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求汤姆.汉克斯主演的电影<Turner and Hooch>中文名字有翻译为<丑狗的故事>港译名<古惑丑拍档>迅雷下载地址~







介绍: Tom Hanks Tom Hank July 1956 9 sunrise in California, by the end of September was launched rescue Rennes common soldiers 』and many officials for a classic such as : the Seattle Yeweimian』, the weaker 』:, which are starring Tom Hank. A sense of a happy face with vivid imagery technique, a born comic Tom Hank cell in his high school student in California Auckland Sky-line elected as a high grade on the boys Ban'm king 』. So Tom Hank mostly in the early comedy direction, when parents divorce five years, he ran around as cooks father, he began to show enchanted University, then dropped out of school in the performing arts circle. 1984 Mermaid -- he is a fore, four years after he had to fly into the future as a result of his live-in the night of the boys grow up, Oscar nominated for the first time. In addition to comedy, he also tried to maturity serious role in the Little League of the Seattle Yeweimian -- are many gains. 1993 -- Philadelphia -- Chinese homosexual corner, more so that he was Oscar Best Actor Award. 1994 -- China is playing an IQ seems only to the legendary figures of 75, is another excellent performance, but will push the film's hot unprecedented record, and only recently launched a rescue Rennes common soldiers -- more than his previous performance style. Tom Hankesi childhood was spent in the "mobile" to pass, in his parents divorced when five, young cooks Hankesi With so much father everywhere, constantly changing location is not the most let him headaches matter, the more trouble from time to efforts to adapt to a new school, religious or stepmother. Fortunately, this stray career ultimate Auckland City in California ended. Hankesi performing career from high school drama performances, the University after graduation he began performing input all body and mind cause. 1978, in New York have a Hankesi work, and serving as producer and actress Samantha Lewes marriage, but that marriage did not last long. 1979, Hankesi first time in a low-cost film "He knows you lonely," role-playing, the film screened in 1980, the generation Oscar winning career has taken a step forward. Soon, Hankesi moved to Los starring TV series and the "little red uniforms." He also participated in several other television drama performances, such as "Taxi" and "Family Ties" and the more famous one is the "lost and monsters." 1984 Hankesi perform in the product produced by the Disney company "Mermaid" success, he embarked on the road of fame, but then the situation is not so optimistic. A series of failures did not make him retreat, 1988, Hankesi Lingxianzhuyan great success "into the future", including Oscar was one fell swoop, Goal, colleges, the New York film critics, the Best Actor Award nominated four awards. He then in 1990, 1992 and 1993 respectively starring the film "illusory bonfire", "years" and "Seattle Yeweimian blazing sun," has given rise to a series of sensational. 1993, another film "The Philadelphia Story" to the career Hankesi onto the first peak, and this year was the 66-second Oscar for Best Actor Award. Display the Hankesi in 1994 ushered in an unprecedented honor, because in the movie "Forrest" successful deduction, Hankesi again won the Best Actor Oscar Awards Block, and become the first ever two consecutive actor was Oscar Best Actor Award. Winning the prize has thus established a firm basis on his head. 1996, Hankesi began to get involved in new areas, this year he self generated, since the introduction, the film since his "can not stop the miracle" fully demonstrated his versatile side. 1999, the famous film director Sipierboge directed by the "Save the common soldiers sincerely" to Hankesi brought new glory -- 71-second Oscar nominated Best Actor Award, allows people to see a range of increasingly mature actor image. 1989, Hankesi cooperation with the film "volunteers" of a married actress Rita Wilson. So far, he has had four sons, of whom Boss Colin Hanks has grown, quite means glamour image, family life very happy

