
作者&投稿:啜呢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


小约瑟夫·罗宾内特·“乔”·拜登(Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden, Jr.,1942年11月20日-),美国特拉华州的律师和政治家,美国现任副总统。他属民主党籍,是特拉华州的现任资深联邦参议员。拜登目前处在第六届任期,是该州服务时间最长的参议员。他是美国第110届国会的参议院“外交委员会”主席,他以前曾经担任过这个职务,并且曾经担任参议院“司法委员会”主席。拜登参加了1988年美国总统选举,并失败。他于2007年1月30日向联邦选举委员会备案,正式参加2008年美国总统选举。2008年1月3日,在艾奥瓦州初选失利后退出。2008年8月23日,美国民主党总统候选人、国会参议员奥巴马宣布,选择乔·拜登为他在2008年美国总统选举中的竞选伙伴。一般认为奥巴马有意借重拜登丰富的外交事务和国家安全经验,补齐自己被外界批评不足的区块。


拜登生于宾夕法尼亚州斯克兰顿,是大约瑟夫·R·拜登与凯瑟琳·欧根尼娅·“简”·福纳根之子。他是四个兄弟姐妹之中的老大,也是爱尔兰天主教的后代。乔有两个弟弟,詹姆斯·布莱恩·拜登,和弗朗西斯·W·拜登,与 拜登与妻子和两个儿子一个妹妹瓦莱里·欧文斯(娘家姓拜登)。当拜登10岁的时候,他们全家搬到了特拉华州克莱蒙特,拜登在纽卡斯尔县长大。在那里,他的父亲有一个作为售车员的职业。1961年时,拜登从克莱蒙特的阿克米尔学院毕业,1965年时,从纽瓦克的特拉华大学毕业,在那里,他选修了历史学与政治学的双学位。在1968年他继续在雪城大学法学院修习法律博士学位,并于1969年获许进入特拉华律师会。




1969年, 拜登于特拉华州威尔明顿进入法律界, 并很快入选纽卡斯尔县县议会, 并从1970年至19 约瑟夫·拜登72年在此工作。1972年美国国会参议院选举赋予了拜登一个极好的机会。由于知名共和党现任参议院议员J.Caleb.博格斯正考虑退休,导致众议员皮特.杜邦和威尔明顿市长哈里.G.哈斯科尔关系不和,两人发生直接的争斗。为了缓和两人的对立,美国总统理查德 M.尼克松应邀参加一个会议,说服博格斯在全共和党的支持下再次工作,博格斯被说服,可是拜登最终胜利。拜登与1973年1月3日上任,时年30岁,是美国历史上排名第五的最年轻的参议员。拜登30岁以极小的年龄成为美国参议员,并且非常顺利的赢得了之后的连任,于1978年战胜詹姆斯 H.巴克斯特,1984年战胜约翰 M.巴瑞斯,1990年战胜M.简布雷迪,1996年和2002年两次胜过雷蒙德 J.克莱特沃斯,并且其支持率通常高于60%。他现在是特拉华州在任时间最长的美国参议员。拜登2008年依然在竞选连任。1974年,拜登这位新上任的参议员就被当时的时代杂志评为“200个未来有所作为的新面孔”。


拜登在参议院外交事务上的成就显赫。自1975年以来,他一直是具有影响力的参议院对外关系委员会(SenateForeignRelations Committee)成员,并于2001年至2003年以及2007年至今,担任该委员会主席。奥巴马2004年当选联邦参议员后加入对外关系委员会,在与拜登共事的过程中加深了对他的了解。奥巴马目前担任欧洲小组委员会主席,而该小组委员会前任主席就是拜登。但奥巴马和拜登在一个至关重要的对外政策问题上有过分歧。拜登曾投票支持参议院授权美国出兵伊拉克的最后决议,而奥巴马(当时还不是联邦参议员)公开反对这项决议。







