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在商务英语中,“已付款”可以说“account paid”。还可以直接使用“paid”。而“未付款”就可以说“arrearage”或者“non-payment”。


1、They allowed tourists to hunt only a certain number of animals if they paid the farmer. 


2、I paid only £2 for this old book and Mr. Smith offered me double for it. 


3、Recent years, the disputes of contract arrearage of engineering construct emerges in endlessly in construct industry. 




1、The origin of the arrearage and loans comes from series of important social and historical reasons. 


2、Could you please explain, to which project arrearage belongs?  

麻烦你可以解释一下该笔欠款是属于什么项目的吗 ?

3、They had evicted their tenants for non-payment of rent.  


已付款含义“已付款”如果是中文直译的话,英文意思为“Already paid”。而在商务英语中,通常解释为“account paid”。还有一种解释是直接使用“paid”。未付款含义“未付款”如果是中文直译的的话,英文的解释为“Unpaid”。而在商务英语中,通常解释为“arrearage“或者”non-payment”。

已付款 用英语怎么说
已付款: Payments Received 或者Payments Posted或 paid 未付款: Amount Due

“已付款,未付款” "Has been paid, not paid"

问题五:付钱英语怎么说 payment 问题六:付钱用英语怎么说 pay for sth为某物付钱 问题七:英语翻译:"我们将尽快付款"用英语怎么说? We will pay the amount a.s.a.p 问题八:“他已经帮我们付款了”和“他已经付款了”用英文怎么说 地道一点? He has been help us payment.He's ...

问题一:先消费后付款用英语怎么说 pay after consuming 或:consume first,pay later 问题二:已付款 用英语怎么说 [经] account paid I have paid but am still getting payment notifications.我已付款,看仍然没有接到付款通知.2.The establishment's account is then credited with the amount ...


商务英语300句:Unit 12 Terms of Payment 支付条款
目前,国际贸易中常用的付款方式( payment terms)有:汇付(Remittance)、托收(Collection )、信用证(Letter of Cred it)三种方式。大金额交易时主要是用到信用证,小买卖当然是用托收和汇付来完成。 作为国际结算中的一个重要组成部分,对外贸易货款的支付一般是利用汇票这种支付凭据通过银行进行的。汇票中的跟单汇票(Docu...

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减词译法可以使译文言简意赅.改变翻译中逐字翻译作造成的累赘、拖沓或不符合行文习惯.甚至产生歧义的现象。 如:On condition that you sign this receipt I will pay the money.你在收据上签字,我就付款。五 商务英语中的常用术语翻译 商务英语翻译中包含大量的词汇。因此对于常见词汇的精确运用在...

invoice 知多少|法务英语
Invoice是商业交易中常见的文件,通常有两种用途:一是付款要求功能,二是报税凭证功能。在会计领域,发票可形成应收账款关系。特定场景下,发票可能特指商业发票、税务发票或销售发票等。然而,invoice在不同上下文中也有其他含义,比如在国际贸易中,shipping invoice即为提单(bill of lading\/BOL)。在某些...

眉县13887844061: “已付款,未付款”用英语怎么说? -
勾盛利多: 在商务英语中,“已付款”可以说“account paid”.还可以直接使用“paid”.而“未付款”就可以说“arrearage”或者“non-payment”. 例句: 1、They allowed tourists to hunt only a certain number of animals if they paid the farmer. 如果...

眉县13887844061: 已付款的英文怎么说 -
勾盛利多: 已付款 Have already pay

眉县13887844061: 已付款的英文怎么说合同中的 -
勾盛利多: XXX paid 已付款的订单/合同.The order/contract paid

眉县13887844061: 款已支付,请查收,有什么问题请及时联系,谢谢商务英语怎么说 -
勾盛利多: 款已支付,请查收,有什么问题请及时联系,谢谢 The payment was submitted and please check. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

眉县13887844061: 外贸英语:付款的英语怎么说 -
勾盛利多: 付款_百度翻译 付款 [词典] payment; pay a sum of money; [例句]公司从他获得的赔偿金中扣去了这笔付款.The company deducted this payment from his compensation 双语例句 汉英大词典 中中释义

眉县13887844061: 商务英语里的“分期付款”和“一次付清”怎么表达 -
勾盛利多: 分期付款 [fēn qī fù kuǎn] [会计] installment 一次付清 [yī cì fù qīng] [会计] payment in full

眉县13887844061: 商务英语的交易对话是怎样 -
勾盛利多: We hope everything goes well and we're looking forward to cooperating with you in the future. 双方达成交易后, 我方说:希望一切都能进展顺利,期待将来能继续与您(贵方)合作.

眉县13887844061: 请教几句商务英语1 什么方式付款?(好象有二种付款 方式分别是怎么说呢?)2 打到我的帐户里/现金支付3 什么时候发货/4 这是我们的成本价,不能便宜/5 ... -
勾盛利多:[答案] 1.What are the payment terms?(two:one is T/T Advance and the other is Net 30 days)其实不止两种. 2.Transfer the cash into my bank account 3.When the goods could be shipped? 4.This is our cost,also our bottom line. 5.It's nice to work with you.

眉县13887844061: 待抢单,待付款 ,进行中,已完成的英语怎么说,尽量短一点,谢谢! -
勾盛利多: 待抢单,待付款 ,进行中,已完成 Need to grab a single, pending payment, to carry out, has been completed 待抢单,待付款 ,进行中,已完成 Need to grab a single, pending payment, to carry out, has been completed

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