简 介
Tom Hanks 汤姆汉克 1956年7月9日出生于美国加州,九月底才推出的『抢救雷恩大兵』及许多红极一时的经典之作如:『西雅图夜未眠』、『阿甘正传』…等,均为汤姆汉克所主演。
一张具喜感的脸加上逗趣生动的演技,汤姆汉克具天生的喜剧细胞,在他就读加州奥克兰的Sky-line高中的高年级时就当选过『男生班搞怪大王』。所以早期汤姆汉克也多朝喜剧方向发展,5岁时父母离异,他随著厨师父亲各处跑, 念大学时开始对演戏入迷, 继而辍学投入演艺圈。
1984年他以【美人鱼】一片崭露头角, 四年后他因演活了【飞进未来】中一夜长大的男孩, 首度入围奥斯卡.除喜剧外, 他亦尝试成熟严肃角色, 【红粉联盟】□【西雅图夜未眠 】都多有斩获.1993年【费城】中同性恋一角, 更使他获得奥斯卡最佳 男主角奖.1994年【阿甘正传】中饰演一位智商只有75的传奇人物, 又是另一出色表现, 更将该片卖座推向空前的记录,而日前才推出的【抢救雷恩大兵】,更有别于他以往的演出风格。


汉克斯的表演生涯是从高中的戏剧表演开始,大学结业后他开始全身心的投入表演事业。1978年,汉克斯在纽约得到一份工作,并和女演员兼制片人Samantha Lewes结婚,但这段婚姻没有维持很久。


不久,汉克斯搬到洛衫矶并主演电视连续剧《红妆小子》。他还参加其他一些电视剧的演出,比如“Taxi”、“Family Ties”,比较有名的一部是《迷宫与怪兽》。




1989年,汉克斯与在电影《志愿者》合作过的女演员Rita Wilson 结婚。到目前为止,他已经拥有了四个儿子,其中老大Colin Hanks已长大成人,形象颇有乃父风采,一家人生活非常幸福。

介绍: Tom Hanks Tom Hank July 1956 9 sunrise in California, by the end of September was launched rescue Rennes common soldiers 』and many officials for a classic such as : the Seattle Yeweimian』, the weaker 』:, which are starring Tom Hank. A sense of a happy face with vivid imagery technique, a born comic Tom Hank cell in his high school student in California Auckland Sky-line elected as a high grade on the boys Ban'm king 』. So Tom Hank mostly in the early comedy direction, when parents divorce five years, he ran around as cooks father, he began to show enchanted University, then dropped out of school in the performing arts circle. 1984 Mermaid -- he is a fore, four years after he had to fly into the future as a result of his live-in the night of the boys grow up, Oscar nominated for the first time. In addition to comedy, he also tried to maturity serious role in the Little League of the Seattle Yeweimian -- are many gains. 1993 -- Philadelphia -- Chinese homosexual corner, more so that he was Oscar Best Actor Award. 1994 -- China is playing an IQ seems only to the legendary figures of 75, is another excellent performance, but will push the film's hot unprecedented record, and only recently launched a rescue Rennes common soldiers -- more than his previous performance style. Tom Hankesi childhood was spent in the "mobile" to pass, in his parents divorced when five, young cooks Hankesi With so much father everywhere, constantly changing location is not the most let him headaches matter, the more trouble from time to efforts to adapt to a new school, religious or stepmother. Fortunately, this stray career ultimate Auckland City in California ended. Hankesi performing career from high school drama performances, the University after graduation he began performing input all body and mind cause. 1978, in New York have a Hankesi work, and serving as producer and actress Samantha Lewes marriage, but that marriage did not last long. 1979, Hankesi first time in a low-cost film "He knows you lonely," role-playing, the film screened in 1980, the generation Oscar winning career has taken a step forward. Soon, Hankesi moved to Los starring TV series and the "little red uniforms." He also participated in several other television drama performances, such as "Taxi" and "Family Ties" and the more famous one is the "lost and monsters." 1984 Hankesi perform in the product produced by the Disney company "Mermaid" success, he embarked on the road of fame, but then the situation is not so optimistic. A series of failures did not make him retreat, 1988, Hankesi Lingxianzhuyan great success "into the future", including Oscar was one fell swoop, Goal, colleges, the New York film critics, the Best Actor Award nominated four awards. He then in 1990, 1992 and 1993 respectively starring the film "illusory bonfire", "years" and "Seattle Yeweimian blazing sun," has given rise to a series of sensational. 1993, another film "The Philadelphia Story" to the career Hankesi onto the first peak, and this year was the 66-second Oscar for Best Actor Award. Display the Hankesi in 1994 ushered in an unprecedented honor, because in the movie "Forrest" successful deduction, Hankesi again won the Best Actor Oscar Awards Block, and become the first ever two consecutive actor was Oscar Best Actor Award. Winning the prize has thus established a firm basis on his head. 1996, Hankesi began to get involved in new areas, this year he self generated, since the introduction, the film since his "can not stop the miracle" fully demonstrated his versatile side. 1999, the famous film director Sipierboge directed by the "Save the common soldiers sincerely" to Hankesi brought new glory -- 71-second Oscar nominated Best Actor Award, allows people to see a range of increasingly mature actor image. 1989, Hankesi cooperation with the film "volunteers" of a married actress Rita Wilson. So far, he has had four sons, of whom Boss Colin Hanks has grown, quite means glamour image, family life very happy