拜登历来主张与中国进行对话,不要进行对抗,他对布什政府今年一月执政以来的对华政策持强烈的批评态度。(当然布什政府在过去六个多月里对中国的政策也是有变化的,但是布什总统曾经表示过:如果中国向台湾发动进攻,美国有出兵保护台湾的义务。对布什总统的这一提法,拜登表示强烈的反对。)他认为:布什政府应该继续美国历届政府过去在台湾海峡问题上的立场。那就是在一定程度上有意地持模糊不清的态度,也就是说,美国要警告中国不要向台湾发动军事进攻,美国要警告中国,如果发动进攻,美国“可能”会向台湾提供军事援助,但同时美国也不要向台湾做出“如果中国进攻,美国一定会出兵保护”的承诺。所以,拜登对布什总统对中国的强硬态度很不欣赏。 他在1979年和2001年曾经两度访问中国。2001年8月,拜登在访问中国期间与时任总理朱镕基举行会谈时强调,美国与亚洲特别是中国的关系极为重要,美国政府应继续与中国进行接触,努力发展双方的友好合作关系。   

拜登认为美国对中国的政策应是与之共事(engagement)及融合(integrate)中国到国际秩序中。他同时强调必须推动中国遵循法律和政治方面的国际准则,以及巩固现有联盟以提防中国异常地侵犯美国及其盟国的根本利益。他反对把中国视为敌人,也不以中国为盟友,而是认识到中美之间既有竞争也有共同利益。他认为能源及环境是对华关系的两个特别重要的领域。 作为联邦参议院外交委员会主席,他于2007年要求议会研究服务(Congressional Research Service)全面研究中国在亚非拉正在增长的软势力, 并于次年主持了参议院“全球化时代的美中关系”听证会,对中国的国情及外交有较一般美国政治家更广泛,深入的认识及思考。   


他在1979年和2001年曾经两度访问中国。2001年8月,拜登在访问 约瑟夫·拜登和奥巴马




奥巴马眼中的拜登 既无深谋亦无野心



Transcript: The Vice-Presidential Debate between Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. and Gov. Sarah Palin in St. Louis

GWEN IFILL: Good evening from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. I'm Gwen Ifill of "The NewsHour" and "Washington Week" on PBS. Welcome to the first and the only 2008 vice presidential debate between the Republican nominee, Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska, and the Democratic nominee, Joe Biden of Delaware.

The Commission on Presidential Debates is the sponsor of this event and the two remaining presidential debates. Tonight's discussion will cover a wide range of topics, including domestic and foreign policy matters.

It will be divided roughly into five-minute segments. Each candidate will have 90 seconds to respond to a direct question and then an additional two minutes for rebuttal and follow-up. The order has been determined by a coin toss.

The specific subjects and questions were chosen by me and have not been shared or cleared with anyone on the campaigns or on the commission. The audience here in the hall has promised to remain very polite, no cheers, applause, no untoward outbursts, except right at this minute now, as we welcome Governor Palin and Senator Biden.


PALIN: Nice to meet you.

BIDEN: It's a pleasure.

PALIN: Hey, can I call you Joe?


PALIN: Thank you.

Thank you, Gwen. Thank you. Thank you.

IFILL: Welcome to you both.

As we have determined by a coin toss, the first question will go to Senator Biden, with a 90-second follow-up from Governor Palin.

The House of Representatives this week passed a bill, a big bailout bill -- or didn't pass it, I should say. The Senate decided to pass it, and the House is wrestling with it still tonight.

As America watches these things happen on Capitol Hill, Senator Biden, was this the worst of Washington or the best of Washington that we saw play out?

BIDEN: Let me begin by thanking you, Gwen, for hosting this.

And, Governor, it's a pleasure to meet you, and it's a pleasure to be with you.

I think it's neither the best or worst of Washington, but it's evidence of the fact that the economic policies of the last eight years have been the worst economic policies we've ever had. As a consequence, you've seen what's happened on Wall Street.

If you need any more proof positive of how bad the economic theories have been, this excessive deregulation, the failure to oversee what was going on, letting Wall Street run wild, I don't think you needed any more evidence than what you see now.

So the Congress has been put -- Democrats and Republicans have been put in a very difficult spot. But Barack Obama laid out four basic criteria for any kind of rescue plan here.

He, first of all, said there has to be oversight. We're not going to write any check to anybody unless there's oversight for the -- of the secretary of Treasury.

He secondly said you have to focus on homeowners and folks on Main Street.

Thirdly, he said that you have to treat the taxpayers like investors in this case.

And, lastly, what you have to do is make sure that CEOs don't benefit from this, because this could end up, in the long run, people making money off of this rescue plan.

