
作者&投稿:昌胆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Is located in the central Yellow Sea, Jiangsu Province, Jiangsu Dafeng Milu National Nature Reserve, with 78000 hectares of wetlands, its landscape by woodland, reed marshes, marsh, swamp, salt and bare land, belonging to a typical Yellow Sea tidal Wetlands . Here, pregnant with a wide range of globally important biodiversity, 2002 are included in the List of Wetlands of International Importance. In July 2002, UNDP / GEF "China Wetland Biodiversity Conservation and sustainable use of" project was officially launched in protected areas, this project through capacity-building, community outreach, public training, equipment assistance and other activities, greatly increased the protected area management level..........

麋鹿是我国特有的动物也是世界珍稀动物。因为它们角似鹿,面似马,蹄似牛,尾似驴,所以俗称四不象。与其他鹿科动物一样,麋鹿也是一种草食性哺乳动物。一般雄麋鹿体重可达250千克左右,角比较长,每年脱换一次。麋鹿的角型是鹿科动物中独一无二的——站着的时候,麋鹿角的各枝尖都指向后方,而其它鹿的角尖都指向前方。雌麋鹿没有角,体形也较小。麋鹿的尾巴是鹿科动物中最长的。长尾巴用来驱赶蚊蝇,以适应沼泽环境中的生活。麋鹿蹄子宽大,行动轻快敏捷。它们常在水中站立、跋涉、潜游和觅食,甚至连隆冬季节也不例外。麋鹿的毛色在夏季是棕红色的,冬季脱毛后变成棕灰色。 麋鹿的经历充满传奇色彩。据科学家考证,早在3000多年前,我国黄河、长江中下游地区就有麋鹿,但汉朝以后就逐渐减少,再后来竟然销声匿迹。1865年,有人在北京南郊发现了120头麋鹿,并撰文向全世界介绍。随后,数十头麋鹿被陆续盗往欧洲,在伦敦、巴黎和柏林等地动物园里展出。1900年,“八国联军”入侵北京,最后一群麋鹿惨遭厄运,有的被杀戮,有的被装上西去的轮船。从此,麋鹿在国内几乎绝迹。1986年8月,在世界自然基金会和我国林业部的努力下,39头选自英国七家动物园的麋鹿返回故乡,被送到大丰麋鹿自然保护区放养。从此,麋鹿结束了它们大半个世纪在海外漂泊不定、颠沛流离的生涯,开始了回归故土、回归自然的新生活。如今,这群珍异动物正在祖国土地上繁衍后代,茁壮成长。

That shore of being located in the Huanghai Sea , the beginning build state-class Da Feng City Pere David deer natural reserve; nature preservation zone always covering an area of 40000 mus on 1986,is world maximal the first Pere David deer protected area. Protected area opens up 300 mus of field within core area , establishes a collection animal protection , ecotourism , scientific research training the popularization of science propaganda and education in an integral whole a base. In recent several years , protect area to have received the visitor who comes from more than 40 country almost 1 million by turnstile count, home and abroad teen-agers 380,000 by turnstile count among them, account for 40% of visitor sum, be carry out the popularization of science education propagating a conservation of wildlife, the environment consciousness improving the public plays a big role in, before home

hi, I live in a beautiful and vast tidal flats in the Yellow Sea on the elk. We have long horns like deer, may face a horse, like hoof cattle, like the end of a donkey.
Perhaps we will see that we feel like we have in Jiang Zaiya mount "neither fish nor fowl." In fact, that is our ancestors, and "neither fish nor fowl" It is our alias.
However, we elk is a deer, deer and other species is the same as the docile herbivores. The general male elk weight up to 250 kilograms, and there is a long sharp angle, but they are sharp angle corner after North Korea. However, we do not like the woman who, like horns, also a smaller body.
Elk, we not only look strange, but also gone through a legendary time.
I listen to the elders said, as early as 3,000 years ago, we in the Yangtze River, Yellow River generation, but soon disappeared. Later, people in Beijing found bull 120 of our ancestors. But soon all stolen to foreign zoos. Wait until the "Eight-Power Allied Forces," when only a few are stolen.
Abroad after most of the elk died one after another, but to help Ukraine better in the Temple of the zoo also survive a few. Another for centuries in China's forestry sector to the efforts of our ancestors finally returned to the motherland, putting an end to this back and forth life.
Now we are reunited with the growth, reproduction-bearing. The future of mankind may well have to deal with our .