Tom Hanks is an American film actor, director, voice-over artist, writer and film producer. He was born in Concord, California on July 9, 1956.

His father, Amos Mefford Hanks was a distant relation of President Abraham Lincoln's mother, Nancy Hanks. His mother, Portuguese American Janet Marylyn Frager was a hospital worker. The two divorced in 1960.


《阿甘正传》的英文名是Forrest Gump。《阿甘正传》是由罗伯特·泽米吉斯执导的电影,由汤姆·汉克斯、罗宾·怀特等人主演,于1994年7月6日在美国上映。电影改编自美国作家温斯顿·格卢姆于1986年出版的同名小说,描绘了先天智障的小镇男孩福瑞斯特·甘自强不息,最终“傻人有傻福”地得到上天眷顾,在多个...

主演:汤姆 汉克斯和美琪 莱恩“这部电影使我们更加相信爱情的魔力,可能我们确实都有各自不同的命运,而相爱的人生命的轨迹是会交汇在一起的。”2. 泰坦尼克号 (1997)主演:莱昂那多 迪卡葡里奥和凯特 温斯莉“每个人都梦想有那种完美的爱,体会那一闪即逝的火花。而电影中那对上了年纪的夫妇一起躺在床上,彼此握...

你的中文名字是涛的音 英语中与它最接近的要属Tom Tom汤姆,是Thomas托马斯的简写形式 名字的意义:起源 也可叫Tommy汤米 著名电影演员有Tom Cruise(汤姆克鲁斯)和Tom Hanks(汤姆汉克斯)Thome或Tome(读成“偷米”)也是不错的名字

1 阿甘正传 “FORREST GUMP” 主演:Tom Hanks 汤姆 汉克斯 2 电子情书 “YOU’VE GOT MAIL” 主演:Tom Hanks 汤姆 汉克斯 Meg Ryan 梅格 瑞安 3 居家男人 “THE FAMILY MAN” 主演:Nicolas Cage 尼科拉斯 凯奇 Tea Leoni 蒂 里奥 尼 4 公主日记 I.II. “THE PRINCESS DIARIES I II” ...

《阿甘正传》中的阿甘的英文全名是Forrest Gump。阿甘由汤姆·汉克斯饰演。阿甘在影片中被塑造成了美德的化身,诚实、守信、认真、勇敢而重感情,对人只懂付出不求回报,也从不介意别人拒绝。他只是豁达、坦荡地面对生活,把自己仅有的智慧、信念、勇气集中在一点,他什么都不顾,只知道凭着直觉在路上不...

片名:splash 译名:美人鱼 导演:郎·霍华德(Ron Howard)主演:汤姆·汉克斯(Tom Hanks)黛瑞·汉娜(Daryl Hannah)(《华尔街》、《杀死比尔》)尤金·李维(Eugene Levy)(《美国派》、《美国派2》那个搞笑的父亲)类型:奇幻(Fantasy) 家庭(Family) 喜剧(Comedy) 浪漫\/传奇(Romance)级别:...

Band of Brothers是那部电影的名字
中文名称:兄弟连 英文名称:Band of Brothers 发行时间:2003年 地区:美国 语言:英语 电影导演:汤姆·汉克斯 Tom Hanks 迈克尔·塞罗蒙 Mikael Salomon 电影演员:汤姆·汉克斯 Tom Hanks 大卫·修蒙 David Schwimmer 德克斯特·弗莱彻 Dexter Fletcher Dan van Husen 科林·汉克斯 Colin Hanks 唐尼·...