And so, as a consequence of that, it brings us back to maybe the fundamental disagreement between Governor Palin and me and Senator McCain and Barack Obama, and that is that the -- we're going to fundamentally change the focus of the economic policy.

We're going to focus on the middle class, because it's -- when the middle class is growing, the economy grows and everybody does well, not just focus on the wealthy and corporate America.

IFILL: Thank you, Senator.

Governor Palin?

PALIN: Thank you, Gwen. And I thank the commission, also. I appreciate this privilege of being able to be here and speak with Americans.

You know, I think a good barometer here, as we try to figure out has this been a good time or a bad time in America's economy, is go to a kid's soccer game on Saturday, and turn to any parent there on the sideline and ask them, "How are you feeling about the economy?"

And I'll bet you, you're going to hear some fear in that parent's voice, fear regarding the few investments that some of us have in the stock market. Did we just take a major hit with those investments?

Fear about, how are we going to afford to send our kids to college? A fear, as small-business owners, perhaps, how we're going to borrow any money to increase inventory or hire more people.

The barometer there, I think, is going to be resounding that our economy is hurting and the federal government has not provided the sound oversight that we need and that we deserve, and we need reform to that end.

Now, John McCain thankfully has been one representing reform. Two years ago, remember, it was John McCain who pushed so hard with the Fannie Mae (NYSE:FNM) and Freddie Mac (NYSE:FRE) reform measures. He sounded that warning bell.

People in the Senate with him, his colleagues, didn't want to listen to him and wouldn't go towards that reform that was needed then. I think that the alarm has been heard, though, and there will be that greater oversight, again thanks to John McCain's bipartisan efforts that he was so instrumental in bringing folks together over this past week, even suspending his own campaign to make sure he was putting excessive politics aside and putting the country first.

IFILL: You both would like to be vice president.

Senator Biden, how, as vice president, would you work to shrink this gap of polarization which has sprung up in Washington, which you both have spoken about here tonight?

BIDEN: Well, that's what I've done my whole career, Gwen, on very, very controversial issues, from dealing with violence against women, to putting 100,000 police officers on the street, to trying to get something done about the genocide in -- that was going on in Bosnia.

And I -- I have been able to reach across the aisle. I think it's fair to say that I have almost as many friends on the Republican side of the aisle as I do the Democratic side of the aisle.

But am I able to respond to -- are we able to stay on the -- on the topic?

IFILL: You may, if you like.

BIDEN: Yes, well, you know, until two weeks ago -- it was two Mondays ago John McCain said at 9 o'clock in the morning that the fundamentals of the economy were strong. Two weeks before that, he said George -- we've made great economic progress under George Bush's policies.

Nine o'clock, the economy was strong. Eleven o'clock that same day, two Mondays ago, John McCain said that we have an economic crisis.

That doesn't make John McCain a bad guy, but it does point out he's out of touch. Those folks on the sidelines knew that two months ago.

IFILL: Governor Palin, you may respond.

PALIN: John McCain, in referring to the fundamental of our economy being strong, he was talking to and he was talking about the American workforce. And the American workforce is the greatest in this world, with the ingenuity and the work ethic that is just entrenched in our workforce. That's a positive. That's encouragement. And that's what John McCain meant.

Now, what I've done as a governor and as a mayor is (inaudible) I've had that track record of reform. And I've joined this team that is a team of mavericks with John McCain, also, with his track record of reform, where we're known for putting partisan politics aside to just get the job done.

Now, Barack Obama, of course, he's pretty much only voted along his party lines. In fact, 96 percent of his votes have been solely along party line, not having that proof for the American people to know that his commitment, too, is, you know, put the partisanship, put the special interests aside, and get down to getting business done for the people of America.

We're tired of the old politics as usual. And that's why, with all due respect, I do respect your years in the U.S. Senate, but I think Americans are craving something new and different and that new energy and that new commitment that's going to come with reform.

I think that's why we need to send the maverick from the Senate and put him in the White House, and I'm happy to join him there.

IFILL: Governor, Senator, neither of you really answered that last question about what you would do as vice president. I'm going to come back to that...


... throughout the evening to try to see if we can look forward, as well.

Now, let's talk about -- the next question is to talk about the subprime lending meltdown.

