Kick ass and take names; a wild bantha chase; catch sb off balance这几句什么意思?

作者&投稿:呼畏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
kick sb.'s ass 是什么意思?~

电影当中经常出现 具体要看语境,
朋友之间开玩笑的说 可以翻译成”不放过你”

类似的还有move your fucking ass”吗的,赶紧走”


kick ass and take :
Most likely originated in the armed services, probably during Vietnam. "Kick ass" is generically applied to beating the opponent, whereas taking names refers to killing the enemy, or "taking their names." Has been adopted into common usage as a general motivational statement.


a wild bantha chase:(wild goose chase)
The phrase wild bantha chase was a slang phrase used during the time of the Galactic Republic to describe an activity that diverted from the desired objective. During the search for General Grievous, Obi-Wan Kenobi used the term when speaking to Anakin Skywalker about his mission to Utapau. The mission ultimately transpired to indeed be a wild bantha chase, set up by Palpatine to ensure Obi-Wan could not interfere with his seduction of Skywalker to the dark side of the Force.

a lengthy or useless pursuit or task whose execution requires inordinate resources and circuitous execution

catch sb(somebody) off balance:
1 to make sb/sth unsteady and in danger of falling
* I was thrown off balance by the sudden gust of wind.

2 to make sb surprised and no longer calm
* The senator was clearly caught off balance by the unexpected question.



英山县19340355877: kick in the ass是什么意思 -
政娅芪冬: kick ass [英]kik æs [美]kɪk æs 很棒;很厉害;很拽;了不起 [例句]we want to kick ass and take the world by storm , " says vishaal. 维沙尔说道:“我们希望强大起来,像风暴般席卷整个世界.”

英山县19340355877: 哪位高手知道电影《海扁王》主题曲<kick ass>的大概意思是什么? -
政娅芪冬: We are young 我们都很年轻 We are strong 我们都很强壮 We're not looking for where we belong 我们却不愿寻找(呆在)属于我们的地方 We're not cool 我们并不酷 We are free 但我们很自由 And we're running with blood on our knees 我们奔跑...

英山县19340355877: I'm kicking ass and taking names这句话是什么意思 -
政娅芪冬: kickass1.踢屁股,海扁(基本直译,我是基本没见过这样用的)2.(多由于口语)厉害的,棒极了的例句:akick-ass50minutes一个精彩的50分钟Anotherkick-assshow.Youwerebloodybrilliant.又一个成功的演出,你干得太好了But,sir,thatwasthekick-asssection.那才是精采部份

英山县19340355877: 用英文写一篇如何正确对待考试前紧张情绪的短文 -
政娅芪冬: How to Treat With Your Nervous Befor TestMany students tend to become very nervous before their test. This bad feeling can not bring them any good in the test but always mess them up and bring a lose in the test. How to solve this problem? My ...

英山县19340355877: suck ass和kick ass意思是不是相反 -
政娅芪冬: suck ass 应该是马屁精,但是也要结合语境.是骂人的. kick ass 字面是踢某人屁股,结合语境多是叫某人滚蛋的意思.

英山县19340355877: 为什么kick ass 被译成海扁王? -
政娅芪冬: 很多时候都是胡乱翻译 有些是根据情节 有时候就是根据中国的一些文化了吧 kick ass 如果直接用 就是 很棒,很厉害,很拽 的意思 但是如果说 某某 kick your ass - 就是 某某要痛扁你的意思 直接的字面翻译也能看出来 - 踢 你 屁 股

英山县19340355877: kick one's ass是什么意思 -
政娅芪冬: 踢你的屁股,Kiss ass和kiss one's ass意思一样,不像kick ass和kick one's ass意思不同.要说讨好谁,只要在kiss和ass中间加上one's就可以了.如果没有具体的对象,只是一般地说讨好这种行为,那就只用kiss ass.比如: He always kisses her ass. (他老拍她的马屁.) Kissing ass is not my style. (我不来拍马屁这一套.)

英山县19340355877: Kick ass为什么被译为海扁王? -
政娅芪冬: 根据情节 有时候就是根据中国的一些文化了吧 kick ass 如果直接用 就是 很棒,很厉害,很拽 的意思 但是如果说 某某 kick your ass - 就是 某某要痛扁你的意思 直接的字面翻译也能看出来 - 踢 你 屁 股

英山县19340355877: 为什么kick my ass是踢我屁股的意思,是俚语吗》 -
政娅芪冬: ass n.驴, 笨人, 臀部 kick my ass 的字面意思就是 踢我屁股 ass 有臀部的意思,你找一个大点的词典就可以查到

英山县19340355877: kick one's ass 是嘛意思 -
政娅芪冬: 字面上的意思如上,含意有二:打得很伤 He kicked that guy's ass in a fight yesterday. 他昨天把那男子打得很伤.重重打败某人,某队 Our basketball team kicked their ass last weekend. 我们的篮球队上周以大比数赢了他们.

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