hi, I live in a beautiful and vast tidal flats in the Yellow Sea on the elk. We have long horns like deer, may face a horse, like hoof cattle, like the end of a donkey.
Perhaps we will see that we feel like we have in Jiang Zaiya mount "neither fish nor fowl." In fact, that is our ancestors, and "neither fish nor fowl" It is our alias.
However, we elk is a deer, deer and other species is the same as the docile herbivores. The general male elk weight up to 250 kilograms, and there is a long sharp angle, but they are sharp angle corner after North Korea. However, we do not like the woman who, like horns, also a smaller body.
Elk, we not only look strange, but also gone through a legendary time.
I listen to the elders said, as early as 3,000 years ago, we in the Yangtze River, Yellow River generation, but soon disappeared. Later, people in Beijing found bull 120 of our ancestors. But soon all stolen to foreign zoos. Wait until the "Eight-Power Allied Forces," when only a few are stolen.
Abroad after most of the elk died one after another, but to help Ukraine better in the Temple of the zoo also survive a few. Another for centuries in China's forestry sector to the efforts of our ancestors finally returned to the motherland, putting an end to this back and forth life.
Now we are reunited with the growth, reproduction-bearing. The future of mankind may well have to deal with our .
That shore of being located in the Huanghai Sea , the beginning build state-class Da Feng City Pere David deer natural reserve; nature preservation zone always covering an area of 40000 mus on 1986,is world maximal the first Pere David deer protected area. Protected area opens up 300 mus of field within core area , establishes a collection animal protection , ecotourism , scientific research training the popularization of science propaganda and education in an integral whole a base. In recent several years , protect area to have received the visitor who comes from more than 40 country almost 1 million by turnstile count, home and abroad teen-agers 380,000 by turnstile count among them, account for 40% of visitor sum, be carry out the popularization of science education propagating a conservation of wildlife, the environment consciousness improving the public plays a big role in, before home

That shore of being located in the Huanghai Sea , the beginning build state-class Da Feng City Pere David deer natural reserve; nature preservation zone always covering an area of 40000 mus on 1986,is world maximal the first Pere David deer protected area. Protected area opens up 300 mus of field within core area , establishes a collection animal protection , ecotourism , scientific research training the popularization of science propaganda and education in an integral whole a base. In recent several years , protect area to have received the visitor who comes from more than 40 country almost 1 million by turnstile count, home and abroad teen-agers 380,000 by turnstile count among them, account for 40% of visitor sum, be carry out the popularization of science education propagating a conservation of wildlife, the environment consciousness improving the public plays a big role in, before home

hi, I live in a beautiful and vast tidal flats in the Yellow Sea on the elk. We have long horns like deer, may face a horse, like hoof cattle, like the end of a donkey.
Perhaps we will see that we feel like we have in Jiang Zaiya mount "neither fish nor fowl." In fact, that is our ancestors, and "neither fish nor fowl" It is our alias.
However, we elk is a deer, deer and other species is the same as the docile herbivores. The general male elk weight up to 250 kilograms, and there is a long sharp angle, but they are sharp angle corner after North Korea. However, we do not like the woman who, like horns, also a smaller body.
Elk, we not only look strange, but also gone through a legendary time.
I listen to the elders said, as early as 3,000 years ago, we in the Yangtze River, Yellow River generation, but soon disappeared. Later, people in Beijing found bull 120 of our ancestors. But soon all stolen to foreign zoos. Wait until the "Eight-Power Allied Forces," when only a few are stolen.
Abroad after most of the elk died one after another, but to help Ukraine better in the Temple of the zoo also survive a few. Another for centuries in China's forestry sector to the efforts of our ancestors finally returned to the motherland, putting an end to this back and forth life.
Now we are reunited with the growth, reproduction-bearing. The future of mankind may well have to deal with our .
That shore of being located in the Huanghai Sea , the beginning build state-class Da Feng City Pere David deer natural reserve; nature preservation zone always covering an area of 40000 mus on 1986,is world maximal the first Pere David deer protected area. Protected area opens up 300 mus of field within core area , establishes a collection animal protection , ecotourism , scientific research training the popularization of science propaganda and education in an integral whole a base. In recent several years , protect area to have received the visitor who comes from more than 40 country almost 1 million by turnstile count, home and abroad teen-agers 380,000 by turnstile count among them, account for 40% of visitor sum, be carry out the popularization of science education propagating a conservation of wildlife, the environment consciousness improving the public plays a big role in, before home

hi, I live in a beautiful and vast tidal flats in the Yellow Sea on the elk. We have long horns like deer, may face a horse, like hoof cattle, like the end of a donkey.
Perhaps we will see that we feel like we have in Jiang Zaiya mount "neither fish nor fowl." In fact, that is our ancestors, and "neither fish nor fowl" It is our alias.
However, we elk is a deer, deer and other species is the same as the docile herbivores. The general male elk weight up to 250 kilograms, and there is a long sharp angle, but they are sharp angle corner after North Korea. However, we do not like the woman who, like horns, also a smaller body.
Elk, we not only look strange, but also gone through a legendary time.
I listen to the elders said, as early as 3,000 years ago, we in the Yangtze River, Yellow River generation, but soon disappeared. Later, people in Beijing found bull 120 of our ancestors. But soon all stolen to foreign zoos. Wait until the "Eight-Power Allied Forces," when only a few are stolen.
Abroad after most of the elk died one after another, but to help Ukraine better in the Temple of the zoo also survive a few. Another for centuries in China's forestry sector to the efforts of our ancestors finally returned to the motherland, putting an end to this back and forth life.
Now we are reunited with the growth, reproduction-bearing. The future of mankind may well have to deal with our .

Elk Dafeng Nature Reserve






盐城市丹顶鹤保护区 大丰麋鹿自然保护区 哪个好玩?

