
作者&投稿:大枯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Chess set 国际象棋棋具
Colour 棋色
White 白方
Black 黑方
Piece 棋子

King 王
Queen 后
Rook 车
Bishop 象
Knight 马
Pawn 兵
Bishop of opposite colours异色格象
Bishop of the same colours同色格象
Bishop ending象残局
Board 棋盘
Square 方格
Rank 横线
File 直线
Diagonal 斜线
Centre 中心
Wing 侧翼
Check 将军
Checkmate 将杀
Mate 将杀
Stalemate 无子可动
Discovered check 闪将
Double check 双将
Perpetual check 长将
To give check 打将
Checkmate 将杀
To give checkmate 杀王
Exchange 交换、兑子
Move 走子
Capture 吃子
Castling 王车易位

Game 对局
Opening 开局
Middlegame 中局
Ending 残局

Result 战绩
Win 赢棋
Loss 负
Draw 和
Resign 认输

Crosstable 成绩表 一般指循环制的成绩表

Point 分
Half a point 半分
Zero 零

Analysis 拆棋
Position 局面

Novelty 新招
Threat 威胁
Attack 进攻
Defence 防御

Variant 变着
Combination 战术组合
Sacrifice 弃子
Mistake 错着

Clock 棋钟
Flag 钟旗
Time 时间

Time trouble 时间恐慌
Score sheet 记录纸
Envelope 封棋信封

Master 大师
Participant 参赛者

Tournament 联赛
Match 对抗赛
Olympaid 奥林匹克赛
Team 队

Captain 队长
Country 国家
Winner 优胜者
Champion 冠军

Drawing of lots 抽签
Number 序号
Round 轮次
To accept a draw 接受和棋

Adjourned game 封局
Adjourned position 封棋局面

Advantage n. 优势
Decisive advantage 决定性优势
Material advantage 子力优势
Obvious advantage 明显优势
Positional advantage 局面优势

Development advantage 出子优势
Space advantage 空间优势
To get advantage 取得优势
To have advantage 拥有优势

Chief arbiter 主裁判
International arbiter 国际裁判
National arbiter 国家裁判

To have the bye 轮空

Game of chess 国际象棋对局
Laws of chess 国际象棋规则

Castle v. 王车易位
Long castling 长易位
Short castling 短易位

Centre opening 中心开局
Central gambit 中心弃兵开局
Bishops’ opening 飞象开局
Latvian gambit 拉脱维亚弃兵开局

Kings’ gambit 王翼弃兵局
Vienna game 维也纳开局
Phlidor’s defence 菲立道尔防御
Four knights’ game 四马开局
Italian game 意大利开局
Evans gambit 伊文思弃兵局
Two knights’ defence 双马防御
Scotch game 苏格兰开局
Russian defence 俄罗斯防御
Spanish game 西班牙布局

Caro-kann defence 卡罗-康 防御
Alekhine’s defence 阿列亨防御
French defence 法兰西防御
Sicilian defence 西西里防御
Queen’s gambit 后翼弃兵局
Queen’s gambit acepted
Slav defence 斯拉夫防御
Queen’s indian defence新印度防御
Catalan system 卡塔龙开局
Kings indian defence 古印度防御
English opening 英国式开局

一盘棋:a game of chess;
三、中国象棋(英文名:Chinese chess)棋子:
2、仕 (士)(英文:guard):将(帅)的 贴身保镖,它也只能在九宫内走动。它的行棋路径只有九宫内的四条斜线。
6、马(英文:Knight) :马走动的方法是一直一斜,即先横着或直着走一格,然后再斜着走一个对角线。马一次可走的选择点可以达到四周的八个点,如果在要去的方向有别的棋子挡住,马就无法走过去。


Blockade is a tactical method. With this special type of decoy the player forces his/her opponent to block the way of another, more important piece (often the king) of their own, which then becomes an object of attack.

