
作者&投稿:张卿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1, uses:
This fan is equipped with economizer apply (preheater) and Smoke and dust removal device 0.5 ~ 35t / h industrial boiler selection. Where intake is similar to the conditions, performance can also adapt to those selected, with the maximum intake air temperature should not exceed 250 ° C.
Induced draft fan at the former must pretend collection efficiency of not less than 85% of the dust removal device has been lowered into the dust concentration in flue gas blower, not only reduced the environmental pollution caused by smoke and soot reduces the wear and tear on the blower, and therefore enhance fan life.
2, the form of:
1) The fan made of a single inhalation, there is machine No. № 4, № 4.5, № 5, № 5.6, № 6.3, № 7.1, № 8, № 9, № 10, № 11.2, № 12.5, № 14, № 16 13 kinds.
2) The fan can be made clockwise or counterclockwise rotation in two forms, from the Department to face up to fan drive. Such as a clockwise rotation as the impeller fan clockwise to clockwise express; impeller counterclockwise rotation counterclockwise rotation as the fans to express anti-clockwise.
3) the export position of fans to the case of exports, said Kok. Clockwise rotating fan, fan anti-clockwise rotation can be made of 0 °, 45 °, 90 °, 135 °, 180 °, 225 ° angle of the six.
3, structural characteristics:
By the impeller fan, chassis, inlets, transmission group, such as door-conditioning components.
1) Impeller Materials for Q345 (16Mn), the length of phase prior to the bending leaf. After forming the impeller static and dynamic balance correction, so smooth and reliable operation.
2) the case with steel plate welded into a snail shell-shaped overall. There is at snail's on-board cleaning door open. Facilitate the removal of leaves and fouling within the chassis to ensure the smooth impeller and qigong performance.
3) made inlets Convergent streamline the overall structure, using bolts with a fixed plate.
4) Transmission by the spindle, water-cooled bearing box, coupling, etc.; spindle made from high quality steel. The use of rolling bearings, bearing box and there is a whole part of type two forms.
№ 4 ~ № 6.3 using integrated bearing box; № 7.1 ~ № 16 used some type bearing box. Bearing box should be on two pass cooling water. Water consumption due to operating temperature and the ambient temperature varies, generally based on 0.5 ~ 1m3 / h to consider.
Bearing box is equipped with a thermometer and oil level indicator, the bearings inside the lubricating oil system-wide loss-axis with L-AN46, add oil in accordance with the requirements of the oil level mark.
5) regulating the blower door is used to adjust the size of the flow device. Adjustment for the door leaf petal-shaped, axial inlets installed in the front. As a result of the external drive structure, rotational flexibility. Adjustment range from 90 ° (full-closed) to 0 ° (full). Adjustment of the door plate to the location of the direction from the inlets look, at the right side plate of the fan right from the bottom-up push is close to full-direction; left rotating fans, plate from the pull down on the whole are close to wide-open direction. In order to adjust the various parts of the normal work of door must be well lubricated, grease with high temperature (260 °) of expansive soil resin, so that when the fan running at high temperature to maintain lubrication.
4, performance of the selection and application of
1) Design and use of units required based on the volume and total pressure, in terms of performance identified in the selected suction fan of the machine number, specific performance and distribution have to use the motor from the table to choose from, can also choose other types of motors, but the power, Speed should be appropriate, and specify when ordering.
2) the performance table is attached to the performance of table when ordering prevail.
3) fan manufactured goods qualified performance at the rated flow capacity are under the total pressure value does not exceed ± 6%.
4) Performance Table Selection table № 4 ~ 6.3 by the gas temperature t = 220 ° C, 200 ° C, atmospheric pressure Pa = 101325Pa, gas density ρ = 0.713Kg/m3, 0.745Kg/m3 calculation of flue gas medium. № 7.1 gas temperature by more than t = 200 ° C, 175 ° C, atmospheric pressure Pa = 101325Pa, gas density ρ = 0.745Kg/m3, 0.784Kg/m3 calculation of flue gas medium. Fan belt adjusted throttle curve and performance curve selection and performance tables are referring to adjust for the wide-open door leaf (0 ° C) when the parameters.
5) such as fan and conditions of use does not match the given conditions, the performance should be related to the conversion formula

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英语报刊 English Newspapers & Magzines



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报纸 用英语怎么写
newspaper 英 [ˈnju:zpeɪpə(r)] 美 [ˈnu:zpeɪpə(r)]n.报纸,报;旧报纸;新闻纸 词汇搭配:keep newspapers保存报纸 print a newspaper印刷报纸 publish a newspaper出版报纸 daily newspaper日报 evening newspaper晚报 例句:We have subscribed to an ...

