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那个校长经常在学校里 是焦煤集团的翻译
煤博会上他就是翻译 我觉得没人比他更了解了

COAL -- A Fossil Fuel

How Coal Was Formed
How We Get Coal
How Coal is Transported
Types of Coal
Where We Get Coal
How Coal is Used
Coal and the Environment

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Coal is a combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rock composed mostly of carbon and hydrocarbons. It is the most abundant fossil fuel produced in the United States.

Coal is a nonrenewable energy source because it takes millions of years to create. The energy in coal comes from the energy stored by plants that lived hundreds of millions of years ago, when the earth was partly covered with swampy forests. For millions of years, a layer of dead plants at the bottom of the swamps was covered by layers of water and dirt, trapping the energy of the dead plants. The heat and pressure from the top layers helped the plant remains turn into what we today call coal.

Mining the Coal
Coal miners use giant machines to remove coal from the ground. They use two methods: surface or underground mining. Many U.S. coal beds are very near the ground's surface, and about two-thirds of coal production comes from surface mines. Modern mining methods allow us to easily reach most of our coal reserves. Due to growth in surface mining and improved mining technology, the amount of coal produced by one miner in one hour has more than tripled since 1978.

Surface mining is used to produce most of the coal in the U.S. because it is less expensive than underground mining. Surface mining can be used when the coal is buried less than 200 feet underground. In surface mining, giant machines remove the top-soil and layers of rock to expose large beds of coal. Once the mining is finished, the dirt and rock are returned to the pit, the topsoil is replaced, and the area is replanted. The land can then be used for croplands, wildlife habitats, recreation, or offices or stores.

Underground mining, sometimes called deep mining, is used when the coal is buried several hundred feet below the surface. Some underground mines are 1,000 feet deep. To remove coal in these underground mines, miners ride elevators down deep mine shafts where they run machines that dig out the coal. Read about a visit to a real underground coal mine.

Processing the Coal
After coal comes out of the ground, it typically goes on a conveyor belt to a preparation plant that is located at the mining site. The plant cleans and processes coal to remove dirt, rock, ash, sulfur, and other unwanted materials, increasing the heating value of the coal.

After coal is mined and processed, it is ready to be shipped to market. The cost of shipping coal can cost more than the cost of mining it.

Most coal is transported by train, but coal can also be transported by barge, ship, truck, and even pipeline. Almost 60 percent of coal in the U.S. is transported, for at least part of its trip to market, by train. It is cheaper to transport coal on river barges, but barges cannot take coal everywhere that it needs to go. If the coal will be used near the coal mine, it can be moved by trucks and conveyors. Coal can also be crushed, mixed with water, and sent through a "slurry" pipeline. Sometimes, coal-fired electric power plants are built near coal mines to lower transportation costs.

Coal is classified into four main types, or ranks (lignite, subbituminous, bituminous, anthracite), depending on the amounts and types of carbon it contains and on the amount of heat energy it can produce. The rank of a deposit of coal depends on the pressure and heat acting on the plant debris as it sank deeper and deeper over millions of years. For the most part, the higher ranks of coal contain more heat-producing energy.

Lignite is the lowest rank of coal with the lowest energy content. Lignites tend to be relatively young coal deposits that were not subjected to extreme heat or pressure. Lignite is crumbly and has high moisture content. About eight percent of the coal produced in the United States is lignite, and most of it comes from Texas and North Dakota. Lignite is mainly burned at power plants to generate electricity.

Subbituminous coal has a higher heating value than lignite. Subbituminous coal typically contains 35-45 percent carbon, compared to 25-35 percent for lignite. Most subbituminous coal in the U.S. is at least 100 million years old. Over 40 percent of the coal produced in the United States is subbituminous.

Bituminous coal contains 45-86 percent carbon, and has two to three times the heating value of lignite. Bituminous coal was formed under high heat and pressure. Bituminous coal in the United States is between 100 to 300 million years old. It is the most abundant rank of coal found in the United States, accounting for about half of U.S. coal production. Bituminous coal is used to generate electricity and is an important fuel and raw material for the steel and iron industries.