1...Kg8-h8 2.Ne5-f7+ Kh8-g8 3.Nf7-h6++ Kg8-h8 4.Qd5-g8+! Re8xg8 5.Nh6-f7#

Breaking the shelter of the king can be realized by sacrifices. Starting point for combinations like this are weaknesses caused by the pushing of the pawns on the wing the opponent has castled to. Another reason could be a disadvantage in the development of the opponent's pieces and a lack of space.

1.Rh4xh7+ Kh8xh7 2.Qf7-h5#

Catching of a piece is a tactical method which aims at limiting the moving possibilities of a piece of the opponent. This piece will be finally lost.


Chasing: attacking a piece of the opponent continuously which cannot escape from these attacks and has to move to a bad place. This method leads to a draw in the end. Most frequently the result of persecution is a perpetual check (the king is object of persecution).

1.Qg6-f5 Bh5-g4 2.Qf5-g6 Bg4-h5 =

Check is the direct attack of the opponent's king by one of the player's pieces.

Chess combination: a sacrifice and forced sequence of moves to gain a certain advantage.

Decoy is a tactical method which is used to force a piece of the opponent to move to an unfavourable square. Once occupying this square, this piece will soon be lost or it disturbs the coordination of other pieces so that one of those will be conquered by the player.

1.Rg4-g8+ Kf8xg8 2.Qf6-g7#

Deflection: is a tactical method used to distract a piece of the opponent from the defence of an important square, file or the protection of another piece.

1.Rh4-h8+ Kg8xh8 2.Qd5xf7

Discovered attack: by moving away a certain piece the player opens the way for another piece which immediately gets attacking possibilities.

1.Bd5xf7+ Kg8xf7 2.Rd4xd8

Double attack: simultaneous attack of two pieces of the opponent by a pawn or any other piece.

Elimination of a defending piece is a tactical method which liquidates defending pieces of the opponent. The piece in question can be cleared away by means of exchange or sacrifice.

1.Rf4xf8+ Kg8xf8 2.Qg4xd7

Interception: the aim of this tactical method consists in disturbing the coordination of the pieces of the opponent standing in the same file or to prevent that the opponent's pieces reach important squares.

1.Nd5-e7 Bd6-e7 2.Qg6xg7#

Intermediate move is a move of the player which was not considered by the opponent in calculating his/her variation or combination. Intermediate move can disturb our calculations, change plans or cause the failure of combinations.

1.e5-e6 Qc7xf4 2.e6xd7+ Ke8xd7 Ng6xf4

Mate: a piece of the player checks the opponent's king against which no defence is possible. To mate the opponent is the aim of every chess game.

Open file: an open file is a vertical line in which no pawn is left (neither own nor opponent's).

Opening of a file: sometimes an own piece blocks a certain file or diagonal and thereby disturbs the efficiency of another piece in this file (diagonal). The aim of this tactical method consists in moving away this piece to open the file (diagonal) for the other piece. As a result the player may win an important square, shift a piece to a more active position or prepare a threat.

Overloading: a piece is overloaded when it has to protect two or more other pieces, squares or threats at the same time. In situations like this opportunities often arise to benefit from the overloading by distracting the piece from one or several of its protecting tasks.

1.Nd6-f5 Qe7xc5 2.Rd4xd8#

Passed pawn:is a free running pawn. The opponent has no pawn on the same or the adjoining files. A passed pawn is usually a big advantage because of its capacity - in certain cases - to limit the moving possibilities of the opponent's pieces and to be the topic of a combination.

1...Qe4xe1+ 2.Qd1xe1 d3-d2 3.Qe1-e2(d1) Rc5-c1+

Pawn breakthrough: one or several pawns are sacrificed in order to create a passed pawn which cannot be stopped from conversion.