汤姆.汉克斯是很多人喜欢的影帝,他的作品有哪些?当代殿堂级电影节汤姆汉克斯(Tom Hanks)最近不幸新冠肺炎患病,震惊全球。不少人担心他63岁,患有糖尿病。毕竟要数今天演技最好的男明星,所以他绝对是三甲。(威廉莎士比亚、哈姆雷特、糖尿病)()80年代出道后,他拍摄的大部分电影都成为经典。严山中的...



清原满族自治县19796991791: 汤姆汉克斯的英文简单介绍! -
植仁小儿: Thomas Jeffrey "Tom" Hanks (born July 9, 1956) is an American film actor, film director, voice-over artist, writer and film producer. Hanks worked in television and family-friendly comedies before achieving success as a dramatic actor portraying ...

清原满族自治县19796991791: 汤姆·汉克斯的资料! -
植仁小儿: 汤姆·汉克斯 Tom hanks 出生日期:1956年 7月9日 出生地点:美国加利福尼亚州 地区:美国 血型:o 身高:180 厘米 体重:81 公斤 婚姻状况:已婚 家庭成员:丽塔·威尔森(配偶) 别名昵称:汤姆·汉克斯(别名),汤汉斯(译名), ...

清原满族自治县19796991791: 汤姆汉克斯个人简介 -
植仁小儿: 汤姆·汉克斯(Tom Hanks,1956年7月9日—),本名托马斯·杰佛瑞·汉克斯,美国著名电影演员,电视制作人,好莱坞具有广泛影响力的实力派巨星,以演技精湛著称.生于美国加州康克德,从高中的戏剧表演开始,中学毕业后进入加州查...

清原满族自治县19796991791: 英语文章,有译文,关于电影明星 -
植仁小儿: Tom Hanks Tom Hank July 1956 9 sunrise in California, by the end of September was launched rescue Rennes common soldiers 』and many officials for a classic such as : the S...

清原满族自治县19796991791: William Shakespeare 英文简介 -
植仁小儿: William Shakespeare was born to John Shakespeare and mother Mary Arden some time in late April 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. There is no record of his birth, but his baptism was recorded by the church, thus his birthday is assumed to be the 23 ...

清原满族自治县19796991791: 汤姆·汉克斯的早年经历 -
植仁小儿: 汤姆·汉克斯于1956年7月9日出生于美国加利福尼亚州康科德,全名叫托马斯·杰弗里·汉克斯.父亲艾摩斯·汉克斯是厨师,母亲珍娜·特纳在医院工作.在他5岁时,父母离异,他由当厨师的父亲抚养长大. 其后,父亲又结过两次婚,汉克斯又换了两个妈妈,未满10岁的他经常性地经历迁移漂泊的生活,频繁地转学,更换住址.直到他在加利福尼亚州大学读书时,才突然对表演产生了浓厚的兴趣,加入了学校组织的剧社,从而接触到了专业的知识培养与演技训练.毕业后,汉克斯来到纽约寻求演艺事业的发展 .

清原满族自治县19796991791: 汤姆汉克斯的生日是什么时候? -
植仁小儿: 52岁了 中文译名:汤姆·汉克斯 英 文 名:Tom Hanks 出生日期:1956年7月9日 出 生 地:美国加利福尼亚州康克特 星 座:巨蟹座 身 高:180公分 体 重:81公斤 配 偶:丽塔·威尔森

清原满族自治县19796991791: 谁能提供汤姆汉克斯的生平简介和主要作品? -
植仁小儿: 在好莱坞众多明星中,有谁能从令人同情的“同性恋”演到憨厚的“低能儿”、从临危不惧的“宇航员”演到英勇无比的“二战大兵”,且部部叫好卖座?汤姆-汉克斯做到了. 汤姆天生一张娃娃脸,相貌平平,极具喜感的脸加上逗趣生动的演...

清原满族自治县19796991791: 汤姆汉克斯的个人资料 -
植仁小儿: http://baike.baidu.com/view/75335.htm

清原满族自治县19796991791: 汤姆·汉克斯的演艺经历 -
植仁小儿: 1979年,汉克斯首次在一部低成本的电影《他知道你孤独》扮演角色,该片在1980年公映.不久,他搬到洛杉矶并主演了电视连续剧《红妆小子》(Bosom Buddies).与此同时,他还参加了其他的一些电视剧的演出,比如“Taxi”、“Family...

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