到1967年,这里的麋鹿已增加到400多头,并向各国输出。至今,全世界麋鹿总数估计已逾千头。1986年8月,在世界自然基金会和我国林业部的努力下,39头选自英国7家动物园的麋鹿返回故乡,被送到大丰麋鹿自然保护区放养。从此,麋鹿结束了它们大半个世纪在海外 漂泊不定、颠沛流离的生涯,开始了回归故土、...


保护区接待了来自40多个国家近100万人次的游客,其中国内外青少年38万人次,占游客总数的40%,为开展宣传野生动物保护的科普教育,提高公众的环境意识发挥了巨大作用。价值意义 1986年,依托从英国引进的39头麋鹿,在黄海滩涂的大丰麋鹿自然保护区。经过两年的“引种扩群”和十年的“行为再塑”两个阶段后...

我觉得应该是石首哪的,比盐城多着3倍的数量呢。江苏盐城麋鹿自然保护区位于大丰县东南的黄海之滨,占地1.5万亩,是我国目前最大的麋鹿饲养区,也是世界上最大的重返大自然野生麋鹿保护区。现有麋鹿近200头。石首麋鹿自然保护区 位于湖北省石首市境内,总面积1567公顷,主要保护对象为麋鹿及其生境。保护区...

香坊区13764534280: 大丰麋鹿自然保护区 - 搜狗百科
海凡抗病:[答案] My hometown is Dafeng in Jiangsu Province,known as the land of elks.It is located at the coast of the Yellow Sea so there are abundant sea products as well as a beautiful port.Moreover,it is both my h...

香坊区13764534280: 江苏大丰是麋鹿的理想家园 翻译 -
海凡抗病: The ideal homestead/land for elk is Dafeng ,Jiangsu Province.

香坊区13764534280: 大丰自然保护区在哪儿?
海凡抗病: 大丰自然保护区位于江苏省,面积78,000 公顷,经纬度 33°05'N 120°49'E.该保护区是黄海海岸典型的潮间带生态系统,支持着大量动植物,其中有315种鸟(包括23种中国保护物种),600种昆虫和156种鱼.更为重要的是有麋鹿(Elaphurus davidianus).麋鹿是中国独有的物种,欧洲一些国家曾将该物种引入.由于种种原因麋鹿在中国消失.1986年中国从欧洲引入39只麋鹿回故乡,经过野外生存繁殖,现已达到500只.此外保护区湿地还具有湿地的一般功能,如防洪、稳固海岸等.生态旅游和环境教育是保护区的重要工作,每年约有15万人来保护区参观.但保护区仍有威胁存在,主要是湿地开垦、化学污染等.国际重要湿地编号1145

香坊区13764534280: 1986年,江苏大丰麋鹿自然保护区从英国重新引入在我国已经灭绝的麋鹿39只(其中雄性13只、雌性26只).麋鹿在接下来的几年中的数量变化如下表:年份... -
海凡抗病:[答案] (1)麋鹿引入保护区进行保护,这种保护属易地保护,调查动物的种群密度常用方法是标志重捕法,多年后,保护区中的麋鹿种群由于环境条件适宜而数量呈S型增长,麋鹿种群中性别比例将逐渐接近1:1. (2)麋鹿能通过嗅别尿液气味来寻找同伴,这属...

香坊区13764534280: 大丰麋鹿自然保护区在什么省什么县??????? -
海凡抗病: 大丰麋鹿自然保护区位于江苏省大丰市境内,面积3000公顷,1986年建为省级自然保护区,1997年晋升为国家级,主要保护对象为麋鹿及其生态环境.大丰国家级麋鹿自然保护区位于中国江苏中部黄海之滨的湿地滩涂,总面积7.8万公顷.这里港叉纵横,海天相接,盐蒿遍野,芦苇遮天,是太平洋西岸古生境保护最完好的半原始湿地.在这片亚洲东方的净土上,生物多样性十分丰富,自由栖息着麋鹿、丹顶鹤、牙獐等400多个动物家族,生长着近500种海边植物,是一所天然的海滨博物馆

香坊区13764534280: 18、( )自然保护区是世界上( )的野生珍稀麋鹿保护区,主要保护麋鹿. -
海凡抗病: 大丰麋鹿保护区是世界上最大的野生珍稀麋鹿保护区.

香坊区13764534280: 麋鹿自然保护区在哪? -
海凡抗病: 大丰麋鹿国家级自然保护区位于江苏省大丰市东南,面积78,000公顷.为典型的滨海湿地,主要湿地类型包括滩涂、时令河和部分人工湿地,还有大量林地、芦荡、沼泽地、盐裸地和森林草滩. 江苏大丰麋鹿国家级自然保护区是世界占地面积...

香坊区13764534280: 麋鹿的介绍 -
海凡抗病: 别名四不象,属于鹿科,学名为 Elaphurus davidianus. 体长约200厘米,体重100(雌)~200(雄)千克,因其头似马、角似鹿、尾似驴、蹄似牛而 俗称四不象.仅雄鹿有角,颈和背比较粗壮,四肢粗大.主蹄宽大能分开,趾间有皮健膜, 侧...

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