
作者&投稿:生弘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


My dream was to be a Superman when I was a kid. In this way, I could not only fly over here and there for a visit, but also I could svae the human beings. However, I found out that this dream could not be realized when I grew up. I have a second dream afterward, and now, in order to realize the dream, I would follow the actions in the movies to enjoy.

On March 22, the Tuesday of the first week, I started on my weight loss program. That evening I bet with roommate do 50 sit up, people who fail should pay others for a free meal. To tell the truth, I had not done this kind of exercise in PE class in high schoo lfora long time since I did sit up. My roomate helped me hold the feet, I initially did very fast, when 20 is sort of tired, almost did not come, but the thought of failed people to dinner, I kept going, and finally finished the 50.

I see the look of your face
I hear your voice I just do not know who you are
I just do not know who you love
in the 12th to leave you a night
sky filled the collapse of the stars drunk snow burning
my Sore throat singing
I broke sitting on the ground crying like I really can not you
I do not know who you are
please tell me who you are


小时後我的梦想是成为超人。这样我就可以飞来飞去,到处参观,还可以拯救人类。但我长大後才知道那不可能会实现,所以我有了第2个梦想。为了完成梦想现在我也会跟著电影一起表演。My dream was to be a Superman when I was a kid. In this way, I could not only fly over here and there ...

高手帮我把一些中文句子翻译成英语!!急!! 英语高手来!!!
1.我们有一只幸福的家庭.We have a happy family.2.我认为每个中国乒乓球运动员都是最棒的.I think the Chinese table tennis players are the best in the world.3.我会一点做饭.I can manage some basic cooking.4.我没有工作经验.I have no working experience.5.我要支付3500欧元.I'll n...

因为它们是人类的好朋友。如果你掉到了海里,它们会救你。如果你喜欢它们,它们也会一起和你玩。它们有一双美丽深邃的眼睛(我怎么认为) 。所以,我认为海豚是非常好的动物。如果你喜欢它们,请不要(伤害)他们。关于海豚 海豚是哺乳动物。在这个世界上一共有62种海豚。成年海豚有3米长,重180KG 。

1. 关心同学生活,了解同学在生活方面的意见和要求,及时向班主任和学校有关部门反映。Students concerned about life, to understand the students in terms of life views and requirements, timely to the teacher and school departments.2. 协助卫生员每天检查眼保健操和个人卫生。Assist the health of...

一句句来哦~Leave me alone 别管我 Stop calling me at home 也不要打电话到我家 Where did you get my number anyway?你是怎么知道我家电话号码的?Don't write me E-mails 不要给我发邮件 Don't knock on my door 不要来敲我家门 Don't you remember you didn't love me no more?你...

这个相对我以前帮别人翻译简历容易多了,纯手工翻译.我刚从学校毕业,我还没有任何的开始,对以后其实也很迷茫,既不想让家里主宰自己的未来,也很想急于证明自己不用靠他们也可以独立起来。I just graduated a few days ago, and I have not any beginning, being confused by future. Not only ...

has left home in Jun.25th 2009 at 5:26am 离家时身着白色衬衣,黑色闪光短夹克。He has left home with white shirt,black shining short jacket 下身穿九分裤,白袜子,黑皮鞋。and wore crop jeans,white socks and black shoes underneath 单手带白手套,头戴黑色礼帽。He wore a glove on...

Finally, the money then distributed to those poor people, so that they could eat fed. Construction of a Science Institute, I want to create instruments, so that the blind can see colors, so that deaf people can hear the sound, so dumb people can speak, so that physically ...

あなたがほしい人は私ではありません。你想要的人不是我 真心がこもっている人はどこにいりますか。抱持着一颗真心的人在哪儿呢?まじめな时、あなたは私の恋人、胜手気ままだ时、あなたは私の何?认真的时候,你是我的恋人,任性妄为的时候,你又是我的什么呢?若しかしたら、一度昔...

老先生说,小女孩善意, “我亲爱的,你刚才开了一家错误的窗口” 。在您的旅途生活,你不开放,往往一个错误的窗口吗?故事是如此真实!我喜欢它。在过去,也许孩子看起来像我。但是,现在,将来,我会选择以打开右侧窗口中。你是否认为这样呢?所有鲜花将盛开,为我!现在,我就会消失在你的世界!...

城厢区15629072641: 帮我把一段汉语翻译成英语.谢谢拜托各位了 3Q要翻译的内容如下: 大家下午好,今天我想给大家说说我的家乡.我的家乡山西大同,一直在大家的眼里似乎... -
聊录严逸:[答案] Good afternoon, everybody! I'd like to have a talk about my hometown, Datong of Shanxi. With everyone's eyes, there is just coal in Datong. Beforetime, there was not anything be deep impression except coal when you mentioned Shanxi. But today, ...

城厢区15629072641: 请帮我把一段中文翻译成英语
聊录严逸: 说实话,我真的很爱你 tell the truth, that i really do so love you!

城厢区15629072641: 帮我把一段中文翻译成为英文? -
聊录严逸: 我们要节约每一分钱,将尽可能多的钱捐献给贫困山区的儿童,还可以把自己的旧衣服、图书和其他学习用品,互相鼓励和帮助他们.We should economise on every cent and donate as much money as possible to the children in the economically poor mountain areas. We can also donate our clothes,books and student supplies to them as their encouragement and assistance.

城厢区15629072641: 请帮我将一段中文翻译成英语.
聊录严逸: "Today, there are many people are selling large quantities of counterfeit trademark of your company, product models of mobile phones. These products have been seriously infringed upon the rights and interests of your company. But also the ...

城厢区15629072641: 帮我把一段中文翻译成一段英语
聊录严逸: Summer holidays, I am studying English. The class mounting our English teacher, is not solemn , everybody is all very happy, can not restrain like that very much like giving lessons generally. Finish going ahead the first section of class, game ...

城厢区15629072641: 找人帮我把一段中文翻译成英文 谢谢
聊录严逸: Former life a blank, But now I live in a multi-color, That is a happy color, I tasted the flavor of happiness, Hentian really, Because of you, You love will not cease

城厢区15629072641: 帮我将一段中文翻译成标准的英文. -
聊录严逸: 1.Dear English teacher【其实您可以直接称呼她Miss/Mr. XX.这样更合乎国外习俗】,Christmas is coming,wish you a merry Christmas!2.【还是建议直接称呼Miss/Mr.xxx】,it has been a long time since the term began.You have never change your smile except when you were angry with us and a smile always hovered on your lips~ 希望对您有所帮助~祝您、您的同学家人及老师,圣诞快乐~

城厢区15629072641: 请帮我把下面一段中文翻译成英文?
聊录严逸: When all the sadness into a fist. Hit my chest when My heart has suffered a shock All the sadness from all the channels I rushed out, Tears can not solve everything But the mood could be released Deceiving and being deceived in the world, I was a ...

城厢区15629072641: 请大家帮我把这一段中文翻译成英语,...
聊录严逸: I like playing the piano, I think it can not only edify our sentiment, but also can cultivate our hobbies.Compared to many other peers like black, white, brown, I like yellow more, I think it is a very bright color, very suitable for us these energetic child. Yes, ...

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