Anthracite contains 86-97 percent carbon and its heating value is slightly lower than bituminous coal. Anthracite is very rare in the United States. The only anthracite mines in the United States are located in northeastern Pennsylvania.

Coal reseves are beds of coal still in the ground waiting to be mined. The United States has the world's largest known coal reserves, about 275 billion short tons. This is enough coal to last over two hundred years at today's level of use.

Coal production is the amount of coal that is mined and sent to market. The United States produces over a billion short tons of coal each year, over 1/5 of the world's coal. Coal is mined in 27 states. Wyoming mines the most coal, followed by West Virginia, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and Texas. Coal is mainly found in three large regions, the Appalachian Coal Region, the Interior Coal Region, and Western Coal Region (includes the Powder River Basin).

Coal Production in Three Regions

Appalachian Coal Region:

Annually produces about 35% of total U.S. coal production.
Large underground mines and small surface mines.
Coal mined in the Appalachian coal region is primarily used for steam generation for electricity, metal production, and for export.
Interior Coal Region:

Annually produces approximately 13% of total U.S. coal production.
Mid-sized surface mines.
Mid- to large-sized companies.
Western Coal Region:

Annually produces about 52% of total U.S. coal production.
The State of Wyoming (number one coal state) accounts for over 30% of total U.S. coal production.
Large surface mines.
Largest coal mines in the world.

Over 90 percent of the coal used in the United States is used to generate electricity. It's also used as a basic energy source in many industries, including, steel, cement and paper. The four major uses of coal are:

Coal is used to generate more than half of all electricity produced in the United States. Besides electric utility companies, industries and businesses with their own power plants use coal to generate electricity. Power plants burn coal to make steam. The steam turns turbines which generate electricity.

A variety of industries use coal's heat and by-products. Separated ingredients of coal (such as methanol and ethylene) are used in making plastics, tar, synthetic fibers, fertilizers, and medicines. The concrete and paper industries also burn large amounts of coal. Industrial consumers use over 7 percent of the coal mined in the United States.

Coal is baked in hot furnaces to make coke, which is used to smelt iron ore into iron needed for making steel. It is the very high temperatures created from the use of coke that gives steel the strength and flexibility for products such as bridges, buildings, and automobiles.

In 2004, 48 million short tons, about 4 percent of the coal produced in the United States, was exported to other countries. Coal is exported to many different countries, but most trade is with Canada, Europe, and Brazil. More than half of coal exports are used for making steel. Read about a visit to a coal export facility. Coal exports have been generally shrinking in the past 10 years, while the amount of coal imported from other countries has been growing. In 2004, 27 million short tons of coal were imported from other countries. Most of these imports were shipped to electric power producers along the U.S. coastlines.

Environmental laws and modern technologies have greatly reduced coal's impact on the environment. Without proper care, mining can destroy land and pollute water. Today, restoring the land damaged by surface mining is an important part of the mining process. Because mining activities often come into contact with water resources, coal producers must also go to great efforts to prevent damage to ground and surface waters.

When coal is burned as fuel, it gives off carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas that is linked with global warming. Burning coal also produces emissions, such as sulfur, nitrogen oxide (NOx), and mercury, that can pollute the air and water. Sulfur mixes with oxygen to form sulfur dioxide (SO2), a chemical that can affect trees and water when it combines with moisture to produce acid rain. Emissions of nitrogen oxide help create smog, and also contribute to acid rain. Mercury that is released into the air eventually settles in water. The mercury in the water can build up in fish and shellfish, and can be harmful to animals and people who eat them. The Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act require industries to reduce pollutants released into the air and the water.

The coal industry has found several ways to reduce sulfur, nitrogen oxides, and other impurities from coal. They have found more effective ways of cleaning coal before it leaves the mine, and coal companies look for low-sulfur coal to mine. Power plants use "scrubbers" to clean sulfur from the smoke before it leaves their smokestacks. In addition, industry and government have cooperated to develop "clean coal technologies" that either remove sulfur and nitrogen oxides from coal, or convert coal to a gas or liquid fuel. The scrubbers and NOx removal equipment are also able to reduce mercury emissions from some types of coal. Scientists are working on new ways to reduce mercury emissions from coal-burning power plants, since the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set tighter mercury limits for the future.



