
作者&投稿:针广 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


An arrogant Prince lives alone in the grand castle. He refuses an ugly old woman to stay. He is cursed and becomes a beast. Even the prince's servants become all kinds of furniture. To remove the curse, the prince who becomes a beast must learn to treat others sincerely.
Beautiful and kind girl BEI'ER is forced to live with wild animals in the castle to save her father. After a few rounds, they had an unimaginable feeling.
However, Gaston, the villain, suddenly attacks the beast in the castle, which seriously injures him. Bei Er doesn't wait for the chance to escape, and overthrows Gaston with the beast.


"Once upon a time..." A half-ruined merchant lives in the country with his son Ludovic and his three daughters. Two of the daughters, Felicie and Adelaide, are real shrews, selfish, pretentious, evil. They exploit the third daughter, Belle, as a servant. One day, the merchant get lost in the forest and enters a strange castle. He picks up a rose for Beauty, what makes the castle's owner appear. He is a monster, half-human (body) and half-beast (paws, head), and he has magic powers. He sentenced the merchant to death, unless one of his daughters replaces him. Beauty sacrifices herself for her father and go to the castle. She will discover that the Beast is not so wild and inhuman than it looks.

本片讲述的是某一村庄的商人,有三个女儿与一个儿子,但他们不是素行不良就是心地恶毒,只有小女儿贝儿最为纯洁,却经常遭到他们的欺负。一次商人在回家的路上迷了路,睡在森林的一个废弃的房子。第二天起来看到园子里有许多玫瑰,于是采了一朵想献给小女儿。这时出现一个怪兽,它要他把命献给它,或者是把他的一个女儿的命献给它。商人回去后将这件事告诉了三个女儿,但只有小女儿一人愿去。来到森林后,她发现怪兽并没有伤害她,而是把她像女皇一样侍候着。贝儿的父亲病了,她得到怪兽的答应去看他,她的哥姐们看见她的穿着如此豪华,于是就去森林找怪兽,想偷它的钻石与值钱的东西。贝儿从魔镜里看到怪兽身患重病,于是骑着魔马,奔向森林,正好看见她的哥姐们侵入屋内想夺取宝石,夺宝石的哥哥被从女神像后射出的箭刺死,变成了怪兽;而怪兽因为被解除了魔法变成了一位俊美的王子。从此他与贝儿过上了幸福的生活。本片是诗人约翰.寇克多将多估蒙的童话故事改编成电影,运用慢动作的拍摄技巧,精心制作而成,结合幻想和古典美,令观众陶 然忘我。

Once upon a time as a merchant set off for the market, he asked each of his three daughters what she would like as a present on his return. The third, whose name was Beauty 一 the youngest, prettiest and sweetest of them all 一 said to her father: "All I'd like is a rose!"

When the merchant had finished his business, he set off for home. However, in the middle of a wood, he saw a castle. In the garden of the castle, a large rose bush caught his eye.

Remembering his promise to Beauty, he bent down to pick a rose. Instantly, out of the rose garden, sprang a horrible beast, wearing splendid clothes. Two bloodshot eyes glared at him and a terrifying voice growled, "I shall put you to death for the theft of my favorite flowers!"

Trembling with fear, the merchant fell on his knees before the Beast. "Forgive me! The rose wasn't for me, it was for my daughter Beauty!"

"I shall spare your life, but on one condition, that you bring me your daughter!" The terror-stricken merchant promised that he would do so. When he reached home in tears, he told his daughters of his dreadful adventure. Beauty put his mind at rest immediately.

"Dear father, take me to the castle. I'll stay there in your place!" The merchant hugged his daughter.

In the beginning, Beauty was frightened of the Beast. Then she found that, in spite of the monster's awful head, her horror of it gradually faded as time went by.

But Beauty began to feel worried about her family. "Oh, how I wish I could see my father again, before it's too late!"

"If you swear that you will return here in seven days time, I'll let you go and visit your father!"

"I swear! I swear I will!" In reality, the merchant had fallen ill. When he embraced her again, he was soon on the road to recovery. Beauty stayed beside him for hours on end. The days flashed by. Then one night she woke from a terrible nightmare. She had dreamt that the Beast was dying and calling for her, twisting in agony.

The solemn promise she had made drove her to leave home immediately. She rushed towards the castle, calling, but there was no reply. Beauty ran into the garden and there crouched the Beast, its eyes shut, as though dead. Beauty threw herself at it and hugged it tightly. "

Don't die! Don't die! I'll marry you...." At these words, a miracle took place.

The Beast's ugly snout turned magically into the face of a handsome, young man.

An evil witch turned him into a monster and only the love of a maiden willing to accept him as he was, could transform him back into his real self.

1、《灰姑娘》读后感 格林的童话《灰姑娘》,被改编成电影,被改编成戏剧,以多种艺术形式继续感动着人们,而且被感动的对象已经不仅仅是孩子们。安徒生的《卖火柴的女孩》与之相比,就单薄了,不光是情节单薄,就其给予人们内涵的感受也是单薄的。灰姑娘的故事,更与潜藏在每一个人内心深处的美好愿望共鸣...