好多 意思你脑子里知道是什么意思,但就 是说不成中文。如果你想提高翻译能 力,就必须在纸上把你的译文写成别 人能看懂的东西,然后再根据译文给 它翻回英文,周而复始,这对提高翻 译和阅读特别有用。 如果你本身基础已经很好,可以试试 翻译经济学人,这个是报刊英语,有 难度,但也有挑战性,...

中翻英时,英文标题中破折号和冒号的使用频率哪个更高?使用冒号有什么作 ...

金口河区17553405029: 用英语介绍报刊怎么翻译
翠蚂奥贝: introduce the newspaper in English

金口河区17553405029: 英语 关于报纸的几个单词 怎么翻译 -
翠蚂奥贝: 1. Layout 2. Full-page newspaper 3. Editing techniques 4. Review 绝对标准,请楼主放心.

金口河区17553405029: 急!用英语陈述一点报纸不会灭亡的理由.不用很长,普通的一句就可以. -
翠蚂奥贝: Newspaper can be easy to get and you may conveniently read it at home, in a column at the corners of streets and lanes, on the bus and so on, and you don't need to be provided with any of TV set, radio or computer. 报纸易于得到,你可以方便地在家、街头巷尾的阅报栏里、公交车上等阅读,无需配备任何电视机、收音机或计算机.

金口河区17553405029: 英语翻译1.报刊杂志使我们了解世界各地发生的事情.(inform of)2.当告诉他们这一消息时,学生们情不自禁的被深深感动了.(can't help)3.当他到达伦敦... -
翠蚂奥贝:[答案] 1 newspapers and magazines keep us informed of what is happening all over the world 2 the students can't help being deeply moved when told the news 3 when they arrived at London, their non-standard English could't make other understand 4 it is ...

金口河区17553405029: 请帮忙翻译一句英文,报纸摘录. it's possible that these laws wi -
翠蚂奥贝: It's possible that these laws will be rendered moot by the court.译为:这些条款可能会被法院认为无效.be rendered moot 这个应该是连起来的,固定词组没有找到,但是看一些新闻等都会发现这个词,Bing翻译 将该词翻译为“已无必要者”.个人认为可能在句子中就是被认为无效.如果找到更确切的解释,我会及时完善~

金口河区17553405029: 十句杂志报刊上的英语带中文 -
翠蚂奥贝: 英文:You have to believe in yourself . That's the secret of success.译文:人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀.英文:You can't have a better tomorrow if you don't stop thinking about yesterday.译文:如果你无法忘掉昨天,就不会有一个更好的...

金口河区17553405029: 英语翻译1.China Now(这是不是什么报刊名称啦之类的?)2.Commodity exchange3.Convertible currency4.DRI/McGraw - Hill5.Equity6.exclusive contract7.... -
翠蚂奥贝:[答案] 2.Commodity exchange 商品交易所 3.Convertible currency 可兑换货币 ,可自由兑换货币 5 Equity 平衡法 6.exclusive contract 专营合同 7.Farm subsidies(export) 农场津贴 8.Financial futures 金融动荡 9.Foreign Agriculture 外国的农业 10.Gross ...

金口河区17553405029: “报刊”英语怎么写? -
翠蚂奥贝: 1、newspapers(个人推荐) 2、the press 3、newspapers and periodicals 4、journal

金口河区17553405029: 报纸用英语怎么说 -
翠蚂奥贝: 报纸 1. (以刊载新闻和评论为主的定期出版物) newspaper或 journal: 例句: “The Capital Gazatte”, first published in the Han Dynasty (206 B. C.-220 A. D.), was the earliest newspaper in the world. 创始于中国汉代的《邸报》是世界上最早的...

金口河区17553405029: “英语报刊” 用英语怎么说?! -
翠蚂奥贝: 英语报刊 English Newspapers & Magzines

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