
作者&投稿:倪戴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

How to Arrange Your Time at College?

Nowadays, people are divided on the question how students should arrange their school days. Some people claim students should spend the whole school days in academic studies. However, others contend physical exercise should be a required part of every school day.

As for me, I will choose the latter without hesitation. Being a student, his or her main task is to work hard on his or her academic study. Only by studying hard can he or she obtain adequate knowledge from academic studies.

Nevertheless, I dont think a student should focus on studying too much, he or she should join in other meaningful activities. For instance, doing physical exercise is a good way to make students life more colorful and beneficial.





宿舍生活是大学生活的一部分,但是有时会出现不和谐的情况,应该怎样创建和谐的宿舍生活?下面是我整理的英语四级作文,大家可以参考参考。宿舍生活 题目要求:Directions: Write a composition entitled On a Harmonious Dormitory Life.You should write at least 120 words according to the outline ...



大学生活最绚烂的一页,应该是新认识的好朋友了,同学、室友、工作的伙伴……一年的时光不短也不长,足可以让我们互相了解,读懂彼此。请你描写一下你的大学生活吧。下面一起随我欣赏一下我的大学生活范文吧! 我的大学生活作文篇一:我的大学生活 人生就像饺子,岁月是皮,经历是馅。酸甜苦辣皆为滋味,毅力和信心正是...



so if there are any problems, i will do my best to solve it personally, and won't ask someone at first as before.This is what i arrange for my new life, and hope it will start soon. i am ready for it!自己写的,你都不给分。不过有什么关于作文的问题,欢迎找我!


以下是三篇英语作文,供大家参考。 第一篇英语作文 写作思路: 这封信是给一个朋友的,主要内容是分享自己在大学里的生活经历和感受。首先介绍了大学生活的不同之处,然后谈到自己的课程、社交和兴趣爱好,最后表达了对未来的期待和建议。 英语原文: Title: A Letter to My Friend Dear friend, How are you doing...

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