(Die Könige seien so weit entfernt, daß sie nicht in den kampf eingreifen können)
1.g5-g6! f7xg6 (oder 1...h7xg6 2.f5-f6! g7xf6 3.h5-h6) 2.h5-h6! g7xh6 3.f5-f6

Perpetual check: the king of the opponent is exposed to a sequence of checks from which he cannot hide. Usually this method is used by a player with worse position in order not to loose the game. Perpetual check is the most frequent type of the chasing.

1.Kg1-h2 Qe1-h4+ 2.Kh2-g1 Qh4-e1+

Pinning: a piece or pawn is pinned when it cannot move away because a more valuable piece then would be lost, a key square would be attacked (unechte? pin) or the king would be standing in the check (echte? pin).

Play for stalemate: a player, usually with worse position, plays for a stalemate by sacrificing his/her last pieces in order to reach a stalemate position.

1...Rf5-g5! 2.Rg4xg5 stalemate

Sacrifice: material is voluntarily given up to the opponent in order to obtain other kinds of advantages, e.g. attack, open king etc.

Space clearance: similar to the opening of a file this method is used when an own piece occupies a square urgently needed by another piece. The piece disturbing should be moved away, preferably without losing time. This means that the piece checks the opponent, attacks a piece of the opponent or is even sacrificed. In this way the opponent hasn't got the time to take any steps of defence.

1.Rg7-h7+ Kh8xh7 3.Qg5-g7#

Stalemate: the player to move has no legal moves with his/her pieces and pawns and his/her king is not checked.

Weakness of the back rank: very often the insufficient protection of the first (last) rank by heavy pieces or the missing of a square of escape give an opportunity for combinations, resulting in material disadvantage or mate.

1...Re4xe2 2.Re1xe2 Rd5-d1#

X-ray: bishop, rook or queen are attacking pieces, pawns or squares of the opponent on the long file or diagonal while they (file, diagonal) are still closed by own or opponent's pieces.

1.Qf4-f8+ Re8xf8 2.Rd8xf8#

击双double attack
闪击discovered attack
长将和draw by threefold repetition

闪击open attack
开线opening of a file
腾挪space clearance
穿透x-ray attack

The basic tactics of chess

The basic strategies and tactics of International Chess.

二三、棋弈思考的基本动作是:1.思考对方刚走的这一步棋用意何在 2.思考对方下一步棋的最可能方向 3.思考己方的因应之道,予以破坏或将计就计 4.随时要有全局在胸 二四、后手布局应分析对方前一手棋(伺机反扑)1.如为好,好在哪里?如何阻攻?可否守中带攻?2.如为软手,软在哪里?如何见缝...

象棋有法度森严的精神,中国象棋对棋子的限制尤为突出,区区十 六个子有五个不能过河,"士、象"有法定的路线,"马"有拐脚之制约, 纵是千里马一旦受制也难以纵横驰骋,表现着压抑个性的封建体制。国 际象棋没有对棋子的过多约束,反射着西方豪迈不羁、自由奔放的个人 发展。 象棋尚刚,要求积极拼杀作战,棋子运动能力...

创造新战术,是棋手们的重要课题,值得每一个象棋爱好者注意.新战术问题,有的是综集体的意见,经过整理,或在原有的基础上走出新着而成.每一个新战术的成功,都必然经过曲折和复杂的挑战,是对棋手的一种考验.所以,坚持革命创新,不只是加强技术的研究,更重要的是发扬艰苦奋斗,奋发图强的精神. 中局对攻而又双方混战,...


中国象棋具有悠久的历史。战国时期,已经有了关于象棋的正式记载 ,如:《楚辞·招魂》中有"蓖蔽象棋,有六簿些;分曹并进,遒相迫些;成枭而牟,呼五白些。"。《说苑》载:雍门子周以琴见孟尝君,说:"足下千乘之君也,……燕则斗象棋而舞郑女。"由此可见,远在战国时代,象棋已在贵族阶层中...