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都是胶质层最大厚度Y 值大于25mm 的肥煤或气肥煤类,个位数为1 的烟煤类,都是一些没有粘结性的煤,如贫煤、不粘煤和长烟煤。个位数字为2~5 的烟煤,他们的粘结性随着数码的增大而增强。肉眼辨别各煤种:无烟煤:无烟煤固定碳含量高,挥发分产率低,密度大,硬度大,燃点高,燃烧时不冒烟。黑色...

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南非和独联体国家。世界煤炭可采储量的60%集中在美国(25%)、俄罗斯(23%)和中国(12%),此外,澳大利亚、印度、德国和南非4 个国家共占29%。2001 年,上述7 国的煤炭产量占世界总产量的80%。澳大利亚、美国和加拿大可供炼焦的优质烟煤储量丰富,2002年3国的炼焦煤总产量占世界贸易总量的81%。

孟村回族自治县18016034476: 能提供有关煤矿方面的英文资料,并把它翻译成英语吗? -
路选盐酸: 煤矿是指富含煤炭资源的地方,通常也指采用地下采掘或露天采掘方式生产煤炭的工厂.目录 1 煤矿类型 2 煤矿科技 3 煤矿事故 3.1 中国近期煤矿事故列表 3.2 美国 3.3 俄罗斯 4 煤矿分布 http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%85%A4%E7%9F%BF ...

孟村回族自治县18016034476: 关于煤炭的英文翻译 -
路选盐酸: 灰份:ash 水份:Moisture 挥发份: fugitive constituent 固定碳: fixed carbon 硫: sulfur (S) 磷: phosphorus (P) 铝: aluminum (Al) 镁: magnesium (Mg)

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路选盐酸: 灰熔融温度还原大气压 氧化大气压. 变形 2.300℃ 1.260℃ 半球状 2.345℃ 1.285℃ 流体 2.390℃ 1.310℃不是专业人士,只能推断.是不是针对煤灰成分的不同,煤灰熔融过程中变形、半球状、形成流体等一系列变化时所对应的温度,

孟村回族自治县18016034476: 关于煤炭的英文翻译
路选盐酸: 原料:raw material 碳粉:carbon powder 烧料:frit/grog 煅烧石油焦:calcium petroleum coke 天然石墨粉:natural graphite powder

孟村回族自治县18016034476: 关于煤炭标准的几个名词对应的英文 -
路选盐酸: 1.灰分:ash in coalArticle 24 The State promotes the method of dressing coal by washing for the purpose of reducing the sulfur and ash in coal, and restricts the mining of high-sulfur or high-ash coal.第二十四条 国家推行煤炭洗选加工,降低煤的...

孟村回族自治县18016034476: 朋友们,谁有关于煤制甲醇的外文文献,帮下忙谢谢了!
路选盐酸: 查外文文献当然最好进入专业的数据库网站,比如blackwell或者sciencedirect等,这些数据库一般好点的大学或图书馆都会有,如果没有这种数据库,那可以上google

孟村回族自治县18016034476: 急求,论文山西煤矿可持续发展的英文参考文献
路选盐酸: http://all.zcom.com/mag2/gongyejishu/kuangyegongcheng/22217/

孟村回族自治县18016034476: 急需有关生物质能方面的英文文献
路选盐酸: 生物质能的概念 生物质能是蕴藏在生物质中的能量,是绿色植物通过叶绿素将太阳能转化为化学能而贮存在生物质内部的能量.煤、石油和天然气等化石能源也是由生物质能转变而来的.生物质能是可再生能源,通常包括以下几个方面:一是木...

孟村回族自治县18016034476: 求文献的中文翻译:Reaction Engineering of Direct Coal Liquefaction -
路选盐酸: 煤炭直接液化的反应工程

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