Who do you think was at fault? I start with you, Governor Palin. Was it the greedy lenders? Was it the risky home-buyers who shouldn't have been buying a home in the first place? And what should you be doing about it?

PALIN: Darn right it was the predator lenders, who tried to talk Americans into thinking that it was smart to buy a $300,000 house if we could only afford a $100,000 house. There was deception there, and there was greed and there is corruption on Wall Street. And we need to stop that.

Again, John McCain and I, that commitment that we have made, and we're going to follow through on that, getting rid of that corruption.

PALIN: One thing that Americans do at this time, also, though, is let's commit ourselves just every day American people, Joe Six Pack, hockey moms across the nation, I think we need to band together and say never again. Never will we be exploited and taken advantage of again by those who are managing our money and loaning us these dollars. We need to make sure that we demand from the federal government strict oversight of those entities in charge of our investments and our savings and we need also to not get ourselves in debt. Let's do what our parents told us before we probably even got that first credit card. Don't live outside of our means. We need to make sure that as individuals we're taking personal responsibility through all of this. It's not the American peoples fault that the economy is hurting like it is, but we have an opportunity to learn a heck of a lot of good lessons through this and say never again will we be taken advantage of.

IFILL: Senator?

BIDEN: Well Gwen, two years ago Barack Obama warned about the sub prime mortgage crisis. John McCain said shortly after that in December he was surprised there was a sub prime mortgage problem. John McCain while Barack Obama was warning about what we had to do was literally giving an interview to "The Wall Street Journal" saying that I'm always for cutting regulations. We let Wall Street run wild. John McCain and he's a good man, but John McCain thought the answer is that tried and true Republican response, deregulate, deregulate.

So what you had is you had overwhelming "deregulation." You had actually the belief that Wall Street could self-regulate itself. And while Barack Obama was talking about reinstating those regulations, John on 20 different occasions in the previous year and a half called for more deregulation. As a matter of fact, John recently wrote an article in a major magazine saying that he wants to do for the health care industry deregulate it and let the free market move like he did for the banking industry.

So deregulation was the promise. And guess what? Those people who say don't go into debt, they can barely pay to fill up their gas tank. I was recently at my local gas station and asked a guy named Joey Danco (ph). I said Joey, how much did it cost to fill your tank? You know what his answer was? He said I don't know, Joe. I never have enough money to do it. The middle class needs relief, tax relief. They need it now. They need help now. The focus will change with Barack Obama.

IFILL: Governor, please if you want to respond to what he said about Senator McCain's comments about health care?

PALIN: I would like to respond about the tax increases. We can speak in agreement here that darn right we need tax relief for Americans so that jobs can be created here. Now, Barack Obama and Senator Biden also voted for the largest tax increases in U.S. history. Barack had 94 opportunities to side on the people's side and reduce taxes and 94 times he voted to increase taxes or not support a tax reduction, 94 times.

Now, that's not what we need to create jobs and really bolster and heat up our economy. We do need the private sector to be able to keep more of what we earn and produce. Government is going to have to learn to be more efficient and live with less if that's what it takes to reign in the government growth that we've seen today. But we do need tax relief and Barack Obama even supported increasing taxes as late as last year for those families making only $42,000 a year. That's a lot of middle income average American families to increase taxes on them. I think that is the way to kill jobs and to continue to harm our economy.

IFILL: Senator?

BIDEN: The charge is absolutely not true. Barack Obama did not vote to raise taxes. The vote she's referring to, John McCain voted the exact same way. It was a budget procedural vote. John McCain voted the same way. It did not raise taxes. Number two, using the standard that the governor uses, John McCain voted 477 times to raise taxes. It's a bogus standard it but if you notice, Gwen, the governor did not answer the question about deregulation, did not answer the question of defending John McCain about not going along with the deregulation, letting Wall Street run wild. He did support deregulation almost across the board. That's why we got into so much trouble.

IFILL: Would you like to have an opportunity to answer that before we move on?

