
作者&投稿:阙侄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)





Emperor Taizong of Tang (Chinese: 唐太宗; pinyin: Táng Tàizōng, January 23, 599 – July 10, 649), personal name Lǐ Shìmín (Chinese: 李世民), was the second emperor of the Tang Dynasty of China, ruling from 626 to 649. As he encouraged his father, Li Yuan (later Emperor Gaozu) to rise against Sui Dynasty rule at Taiyuan in 617 and subsequently defeated several of his most important rivals, he was ceremonially regarded as a cofounder of the dynasty along with Emperor Gaozu.

He is typically considered one of the greatest, if not the greatest, emperor in all of Chinese history. Throughout the rest of Chinese history, Emperor Taizong's reign was regarded as the exemplary model against which all other emperors were measured, and his "Reign of Zhen'guan" (贞观之治) was considered a golden age of Chinese history and required study for future crown princes. During his reign, Tang China flourished economically and militarily. For more than a century after his death, Tang China enjoyed peace and prosperity.

In 630, Emperor Taizong sent his general Li Jing against Eastern Tujue -- to which Tang had once submitted -- defeating and capturing its Jiali Khan Ashina Duobi and destroying Eastern Tujue power. This made Tang the dominant power in East and Central Asia, and Emperor Taizong subsequently took the title of Tian Kehan ("Heavenly Khan").

Emperor Taizong was, in opposition to nobility of the time, a frank rationalist, openly laughing of superstitions and heaven's claimed signs, and modifying important rites in order to ease agricultural labour. The modern Chinese historian Bo Yang opined that Emperor Taizong achieved greatness by accepting criticism that others would find difficult to accept and trying hard not to abuse his absolute power (using Emperor Yang of Sui as a negative example), as well as employing capable chancellors Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, and Wei Zheng. Emperor Taizong's wife Empress Zhangsun served as a capable assistant to him as well.

Li Shi Min
Emperor Tang Taizong of China (598 - May 26, 649), born Li Shimin (李世民), was the second emperor of the Tang Dynasty of China from 627 to 649. He helped his father, Li Yuan started the uprising that established the Tang Empire. However, many now consider Taizong the true founder of Tang. Taizong conquered several neighbouring tribes, which call him Heavenly Khan (天可汗). Under his reign, the famous rule of Guanzhen (贞观之治) took place (his era name was Guanzhen). His posthumous name was Wenhu-dasheng-daguang Xiao Huangdi (文武大圣大广孝皇帝 "Filial Emperor who is Civil and Martial, Greatly Holy, and Greatly Expansive").
Taizong was born in Wugong (武功, today in Shaanxi) to Li Yuan and Dou-shi (窦氏), and was one-quater Xianbei (by his grandmother). After the establishment of Tang, he was appointed the King of Qin (秦王) by his father. The original crown prince was his elder brother Li Jiancheng (李建成). However, he killed Jiancheng and his forth youngest brother, Li Yuanji, Prince Qi (齐王李元吉) on June 4, 626 in Xuanwu Gate Rebellion (玄武门之变). Two days later, he was made the new crown prince. Two months later, he became the emperor.

He died in Hangfeng Hall of Cuiwei Palace (翠微宫含风殿) and was buried in August in Zhao Mausoleum (昭陵, in today Quandong, Shaanxi).

下面是我为你整理的李世民英文简介,希望对你有用! 唐太宗李世民简介 Tang Taizong Li Shimin (January 28, 598 [a said 599 January 23] - AD 649 July 10), native of Longxi Cheng Ji, Tang Gaozu Li Yuan and sinus Queen's second son, the Tang Dynasty Two emperors, distinguished politicians, s...

一般称为Emperor Taizong of Tang,名字则是li shimi

唐太宗,李世民的小故事.Emperor Taizong, Li Shimin, in the Tang Dynasty, loved bows and arrows from the time he was young. He collected over ten high quality bows and thought that there were none better than the ones in his collection. He later took his bows to an expert. Af...

英文名:Calvin 昵称:锅子、晓晓 原名:郑瑞晓、郑乙霖 出生日期:5月27日 身高:1.76m 体重:65公斤 星座:双子座 血型:A型 眼睛:黑色 发色:黑色 语言:普通话、广东话、英语 学历:大学 最喜欢的演员:莱昂纳多、张卫健 最喜欢的颜色:宝蓝色 最喜欢的电影:《这个杀手不太冷》、《指环王》1998...

Taizong Candy

这幅壁画的英文翻译是'the Mural of Thirteen Emperors', 意为'十三位皇帝的壁画'。这个名称源于壁画中描绘了十三位唐代的皇帝形象,包括高祖李渊、太宗李世民、唐太宗李世民、肃宗李亨等。除了皇帝形象,题西林壁还描绘了许多其他的人物和场景。例如,壁画中有许多佛教形象,如弥勒佛、菩萨、罗汉等等。同时...