从此他与贝儿过上了幸福的生活。土豆连接: http:\/\/www.tudou.com\/programs\/view\/QObqVLcrLWM\/ 英语字幕的,网上不好找中文字幕的。可以用电驴.狗狗等搜索“La belle et la bete”.“美女与野兽1946”或“Beauty and the Beast”下载有中文字幕的。不知道是不是你想要的。

BEAUTY AND THE BEAST is a contemporary retelling of the classic French fairy tale. Once upon a time, there was a handsome but heartless prince, whose selfishness caused an enchantress to turn... BEAUTY AND THE BEAST is a contemporary retelling of the classic French fairy tale. ...

《只有僵尸暗恋我》好像也是王晶的电影,不知道看过没有!还有《金刚》这个比较老了一点!《加勒比海盗》1.2.3.下载个播放器上面都有推荐啊!还有分类,干吗还在这问??? 无语了,,,非要看电视么,做点有意义的事吧!

求<beauty and the beast>一书, 简短的英文简介 .谢

《美女与野兽》的故事来自格林童话。故事中的王子被巫婆施了魔法而变成野兽的模样,只有他在玫瑰花凋谢之前,学会爱别人和被别人爱,才能打破巫婆的咒语。格林童话 作者简介:格林兄弟,雅科布·格林(1785~1863)威廉·格林(1786~1859)他们都是德国民间文学搜集整编者。

有没有类似美女与野兽类似的动画小说 bl的也行



美女与野兽 1、音乐剧——美女与野兽 《美女与野兽》的故事来自格林童话。故事中的王子被巫婆施了魔法而变成野兽的模样,只有他在玫瑰花凋谢之前,学会爱别人和被别人爱,才能打破巫婆的咒语。 这个音乐剧的前身是由迪斯尼的极受好评的动画电影《美女与野兽》。电影里的几首歌曲是由 Alan Menken 和 Howard Ashman 写...

雁山区15828906081: "美女与野兽"翻译成英文 -
臾云氟罗: 第2种:The beauty and wild animal

雁山区15828906081: “美女与野兽”的英文怎么写? -
臾云氟罗: 美女与野兽 名 Beauty and the Beast 例句百科网络释义 例句1. 迪斯尼出品的电影《美女与野兽》赢得了众多好评. Disney's 'Beauty And The Beast' has won rave reviews. 柯林斯例句库 2. 我看过《美女与野兽》-,哪一个? I watched Beauty and Beast.-Which one?

雁山区15828906081: beauty and the beast有关的英语问题 -
臾云氟罗: 你错了,电影名字是beauty and beast 补充:如果是这样的话,那么电影强调的是野兽,强调美女所碰到的这个野兽,因为美女确实存在很多,但是很少见的是竟然会碰到个野兽,所以加the,这种问题真得很没意思,你说加了个the和不加难道就有本质的区别么,钻这种牛角尖不如去多背几个单词!

雁山区15828906081: 美女与野兽电影中的英语单词和句子中英文版 -
臾云氟罗: Once upon a time,in a far away land,a young prince lived in a shining castle.Although he had everything,he was unkind.One winter's night,an old woman came to the castle and offered him a single rose.She warned him not to be deceived by ...

雁山区15828906081: 谁知道《美女与野兽》的中英文简介或剧情介绍?
臾云氟罗: ◎译 名 美女与野兽◎片 名 Beauty and the Beast◎年 代 2017◎产 地 美国◎类 别 爱情/奇幻/歌舞◎语 言 英语◎字 幕 中英双字◎上映日期 2017-03-17(中国大陆/美国)◎豆瓣评分 7.4/10 from 112864 users◎IMDb评分 7.7/10 from 99359 users...

雁山区15828906081: 美女与野兽 英文大概内容 -
臾云氟罗: Once upon a time..." A half-ruined merchant lives in the country with his son Ludovic and his three daughters. Two of the daughters, Felicie and Adelaide, are real shrews, selfish, pretentious, evil. They exploit the third daughter, Belle, as a servant. ...

雁山区15828906081: 美女与野兽 英译中译 -
臾云氟罗: Beauty and the Beast ("La Belle et la Bête") is a traditional fairy tale (type 425C -- search for a lost husband -- in the Aarne-Thompson classification). The first published version of the fairy tale was a meandering rendition by Madame Gabrielle-...

雁山区15828906081: 动画片美女与野兽的英文简短简介 -
臾云氟罗: BEAUTY AND THE BEAST is a contemporary retelling of the classic French fairy tale. Once upon a time, there was a handsome but heartless prince, whose selfishness caused an enchantress to turn... BEAUTY AND THE BEAST is a contemporary...

雁山区15828906081: 电影英文名称 -
臾云氟罗: 小马王Spirit Stallion of the Cimarron 师生情Loving Annabell 美女与野兽Yasuwa minyeo 魔法保姆Nanny McPhee 僵尸新娘Corpse Bride 麦克菲应该是 《魔法保姆麦克菲》吧

雁山区15828906081: 美女的英语单词怎么说 -
臾云氟罗: 美女 [词典] beauty; belle; beautiful woman; femme fatale; peri; [例句]迪斯 尼 出 品的电影《美女与 野 兽》赢得了众多好评. Disney's 'Beauty And The Beast' has won rave reviews

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