
作者&投稿:张管 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


如果要意译,只能从"周易"的内容及作用下手,即是占卜.Divinatory University of China或者China Divinatory University.

The art or act of foretelling future events or revealing occult knowledge by means of augury or an alleged supernatural agency.

周易算命 "Zhouyi Fortune-Telling"
四柱八字或简称八字:Four Pillars of Destiny (Ba Zi)
八卦 The eight trigrams


The I Ching (Wade-Giles), or “Yì Jīng” (Pinyin); also called “Classic of Changes” or “Book of Changes” is one of the oldest of the Chinese classic texts.[1] The book is a symbol system used to identify order in chance events. The text describes an ancient system of cosmology and philosophy that is intrinsic to ancient Chinese cultural beliefs. The cosmology centres on the ideas of the dynamic balance of opposites, the evolution of events as a process, and acceptance of the inevitability of change (see Philosophy, below). In Western cultures and modern East Asia, the I Ching is sometimes regarded as a system of divination. The classic consists of a series of symbols, rules for manipulating these symbols, poems, and commentary.


By the time of Han Wu Di (汉武帝 Hàn Wǔ Dì) of the Western Han Dynasty (circa 200 BCE), Shi Yi was often called Yi Zhuan (易传 yì zhùan, “Commentary on the I Ching”), and together with the I Ching they composed Zhou Yi (周易 zhōu yì, “Changes of Zhou”).


* 易 (yì), while as a verb it implies “to change“ or 'to exchange/substitute one thing for another'.
* 经 (jīng) here means “classic (text)”, derived from its original meaning of “regularity” or “persistency”, implying that the text describes the Ultimate Way which will not change throughout the flow of time. This same character was later appropriated to translate the Sanskrit word 'sūtra' into Chinese in reference to Buddhist scripture. In this sense the two concepts, in as much as they mean 'treatise,' 'great teaching,' or 'canonical scripture,' are equivalent.

The I Ching is a "reflection of the universe in miniature." The word "I" has three meanings: ease and simplicity, change and transformation, and invariability.[2] Thus the three principles underlying the I Ching are the following:

1. Simplicity - the root of the substance. The fundamental law underlying everything in the universe is utterly plain and simple, no matter how abstruse or complex some things may appear to be.
2. Variability - the use of the substance. Everything in the universe is continually changing. By comprehending this one may realize the importance of flexibility in life and may thus cultivate the proper attitude for dealing with a multiplicity of diverse situations.
3. Persistency - the essence of the substance. While everything in the universe seems to be changing, among the changing tides there is a persistent principle, a central rule, which does not vary with space and time.

— 易一名而含三义:易简一也;变易二也;不易三也。 commented on by Zheng Xuan (郑玄 zhèng xúan) in his writings Critique of I Ching (易赞 yì zàn) and Commentary on I Ching (易论 yì lùn) of Eastern Han Dynasty.

* The four pillars is an English translation of the Chinese dynastic phrase "Shi Chen Ba Zi".
* The Chinese term (时辰八字 , Shi Chen Ba Zi) literally translates to "Hour of the Eight Characters".
* It is also under the Chinese term (四柱命理学, sei cyu ming lei hok) which literally translates to "The Four Pillars Life-ology".
* It is commonly referred to by the shortened names of "Four Pillars" or "Ba Zi". One of the most frequently used alternate phrase is "Four Pillars of your birthday".


The Bagua (Chinese: 八卦; pinyin: bā guà; Wade-Giles: pa kua; literally "eight symbols") are eight diagrams used in Taoist cosmology to represent a range of interrelated concepts. Each consists of three lines, each either "broken" or "unbroken," representing a yin line or a yang line, respectively. Due to their tripartite structure, they are often referred to as "trigrams" in English.

The trigrams are related to Taiji philosophy and the Wu Xing. The ancient Chinese classic I Ching consists of the 64 pairs of trigrams (called "hexagrams") and commentary on them. The interrelationships among the trigrams are represented in two arrangements, the Primordial (先天八卦), "Earlier Heaven" or "Fuxi" bagua (伏羲八卦), and the Manifested (后天八卦), "Later Heaven," or "King Wen" bagua. The trigrams have correspondances in astronomy, astrology, geography, geomancy, anatomy, the family, and elsewhere.

The eight trigrams are: Qian 天, "Heaven;" Xun 风, "Wind;" Kan 水, "Water;" Gen 山, "Mountain;" Kun 地, "Earth," Zhen 雷 "Thunder," Li火, "Fire;" and Dui 泽, "Lake."


