"对唱歌比赛的看法" 英语作文

作者&投稿:绪待 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Dear Susan,
I am writing the letter to tell you that I got a
first prize in the English Speech Contest held in my school last
Friday.Thanks for your guide in my English study.You gave me a lot of
I was very happy when we stayed together studying.During the
time we stayed,you were kind to me.You were humourous.You taught me how
to speak English fluently.I made great progress with your kind
help,without which I couldn't have got the prize.
How are you getting
along with your work?I miss you very much.If you have time,please come
to my school again.I still need your kind help.
Thank you again!
Yours,Li Hua





Singing competition is a wonderful thing that we can show ourselves and what we want to say,to express in public.By participating such a game,we can get more encouragement and self-confidance so that it will be very useful for our future.A person who is active could get more chances than those who are always too shy to explain what is in their mind.So a singing competition is a nice platform for those who want to get rid of the fear to yell and show.
Of course,it is a magic box from which lots of potential singers rise to fame.We all enjoy the well-matched melody and voice.And in the competitions,we can hear the songs without the sense of commerce,but the voice from inside of the singers such as happiness,sorrows,dream and so on. Whatever,singing competition is a kind of great amusements for our daily life.In general,it is a pure entertainment.

Singing Contest
Singing contests are projects and activities in the entertainment industry that are designed to motivate participation, develop confidence, encourage teamwork and discover talents. However, because of the commercialization and capitalization of the whole world and society, singing contests often become the perfect advertisement channel for many businesses and companies that have nothing to do with entertainment to promote and publicize themselves through vehicle of sponsorship.
It is rather good to see the public's demand and commercialization can collaborate so harmoniously. Good singers are constantly demanded to cater and entertain different taste of music, and singing contests are helping replenish singers endlessly to fulfill such demand; jobs need to be created in order to keep the business cycle operative smoothly and to ensure employment rate for maintaining Economy at its equallibrium, from the initiation of creative idea of a singing contest, to the finalization and completion of this contest, events coordinators, production teams, hosts, receptions, venues, on-site services, bands, photoshoots, videos... and many more jobs are created immediately, that increases the number of families that are able to keep food on their tables.
Singing contests are enjoyable to watch as well. Not only they motivate contestants' involvement in social events and functions, they attract audiences' attention in adding various flavours onto their usual plates of entertainment, and in turn encourage the advertisement industry by having as many sponsors and commertial time purchasors to the event as possible.

任丘市17656224110: "对唱歌比赛的看法" 英语作文 -
稻绍色甘: l dont dnow

任丘市17656224110: 英语作文!写一篇约80词的英语短文.内容包括,1描述一次你参与或者你看到的歌唱比赛的经历和当时的感受2谈谈同学中大家对歌唱比赛的利和弊的看法,... -
稻绍色甘:[答案] It was a great honor that I had a chance to take part in a singing contest last week. There were ten competitors in our contest and I was the last one to sing. I was very neverous when I was waiting for my turn to sing because all of the competitors sang ...

任丘市17656224110: 从学校的歌唱比赛中,我们可以看出什么?
稻绍色甘: 比赛拿奖为自己争荣誉 而对学校而言 这种只是形式 对上面教育局交代而已 所以 如果你不在意 那么你可以试着别出心裁 让你的光芒更加耀眼喽

任丘市17656224110: 关于唱歌比赛!! -
稻绍色甘: 既然是比赛就先说一下比赛注意事项 1、比赛过程中,无论是做自我介绍时,还是正式唱歌时,视线四处飘移,目光没有焦点,既不看评委,也不看镜头. 2、唱歌时声音太小,音色过于平淡,30秒的演唱时间内没有高潮、爆发力,缺乏激情,...

任丘市17656224110: 怎样应对唱歌比赛? -
稻绍色甘: 忘记你要比赛,就当你平时唱歌一样,把你的观众当成平时听你唱歌的朋友,在朋友面前是不需要紧张,把比赛的舞台当你平时训练的场所,尽情的高唱,不要求比赛的结果,开心就行,抛开一切开开心心的比赛.姐姐支持你!加油!

任丘市17656224110: 参加朗诵比赛、唱歌比赛等等现场比赛,对自己真的意义吗? -
稻绍色甘: 其实多参加这些活动,肯定是有好处的,比如获得:表演的能力和经验、自信心的提升、精神生活的富足等等,当然还有像结交朋友、团队合作、沟通协调这些能力,肯定是有提升的.我们先不要与别人比,自己跟自己比肯定是有帮助的.因为社会活动,与人相处是非常核心的一方面.但是也不倡导频繁参加这些活动,还是要把学习抓一抓哈!特别在学校的时候.

任丘市17656224110: 请问,一般来说歌唱比赛的评判标准是什么? -
稻绍色甘: 评委一般会从以下几个方面来打分:1.演唱技巧.这是一名歌手最基本的.也就是我们所说的唱功,这需要和所演唱的曲目相结合.歌曲想表达什么,歌手就得让评委乃至观众能从你的歌声中体会出什么样的感情出来.所以,唱歌一定要拿出...

任丘市17656224110: 参加歌唱比赛,如何才能轻易胜出,要具备什么? -
稻绍色甘: 不知赛况如何 近决赛了吗 其实这种唱歌比赛 属于综合行比赛 就是不仅要嗓音条件好 自己的心里状态也要调节到一个最佳的状态 这样你的水平才能发挥出来 要不怎么有的人发挥失常 而有的人择超常发挥呢?唱歌不仅仅比的是声音 他有很多方面...

任丘市17656224110: 关于唱歌比赛的问题. -
稻绍色甘: 其实每个人上台都会有紧张的习惯.谁都不可能完全消除掉.包括专业唱歌演员....当然,这里也包含舞台经验的多少.我看你应该是上台比较少的那种.那么我教你几招.怎么去消除紧张.第一:比赛之前最好别去听别人唱得怎么样....

任丘市17656224110: 如何评价 世界合唱比赛 -
稻绍色甘: 世界合唱比赛World Choir Games,世界合唱比赛由总部设在德国的国际文化交流基金会组织,是世界上规模最大的合唱比赛,每两年举办一届.

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