PALIN: I'm still on the tax thing because I want to correct you on that again. And I want to let you know what I did as a mayor and as a governor. And I may not answer the questions the way that either the moderator or you want to hear, but I'm going to talk straight to the American people and let them know my track record also. As mayor, every year I was in office I did reduce taxes. I eliminated personal property taxes and eliminated small business inventory taxes and as governor we suspended our state fuel tax. We did all of those things knowing that that is how our economy would be heated up. Now, as for John McCain's adherence to rules and regulations and pushing for even harder and tougher regulations, that is another thing that he is known for though. Look at the tobacco industry. Look at campaign finance reform.

IFILL: OK, our time is up here. We've got to move to the next question. Senator Biden, we want to talk about taxes, let's talk about taxes. You proposed raising taxes on people who earn over $250,000 a year. The question for you is, why is that not class warfare and the same question for you, Governor Palin, is you have proposed a tax employer health benefits which some studies say would actually throw five million more people onto the roles of the uninsured. I want to know why that isn't taking things out on the poor, starting with you, Senator Biden.

BIDEN: Well Gwen, where I come from, it's called fairness, just simple fairness. The middle class is struggling. The middle class under John McCain's tax proposal, 100 million families, middle class families, households to be precise, they got not a single change, they got not a single break in taxes. No one making less than $250,000 under Barack Obama's plan will see one single penny of their tax raised whether it's their capital gains tax, their income tax, investment tax, any tax. And 95 percent of the people in the United States of America making less than $150,000 will get a tax break.

Now, that seems to me to be simple fairness. The economic engine of America is middle class. It's the people listening to this broadcast. When you do well, America does well. Even the wealthy do well. This is not punitive. John wants to add $300 million, billion in new tax cuts per year for corporate America and the very wealthy while giving virtually nothing to the middle class. We have a different value set. The middle class is the economic engine. It's fair. They deserve the tax breaks, not the super wealthy who are doing pretty well. They don't need any more tax breaks. And by the way, they'll pay no more than they did under Ronald Reagan.


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2008 年法定节假日 :一、元旦:2007年12月30日—2008年1月1日放假,共3天。其中,1月1日(星期二)为法定节假日,12月30日(星期日)为公休日,12月29日(星期六)公休日调至12月31日(星期一),12月29日(星期六)上班。二、春节:2月6日—12日(农历除夕至正月初六)放假,共7天。其中...


二七区13872443256: 2021年8月23日是什么日子(老黄历吉凶宜忌查询)
贺阮麻芩: 一、2021年8月23日是什么日子: 阳历:2021年8月23日1、阴历:二零二一年 七月... 修造 入宅 伐木 置产 动土 筑堤 造床 开仓 安床 行舟五、历史上的大事件9、2008年8...

二七区13872443256: 哪里有美国总统或副总统竞选的演讲和辩论的视频或音频? -
贺阮麻芩: http://www.verycd.com/groups/datum/373640.topic

二七区13872443256: 08年美国总统候选人奥巴玛的竞选纲领是什么? -
贺阮麻芩:将成为美国历史上首位获主要政党提名的黑人总统候选人 美国民主党全国代表大会定于当地时间25日下午3时在科罗拉多州丹佛市召开.贝拉克·奥巴马届时将获总统候选...

二七区13872443256: 请介绍一下何鲁晓夫和尼克松的厨房辩论他们都说了些什么呢?很有兴趣
贺阮麻芩: “厨房辨论”发生于1959年7月.时任美国副总统的尼克松前往苏联,主持在苏联举行的全美展览会的开幕式.该展览会旨在宣传美国的生活和文化,采用陈列的方式,展...

二七区13872443256: 麦凯恩失误败选的具体原因
贺阮麻芩: 一句话,因为他是共和党人,他们执政实践太长了,该换换口味了,再说这几年共和党执政美国在走下坡路,美国人希望改变!

二七区13872443256: 美国总统候选人演讲时讲什么?
贺阮麻芩: 要想当总统首先要成为一个辩论髙手,否则,即便你再有才,漫长的竞 选活动也得让你歇菜.看看美国的总统哪个不是脱稿演讲的高手呢?而且每 位总统都是神采飞扬,...

二七区13872443256: 美国的总统是谁2021(2021美国现任总统到底是谁())
贺阮麻芩: 2、美国的总统是谁2021.3、现美国总统是谁2021年.4、2021年美国的总统是谁?以下内容关于《现在美国总统是谁2021》的解答.1.2021现在美国总统是约瑟夫&...

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