如果要意译,只能从"周易"的内容及作用下手,即是占卜.Divinatory University of China或者China Divinatory University.

The art or act of foretelling future events or revealing occult knowledge by means of augury or an alleged supernatural agency.


易经 [ yì jīng ] . .
book of changes

Book of Changes






易经yì jīng 《易经》是我国一部最古老而深邃的经典,据说是由伏羲的言论加以总结与修改概括而来(同时产生了易经八卦图),是华夏五千年智慧与文化的结晶,被誉为“群经之首,大道之源”。在古代是帝王之学,政治家、军事家、商家的必修之术。 如果从本质上来讲,《易经》是一本关于“卜筮”之书。“卜筮”就是对...

易经64卦384爻共12爻元吉。坤卦六五,黄裳,元吉 讼卦九五,讼,元吉 履卦上九,视履考祥,其旋,元吉 泰卦六五,帝乙归妹,以祉,元吉 复卦初九,不远复,无祇悔,元吉 大畜卦六四,童牛之牿,元吉 离卦六二,黄离,元吉 损卦六五,或益之十朋之龟,弗克违,元吉 益卦初九,利用大作为,元吉...


《周易》要比《论语》早 《周易》的起源为河图、洛书。传说远古时代,黄河出现了背上画有图形的龙马,洛水出现了背上有文字的灵龟,圣人依此制定出八卦。到了殷商末年,周文王写下了六十四卦的卦辞,后在春秋时期,圣人孔子著了《易传》。《周易》也叫《易经》,至少从战国时代起,就被看作中国古代...


永定县18626551697: &quot;三教九流&quot;中的&quot;九流&quot;是说 -
墨种森得: 一定要看,和玉壶冰的是不一样的.九流分为上九流,中九流与下九流.上九流:帝王、圣隐、隐士、童仙、文人、武士、农、工、商.中九流:举子、医生、相命、丹青、书生、琴期、僧、道、民.下九流:师爷、衙役、升秤、媒婆、走卒、时妖、盗、窃、娼.

永定县18626551697: 风水中 &quot;解除&quot; 是什么意思 -
墨种森得: 破相,改变原来的局面

永定县18626551697: &quot;安阳&quot;在哪 -
墨种森得: 安阳位于河南省最北部,是著名的世界文化遗产--殷墟所在地、汉字之都、甲骨文之乡、《周易》的诞生地、红旗渠精神发源地、岳飞故里、上古颛顼帝喾二帝陵墓所在地.同时也是中原经济区重要的中心城市.是七大古都之一!!!

永定县18626551697: 周易中的quot;东南、西北quot;怎样理解
墨种森得: 坤在后天8卦方位为西南,艮为东北

永定县18626551697: 易经有言"易经有言:"阴阳生太极太极生两仪两仪
墨种森得: 四象中,南火,北水,东木,西金,中央土,即为五行,可看河图.纠正一下楼主,... 八卦中,乾金生坎水,离火生坤土,震巽木为一气,艮土生兑金,也有五行.,易经...

永定县18626551697: UO㑳p荷趺?quot;易"分Qi派?
墨种森得: 根据《周礼》的记载,占卜有"三易之法",《易经》只是其中之一,另两部《连山》、《归藏》均已失传. 《易》被其后的诸多研究者所推崇,许多易学研究者都是当时公认的渊博学者.研究周易的大致可分为两个学派:义理派和象数派.义理派注重发掘周易的哲学价值,象数派则着重将周易用于占卜.前者如东汉王弼、北宋程颐,后者如西汉京房、北宋邵雍.像广为人知的河图洛书、太极图(含阴阳鱼的圆形图案)等,都是《易经》原著中所无、后人根据对《易经》的理解添加进去的.

永定县18626551697: 许慎在《说文解字》中把 &quot;武&quot; 解释为 &quot;止戈为武&quot; 这反映了什么样的情感 而成语什么表达的 -
墨种森得: “戈”单独为字的时候,有一撇好像是斜拿在手里的武器随时准备战斗似的.可是形成“武”字以后,那像武器的一撇被平着放到了最上面,根本没有了战斗的意味.这证明“武”代表了一种罢止战争,停止争夺杀戮的和平思想,就是说,发展武学的目的是为了走向和平,进行更安定的生活.

永定县18626551697: "却"怎么组词 -
墨种森得: 却 què <动> (形声.本作“却”,俗字作“却”.从卩,谷(què)声.卩(jié),象人下跪的样子,即腿骨节屈曲的样子.从“卩”与脚的活动有关.本义:退) 同本义 [step back;retreat;withdraw] 却,节欲也.——《说文》.按:“退也”...

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