
作者&投稿:资刮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



1. 含义不同

“Either”通常用于表示两种可能性中的任何一个,或者用于否定句中表示两种情况都不接受。例如:“You can choose either the red shirt or the blue one.”而“Too”是一个副词,用来表示同样或额外的数量或程度,表示某事物也存在类似的性质或状况。例如:“I have too many books to read.”

2. 用法不同

“Either”在句子中的位置比较固定,通常出现在否定句或疑问句的开始部分,或者作为复合代词使用。而“Too”的用法更加灵活,它可以出现在句子的多个位置,用来修饰形容词、动词或其他副词。此外,“too”还可以用于肯定句句尾表示强调语气。例如:“He is too tired to walk.”在这里,“too”修饰形容词“tired”,并且表达了一种强烈的语气。另外,“too”还有一个特殊的用法是表达超出预期的程度或数量,带有负面的评价或警告的意思。“They talked too loudly in the library.”表示在图书馆讲话的声音太大了是不适当的。而“either”则没有这样的用法。


In school it is not easy to learn a foreign language because the students have little time for it and they have to learn other subjects,too...80. Ne ither.. . nor 81. why 82. most 83. written 84. reading 85. difficult A) A possible version: Dear Miss\/Mr Li, Thank you for ...

linkin park 的歌曲
由于大家把《Minutes to midnight》和他们的专辑搞混,Tribal ink的Myspace主页上来访者猛然增多。使他们的Myspace空间冲到了瑞典地下乐队排名的第二位达几周之久。在Myspace上,乐队说将在2007年夏季后发行小样。2008年5月后乐队活动暂时告一段落。因为乐队的主唱在Jupither中担任主唱。Tribal ink的新专辑...

【急求】有一首英文歌,男的唱的,副歌部分是hey you ixigo,...let to...
ither a little too high or a little too low ot no self-esteem and vertigo Cause she thinks she’s made of candy Hey ho here she goes Either a little too loud or a little too close There's a hurricane in the back of her throat And she thinks she’s made of candy Ring...

13、Hisjokeistoofunny.Wecan’thelplaughing.14、putonweight 15、善待你的爱好,别让它们为学习让路,要让它们替学习服务。16、我们拥有眼前这和谐团结的大家庭,最大军功章当归倪老师!三载光阴,倪老师对我们悉心教导;成长路上,倪老师带我们披荆斩棘。每天早上我们走进学校,您伴随我们学习;每天傍晚...

高分 英语 歌词翻译(rap)
I said I see some ladies in here tonight I might marry Gon of the Bellevee’ and ‘tron it’s too scary Baby you can have whatever you like, the tooth fairy I’ll do anything to leave here tonight with you Sherri I said I do, I do, I do, I do, I do (You know...

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In this position he played virtually no role梕ither formal or behind the scenes梚n the deliberations of the convention; however, his reticence and lack of intellectual flair may well have enhanced his objectivity in the eyes of the delegates, thereby contributing to the unself-conscious give and...

either or和neither nor的区别是什么?
either...or...与 neither...nor...一、either...or...either...or...意为"或者……或者……;不是……就是……"之意。表示两者之一,连接句子中两个并列的成分。例如:When the girl is happy, she either sings or dances. 那个女孩高兴时,不是唱就是跳。(此句中either...or......

In this position he played virtually no role梕ither formal or behind the scenes梚n the deliberations of the convention; however, his reticence and lack of intellectual flair may well have enhanced his objectivity in the eyes of the delegates, thereby contributing to the unself-conscious give and...

Bubble Toes 歌词
Man he got, too much time to waste His dreams are like commercials But her dreams are picture perfect and Our dreams are so related though they're often underestimated It's as simple as something that nobody knows that Her eyes are as big as her bubbly toes On the feet of ...

西盟佤族自治县18560648141: too和either的区别 -
锻徐小儿: 1、词性不同: too是副词. either是连词、副词、限定词、形容词. 2、单词发音不同: too的发音:英[tuː]美[tuː]. either的发音:英[ˈaɪðə(r); ˈiːðə(r)]美['iðər]. 3、意思不同: too作副词时意为“太;也;很;还;非常;过度”. ...

西盟佤族自治县18560648141: either和too的区别 -
锻徐小儿: 一、位置不同 1、either用于否定句,放在句末,之前加逗号. 2、too语气较轻,多用于口语,在肯定句中使用,通常位于句末. 二、意思不同 1、either作连词时意为“或者,要么”,作副词时意为“也;而且”,作限定词时意为“(两者之中的)任何一个;作形容词时意为“(两者中) 任一的;两者择一的”.2、too作副词时意为“太;也;很;还;非常;过度”. 三、词性不同 1、either是连词、副词、限定词、形容词.2、too是副词.

西盟佤族自治县18560648141: 英语too和either有啥不同too和either有什么不同啊? -
锻徐小儿:[答案] too意思也,either也是也的意思,只不过too用于肯定句,either用于否定句

西盟佤族自治县18560648141: either 与too的区别 -
锻徐小儿:[答案] either和too都可以当"也"讲,前者用在否定句中,后者用在肯定句中.Lily likes fruit.I like fruit,too.莉莉喜欢水果,我也是.Lily doesn't like fruit.I don't like fruit,either.莉莉不喜欢水果,我也不喜欢.除此之外,...

西盟佤族自治县18560648141: either和too用法上的区别 -
锻徐小儿:[答案] either用与否定句和疑问句 too用与肯定句 都写在句末

西盟佤族自治县18560648141: too和either有什么区别?
锻徐小儿: either 用于否定句或否定词组后加强语气,也,而且,根本:If he doesn't go, I won't either. too 多用于口语,位置通常在句末,前边常有逗号;也可以用于句中,前后均有逗号.

西盟佤族自治县18560648141: too 和either的用法有什么不同? -
锻徐小儿:[答案] too KK:[] DJ:[] ad.1.太,过分[+to-v] This hat is too big for me.这顶帽子我戴太大了.He is too young to go to school.他年纪太小,还不能上学.2.【口】非常,很 She doesn't like traveling too much.她不太喜欢旅...

西盟佤族自治县18560648141: too和either有什么区别? -
锻徐小儿: too用于肯定句,而either用于否定句,但它俩有个共同点,就是放在句末. 求采纳

西盟佤族自治县18560648141: either 和too区别在哪里?要在怎样的句式用它们? -
锻徐小儿:[答案] 两个单词都放在句末 too用于肯定句 前面要+“,” 如:I can play football,too.either用于否定句 前面要+“,” 如:I can't play football,either

西盟佤族自治县18560648141: 请问either 和too的区别是什么? -
锻徐小儿: 都是"也"的意思.区别是: (1)too,also用于肯定句,either用于否定句. (2)too和either用时放在句末,前面用逗号隔开.但also是用在be动词后实义动词前的.偶好像也见过either在句首的. 例: You like it.I like it,too. You like it.I also like it. You don't like it.I don't like it,either.

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