你想成为什么动物 英语作文

作者&投稿:月崔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

If I were a bird -假如我是一只鸟

The birds free to fly in the sky, while sucking nectar and dew, while tree branches fell on eating small insects. How such a leisurely life, how happy!
To a small river, I would first look in the "mirror" the first one Yitai chest, found that he is such a beautiful, with refreshing cool-water Shushu beautiful feathers.
If I were a bird, I would like to enjoy the blue sky. Ah! It is very broad, immense. Days is the mother of our birds, warm embrace, we rely on!
As I fly back to the city bird populations, city, my hometown! I thought here on tears! Niaoyuhuaxiang there's always attracted me! People friendly smile reminded me! We then the harmony of human amiable, we must repay them.
If I were a bird, I have to fly over every corner of the world, to support every child to sing songs of peace! I see here a while, then look at the moment. I see all the people are friendly smile to me.
Niaoa happy! If you really become, the more good!

If it is the end of the world and I can be reincarnated, I would like to be a male street dog. Street dogs go with a pack. When the dogs wander In group, they look powerful and human being also will not disturb them. Street dogs have the freedom to go anywhere they like. They are like travellers going places and enjoying themselves. What food they find on the way, they will eat and move on. I would not like to be a pet dog that is kept in the house by someone. There is no freedom and only for the owner to play. If as a street dogs, I can always have fun with any female dog along the way of my wandering. I want a happy and enjoyable street dog life

I want to be a rabbit.Because a rabbit is very cute and friendly.If I am a rabbit ,I will be friendly to people,I won't eat farmer's food.
If I am a rabbit ,I will be a children's pet,and I will be happily every day. If I am a rabbit ,I won't be a rabbit like in the story of "rabbit and tuetle's race"'s rabbit.When I am a rabbit,I will be charming.I want to be a rabbit!

[兔子] 自己与动物的故事的作文
I want to be a rabbit.Because a rabbit is very cute and friendly.If I am a rabbit ,I will be friendly to people,I won't eat farmer's food.
If I am a rabbit ,I will be a children's pet,and I will be happily every day. If I am a rabbit ,I won't be a rabbit like in the story of "rabbit and tuetle's race"'s rabbit.When I am a rabbit,I will be charming.I want to be a rabbit!


这是译文:I would like to become a bird. A free and beautiful birds, I can fly in the sky, looking down on the earth. Bird is a free, is a happy, carefree life with them, there is no pressure, no learning, fun and simple. If possible, I would like to become a bird.


这时译文:I would like to become a bird. A free and beautiful birds, birds can fly free, overlooking the earth. Birds are beautiful and warm feathers, Jade Bird legends can bring happiness. Bird is a free, is a happy, carefree life with them, there is no pressure, no busy school. Happy and simple. If possible, I would like to become a bird.

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支泽洛汀:[答案] If I were a bird -假如我是一只鸟 英文: The birds free to fly in the sky,while sucking nectar and dew,while tree branches fell on... I see here a while,then look at the moment.I see all the people are friendly smile to me. Niaoa happy!If you really become,the ...

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支泽洛汀: If i could, I'd like to be a turtle. That would be interesting! Maybe I would walk slowly and casually with the rabbit crying behind me! Maybe I would have new ledgendry stories with three other ninja brothers. That would be fun! 有点卡通了哈!龟兔赛跑和忍者神龟都有了!不过,我喜欢!

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