二、学习象棋的基本杀法和较简明浅显的残局例胜例和基本定式,了解杀王和残局的推理分析方法和技巧。 三、了解布局种类,有步骤有选择地学习常见布局基本变化,了解布局基本理论、基本战术以及实用的杀法。 四、由中局杀法入手,学习中局的战略战术,进而了解中局的战术原则等基本理论。 五、观摩或打谱学习名手对局,并...





衢江区15663515282: 国际象棋英文术语 -
朱矩洛莫: 国际象棋chess,棋盘board,白格white cells,黑格black cells,直线straight line,边线border、横线horizon、底线side line、、次底线second side line、斜线diagonl、大斜线great diagonal、王翼king side、后翼queen side、中心centre、扩大...

衢江区15663515282: 国际象棋术语 -
朱矩洛莫: 吃过路兵:en passant(这是法文,意思是in passing,所以en=in, ant=ing, 法语中:象=fou 王=roi(发音为“hua"),后=D,马=C,车=T,将军是echec.) en prise这也是法语,就是说这个子要被吃了,一般是指白吃.你有时会看到:“...

衢江区15663515282: 国际象棋的常规战术 -
朱矩洛莫: 国际象棋基本战术有: 消除保护子:就是用强迫手段把对方某一棋子或据点的保护子消除掉的战术. 引离:就是有意识地把对方某个棋子从某一格引开的战术. 引入:就是有意识地把对方某个棋子引到某一格上去的战术. 闪击:就是当一方两...

衢江区15663515282: 国际象棋英文术语    请告诉我下列术语的英文怎么说:国际象棋、棋盘、白格、黑格、直线、边线、横线、底线、、次底线、斜线、大斜线、王翼、... -
朱矩洛莫:[答案] 国际象棋chess,棋盘board,白格white cells,黑格black cells,直线straight line,边线border、横线horizon、底线side line、、次底线second side line、斜线diagonl、大斜线great diagonal、王翼king side、后翼queen ...

衢江区15663515282: 各种棋类的英文是什么? -
朱矩洛莫: 象棋:Chinese chess 军旗:Kriegspiel ['kri:gspi:l] 简明英汉词典 [德](用作盘上战术指挥训练的)军棋游戏 围棋:Go 国际象棋:Chess 跳棋:Chinese checkers 飞行棋:Flight game 五子棋:Gobang或Renju 将棋:Japanese chess 国际跳棋:draughts 至于其他的棋,由于人气不是很高,暂时还没出现其英文翻译词.

衢江区15663515282: 在国际象棋里N、R、Q、C、B各是什么意思 -
朱矩洛莫: 在国际象棋里,N代表”knight“,即棋子中的马;R代表”Rock“,为棋子中的车;Q代表”Queen“,即棋子中的后;C表示从白方左边到右边的第三条竖线;B代表”Bishiop“,即棋子中的象. 国际象棋中,还有王和兵两种棋子.王,即”...

衢江区15663515282: 象棋英文怎么读? -
朱矩洛莫: Chinese Chess / Chess rook/castle 车 knight/horse 马 bishop 象 queen 女王(外国象棋里才有) king 将/王 pawn 兵/卒

衢江区15663515282: 有关棋类的英文单词 -
朱矩洛莫: 象棋:chinese chess 国际象棋:chess 跳棋:jump chess 军棋:army chess 围棋:I-go 可以了吗?

衢江区15663515282: 中国象棋和国际象棋的英文怎么说? -
朱矩洛莫: Chinese Chess / Chess rook/castle 车 knight/horse 马 bishop 象 queen 女王(外国象棋里才有) king 将/王 pawn 兵/卒

衢江区15663515282: 国际象棋术语“应将”用英语怎么说?不要直接翻译,要英文术语,谢谢 -
朱矩洛莫: 1楼辛苦了……据我所知确实没有专门的术语,一般来说就是“response to a check”.P.S.一楼的同志,不是我故意要说你,不过这些……很多都不是什么术语……像colour……

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