
作者&投稿:丹树 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

This kind of disease is companied with the symptom of high fever.
A lot of factories was set up around the city after the road was built.
These two problems was the main topic in the meeting.
They agreed to substitute the national-made machine for the foreign-made machine after the discussion.
At the beginning of the 20th century, two Americans got the inspirations from birds and invented the plane.
This book is splendid.
He broke his leg when he jumped from the tree.
This door is easy to open.
People always heard her singing this pop song.
This pumpkin weighs 10 kilograms.

He appeared as a president on TV for the first this New year
Helen neither can swim nor skate
No matter how hard he worked, he couldn't finish the task by himself
It is said that his book has been translate into 5 languages
I ever did some business with his brother

1.I'm thirsty and I want a cup of tea.How about you?

2.He acted more slowly since he hurt in the accident.

3.There are many Scenic sites in the city.

4.The group is growing good this year,for there is plenty of rain.

5. The history museum is near the railway station.

6.It is the house in which ma grandpa has lived.

7.It is the funniest joke I have ever listened.

8.I have nothing to do here.

9.It is the chair on which I put my schoolbag.

10.Yesterday we had a meeting,at which his suggestion has been accepted.

1. I have been thirsty, wants to drink cup of tea. You?
2. since is injured after that accident, he was slow-acting many. in 3. this city has many scenic sites. because
4. the rain water is abundant, this year the crops growing trend is good.
5. History museum located at train station nearby.
6. that is my grandfather had lived the house.
7. this is I have listened the funniest joke.
8. does not have anything in here me to be possible to do.
9. this is I puts book bag's that chair.
10. we have had a meeting yesterday, everybody has accepted his suggestion at the meeting.


1.I am thirsty, want to drink a cup of tea. And you?
2.Since getting hurt in that accident, he is much more sluggish. 3.There are a lot of scenic spots in this city.
4.Because is with heavy rainfall, the growing situation of the crops is good this year.
5.The History Museum lies in the adjacent place of railway station. 6.That is the house where my grandfather has ever lived.
7.This is the best joke that smiled at that I ever listened to.
8.I have nothing to do here.
9.This is that chair that I put the schoolbag.
10.We held a meeting at yesterday, everybody accepted his suggestion at the meeting.

They lost a lot of family members They are very sad during the earthquake Fortunately, there are encouraging volunteers to give them Volunteers to accompany their many days Wishes were injured in the earthquake children to be able to always happy!Everyone loves them!﹎ ┈ ┈ .o┈ ...

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1. To help the poor,To help the real poor people,This goal than merely narrowing the gap between rich and poor is more valuable,If for the implementation of high tax rates,Reduce the wealth of the rich,Some people may be happy,But no people will become rich,But if the...

东陵区15098199409: 哪位英语高手帮忙翻译一下下面一段话,急~~~~~~,不胜感激!II Consolidated Tax Filing2.1 Facts: During the project, we found that XXXX has branches in ... -
郦枝噻吗:[答案] 二,合并报税 2.1事实: 项目期间,我们发现在年月设有分行,在不同的司法管辖区.该分行并没有单独结算账户在当地银行及所有簿记的树枝,这是在xxxx的水平.我们也明白到,单独的盈利/亏损的两个分支应能交代和失散由综合盈利/亏损. 作为一个...

东陵区15098199409: 急急急!求各位英语高手帮忙!请帮我把下面这一段翻译成英语吧,非常感谢. -
郦枝噻吗: This article from the "head /...

东陵区15098199409: 请各位英语高手帮忙翻译一下下面这句话我在以后将每天想你,永远的祝福你,希望你不要忘记我. -
郦枝噻吗:[答案] I'll miss u everyday from now on and bless you forever. Hope you will never forget me.

东陵区15098199409: 哪位英语高手愿意帮忙翻译一下下面这句话,中译英的 谢谢啦 -
郦枝噻吗: Anyone who's going to have the class tonight, please help fill in the budget gap for the absents, and then get all your money back by the reimbursement of this month.(Sorry for the inconvenience that the club won't provide invoices, please help ...

东陵区15098199409: 急,请英语高手帮忙把以下翻译成英文,谢谢.(意思正确,语法正确即可)快的话还可以加分. -
郦枝噻吗: First of all ,thank you for giving me the opportunity to work once, thank you very much , if without you, I think I haven't the opportunity to enter into this ,which I have not been exposed to the industry.For the first time I said i want to go, you retained me, ...

东陵区15098199409: 急!请哪位英语高手帮忙翻译一下下面的句子,汉译英,不要机器翻译的,帮忙翻译准确点,在线等,谢谢!
郦枝噻吗: 1.这种疾病常以发高烧的症状出现. This kind of disease is companied with the symptom of high fever. 2.那条公路修好后,这座城市周围新建了许多工厂. A lot of factories was set up around the city after the road was built. 3.这两个问题在会议上...

东陵区15098199409: 请英语高手帮忙把下面汉语翻译成英语哪位大神能帮我美化一下的话那就更好了 不过美化后的意思要告诉我 谢谢了翻译:如果真的有上帝,我愿用一生为你... -
郦枝噻吗:[答案] If there really is a God,I am willing to spend each and every day of my time praying for you,and you will always be safe,joyful and happy. If there really is no God,I am willing to use each and every inch of my life protecting you,and you will always have safety,...

东陵区15098199409: 请哪位高手帮忙用英语翻译下面这句话:“你好!请问货你收到了没有?因为货9月24号我已经寄出去了,到目前为止已经有13天了,正常情况下一般7天左... -
郦枝噻吗:[答案] Hi,I have sent the goods on 24th,Sept.It's already 13 days by now.I want to know if you have received or not because normally it will arrived in 7 days.Thanks!

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