谁能帮我写一片有关 父母对儿童的爱 的文章?最好是英文的 谢谢

作者&投稿:蔺于 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语好的,能不能帮忙写篇关于父母与子女的关系(好)的英语作文 ,最好自己是自己写的。谢谢谢谢~

My 14th birthday
When my 14th birthday came,I felt not happy anyway. Because my parents didn't pay any attention to it. I thought they were too busy to remember my birthday.
On the night of that day, I got back home and found nobody. I had to do supper for myself. My tears slipped from my eyes. I felt lonely and sad as if I was abondoned by the whole world. Why they were so busy all day? They didn't care me at all!
When I finished my homework,my parents came back. I said nothing but went to my bed. I closed my eyes but in fact I couldn't fall asleep.
Then I heard my mother came in and sat beside me.
"I'm sorry baby...."she said in a low and tiring voice,"I know why you are so unhappy. Sometimes I think I'm not a good mother, but you konw,both I and your fater are busy these days. We always want to make more money .'cause you will go to the senior high school next year. You need more money for the further education..."
I opened my eyes ,and found tears shone in my mother's eyes. I forgave them at once.
Sometimes ,your parents will forget your important days, but now I konw that doesn't mean they don' love you.

Love is the parents' interference in China too. China's intervention in the parents and children love, is also the first in the world.

Russia and the United States is different. Children love problems, parents are basically no matter. Children love happiness, and parents are happy; Children love setback, parents will be appealed to exhortation, that's all, young people can be obtained from the setback of the life of hone and mature.

But should never go to dividing the marriage of young people, it is wrong, and the parental authority was a mess. Will cause the young man a lifetime of pain, also caused the relationship between the two generations. Become strangers. Why?

Why show the modern version of the peacock flies southeast? Confused, the older generation; Pain ah, young man.

According to the marriage law, marriage problems should not be interference by others, freedom of marriage.

China's old man excessively interfere with the child's marriage, is often counterproductive.

Should guarantee freedom of marriage, the old man should not be any excuse to block their children a happy marriage. In fact, it is also responsible for the old man in the future happiness.

Interference in the child's marriage, then the old man also not forgive and care of the children.

Affection that from parents
Some people say,parents are the first and best teathers in their kids' life.Because from the very beginning of a kid's born,parents start to do a "business"---bring their children up.When we are very young,we even can't walk ourselves,parents teach us to set our first step,they teach us how to walk with all the patience.In the wake of learning how to walk,they teach us how to talk,when we speak out father or mother in the first time,we could see their smile with tears.
We grow up day after day,we start to go to school,they always get the meal ready and wait us back home,and listen to us talk about the inteseting things at school.
When we get into college or go to work,leave them,they just always miss their kids.
Parents just give us too much affections,kid is a part of their life,kid is a part of their bodies.It is them teach us how to stand in this world,teach us to respect, to love,and they never ask for anyhing.
This is our parets!

Mom's love

The reason why I love my mother, because she is not a bit unusual mother. Why do I say that? This should start with my birth. This is because I am not a healthy child. When I was born, because doctors do not have experience, I cerebellar injury. This means that I can not take care of themselves is a child. But abhorrent doctors did not tell her father and mother. In this way, Mom and Dad, I have to go home, coincidence is that our neighbor's children is the day I was born with, so, in my three months, I told my mother we discovered that the kids do not like the neighbor. For example: the neighbor's children will have a straight head. I also can not? Mom told this matter is the maternal uncle of the high school. The uncle said: "Aunt, I was a friend of the students graduating from the Faculty of Medicine. Her share of the Zhengzhou three Fuyuan, heard that a special rule Nini disease doctor. Thought that if medical treatment to the case, I immediately with the Contact her! "the mother said without hesitation:" Lin, fast contact with her! Nini as long as it can cure the disease on the line! "As a result, the maternal uncle that he immediately contacted a friend and was quickly on the link. Soon, we arrived at the Zhengzhou three Fuyuan, go after, the doctor told her that: "Fortunately, sent in a timely manner! Otherwise, the child paralysis. Tell you! In the cerebral palsy children!" Dad Mom Bengchiweiche bad heart! Because cerebral palsy is a very refractory disease, many relatives and friends, I tried to persuade her mother to give up. But her mother believes that, I will be able to cure the disease. So, we in Zhengzhou three Fuyuan the hospital. Soon, doctors say I need a closed-Third injections to be crying. This can be Mom and Dad, both of a good news, but it is also bad news. This is because good news because the response I have had, and this means a closed needle effective! The bad news may be on the bad I now have Huiku, so, give me injections each time, the nurses will be called up to Mom and Dad HOLD me, I desperately cry! I cried to see her mother, she would cry. At that time, my father would also like to return home to work, let's take care of my grandmother and mother over whenever kick down the needle, and her mother and grandmother will be the first reported cried!

The father loves like the mountain
I, am born in ordinary and the ordinary family, it is notcertainly wealthy, but, it can give my love actually is inexhaustible.
Has recorded events since me, the daddy has not certainly had theexcessively unkind request to me, but actually mother all puts mineexpectation on the surface. I am a sentimental girl, studies the startsince childhood, I had understood the score importance, each timetests always uses the tear to hit the full house not well. The daddyalso always comforts me: "The cold winter general meeting transformsCheng Nuan spring, a person is does not have the forever defeat."
But, since on junior middle school, daddy's educational policy haschanged as if, changes lets me eat needlessly, lets me think the daddychanged more and more impervious.
The father loves like the mountain
I, am born in ordinary and the ordinary family, it is notcertainly wealthy, but, it can give my love actually is inexhaustible.
Has recorded events since me, the daddy has not certainly had theexcessively unkind request to me, but actually mother all puts mineexpectation on the surface. I am a sentimental girl, studies the startsince childhood, I had understood the score importance, each timetests always uses the tear to hit the full house not well. The daddyalso always comforts me: "The cold winter general meeting transformsCheng Nuan spring, a person is does not have the forever defeat."
But, since on junior middle school, daddy's educational policy haschanged as if, changes lets me eat needlessly, lets me think the daddychanged more and more impervious.
After goes home, the daddy has not certainly said to me any, only issuch to me, I extremely is as usual astonished, occasionally, sawdaddy that dyed the white double temple, that covered entirely thecapillary the eye, in my heart surged is feeling ashamed, listens tomother to say, the daddy will answer my telephone later to borrow theliquor to drown sorrow, this period, has spat many, heard this, mynose unable to restrain acid, the teardrops flows copiously. Yes, thefather likes always not hearing, but the father likes being similarlydeeper than the sea, higher than mountain

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