赵武灵王King Zhao Wulingwang汉高祖founder of the Han Dynasty梁武帝Emperor Liangwu唐太宗Emperor Taizong of Tang隋炀帝King Yang of Sui Dynasty

这种习俗后来逐渐盛行,到唐朝初期,唐太宗李世民写有“守岁”诗:“寒辞去冬雪,暖带入春风”。直到今天,人们还习惯在除夕之夜守岁迎新。2、Chinese folk have "open the door firecracker" legend. In the New Year, every family opened the door the first thing is to set off firecrackers, ...

唐太宗 唐玄宗 武则天 成吉思汗 朱元璋的生平简介主要成家就_百度知 ...
元太祖成吉思汗[1](英文:Genghis Khan)(蒙古语:?inggis Qaγan,1162年5月31日-1227年8月25日),即元太祖,又称成吉思可汗,蒙古族,蒙古帝国奠基者、政治家、中华民族乃至世界历史上杰出的军事统帅。名铁木真,孛儿只斤氏,奇渥温姓,乞颜(起延)部人。而按照蒙古起名传统,铁木真全名应...

古冶区17022473924: 唐太宗李世民的英文简介(200~300字)要有中文的对照,谢谢拉 -
闾筠尪痹:[答案] Emperor Taizong of Tang (Chinese:唐太宗; pinyin:Táng Tàizōng,January 23,599 – July 10,649),personal name Lǐ Shìmín (Chinese:李世民),was the second emperor of the Tang Dynasty of China,ruling fr...

古冶区17022473924: 介绍李世民功绩的英语短文. 急求呢 -
闾筠尪痹: 为唐朝的建立做出过卓越的贡献,成为唐太宗之后,励精图治 开创贞观之治,丰富的阅历和隋王的借鉴使得唐太宗善于体察民情,深知水能载舟亦能覆舟的道理,所以明治地实行疏缓刑罚、宽政安民、轻徭薄赋、休养生息的政策,使社会日趋安...

古冶区17022473924: 唐太宗的英语是什么? -
闾筠尪痹: Tang Taizong

古冶区17022473924: 唐太宗李世民简介不超过100次
闾筠尪痹: 李世民(598年1月28日【一说599年1月23日】-649年7月10日),即唐太宗(626年—649年在位),生于武功之别馆(今陕西武功),是唐高祖李渊和窦皇后的次子,唐朝第二位皇帝,杰出的政治家、战略家、军事家、诗人.武德九年六月初四(626年7月2日),李世民发动“玄武门之变”,杀死自己的兄长太子李建成、四弟齐王李元吉及二人诸子,被立为太子.不久唐高祖李渊退位,李世民即位,改元贞观. [1] 贞观二十三年五月己巳日(649年7月10日),李世民因病驾崩于含风殿,享年五十二岁,在位二十三年,庙号太宗,葬于昭陵.

古冶区17022473924: 求李世民的简短介绍 -
闾筠尪痹: 唐太宗,名叫李世民(599年—649年 )在位23年(627-649)是唐朝第二位皇帝,也是一名军事家.唐太宗在位23年,在位期间国泰民安,社会安定,经济发展繁荣,为后来的开元盛世奠定了重要的基础.后人称他的统治为“贞观之治”.

古冶区17022473924: 李世民的简要介绍 -
闾筠尪痹: 姓名:李世民 民族:汉 出生日期:599年1月23日 出生地址:陇西成纪 职业:皇帝 就业时间:626年至649年 昵称:唐太宗 646年挂

古冶区17022473924: 唐太宗李世民的简介有哪些呢?
闾筠尪痹: 唐太宗李世民(公元598年1月28日 -公元649年7月10日),祖籍陇西成纪,是唐高祖李渊和窦皇后的次子,唐朝第二位皇帝,杰出的政治家、战略家、军事家、诗人. 李...

古冶区17022473924: 请问一下“开元盛世”,“贞观之治”及唐太宗,唐玄宗用英语怎样表示,(不要机器翻译) ,谢谢! -
闾筠尪痹: 开元盛世 Flourishment Age of Kaiyuan Era/Times/Reign(3选1)贞观之治 Excellent Governance during the Zhenguan Times/Reign(2选1)唐玄宗 Emperor Taizong of Tang (Dynasty) Emperor Taitsung of Tang——韦式音标唐玄宗 Emperor Xuanzong of Tang (Dynasty) Emperor Hsuantsung of Tang——韦式音标供参

古冶区17022473924: 李世民的资料
闾筠尪痹: http://baike.baidu.com/subview/2216/8684069.htm这是李世民的介绍

古冶区17022473924: 谁知道“赵武灵王”“汉高祖”“梁武帝”“唐太宗””隋炀帝”在英文中怎么说? -
闾筠尪痹: 赵武灵王King Zhao Wulingwang汉高祖founder of the Han Dynasty梁武帝Emperor Liangwu唐太宗Emperor Taizong of Tang隋炀帝King Yang of Sui Dynasty

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