急需一篇英语口语情景对话(主题“Sports”),征集中!!急急急急急急……………… -
鄹浩半夏: a:hello, how are you? b:I'm good. Thank you.Youself? a:Not bad. b:where are you going? a:I'm going to play baskateball. b:Great. I play baskatball sometimes. a:ok. you can play with us if u want. b: All right, I like to go with you. But I need to go ...

右江区18638319208: 求一篇英文的关于乒乓球的演讲稿!!!!!谢谢!! -
鄹浩半夏: My name is ________. I am graduate from ________ senior high school and major in ________. There are ________ people in my family. My father works in a computer company. And my mother is a housewife. I am the youngest one in my family. ...

右江区18638319208: 求一篇英语作文题目为:我最喜欢的运动是乒乓球 不要太深奥只要八年级的程度 急用 -
鄹浩半夏: Table tennis isone of the most popular sports in China. It's my favorite, too. It's a good wayof exercise, and it's easy...

右江区18638319208: 急求一篇英语口语情景对话,必须是(两人的,四分钟).时间越长越好 -
鄹浩半夏:[答案] 给你三篇,你自己选一篇吧一A: Are you crazy about sports? B: Certainly, I am a super sports fan. A: Which is your favourite sport then? B: Almost all the ball games such as basketball, soccer, volleyball, badminton, table tennis,etc. How about you? A: I'm...

右江区18638319208: 求一篇关于sports star英语口语对话 -
鄹浩半夏: I---good morning!Mike!mike----good morning!I---where are you from ?mike---I from Canada.I---oh!that's very great!mike---wellI---which sport do you like best?mike----e,I think the basketball will be the best.I----well,while my favourite sport is swimming....

右江区18638319208: 急求一篇英文2人对话,关于讨论课余活动喜欢做什么? -
鄹浩半夏:[答案] Lucy:we have an extracurricular activity this afternoon.Jim:Activity?Playing badminton again?Lucy:No.Table tennis for today.Jim:Great.I love table tennis.

右江区18638319208: 急求一篇英语作文或者对话题目如下:About Breaking NewsDirections:Imagine that you are good friends having dinner together and catching up on news.You ... -
鄹浩半夏:[答案] In one of our class-meetings,we had a heated discussion about whether the students in senior grade 3 should have some nutrition.60 percent of the class think that,if we keep on exercises,we needn't any nutrition.Also,most of the nutrition is very ...

右江区18638319208: 急求一篇关于transportation的五人英语情景对话,能长达3 - 5分钟的!! 注意是五个人 3 - 5分钟!! -
鄹浩半夏: i am transportation ,bacuse my name is transportation, so i am transportation.

右江区18638319208: 急求一篇关于“Aging”的四人英语对话,每个人大概1分钟 -
鄹浩半夏:[答案] A:Hi,guys.What do you think about the problem of aging in our country? B:I think the urban population is rising,aging is intensifying,and accompanied by a serious of development ,aging problem has become a big problem to the population of china! C:I ...

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