
作者&投稿:禄福 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.this is the book which i like the most.
2.the box which is full of books should be empty as soon as possible.
3. i am the one who wrote to you.
4.the teacher who teaches us maths is a young man.
5.i want to find a place where is quiet and good.
6. the restaurant where we had our lunch last time is in tha 17th street.
7.the book that you borrowed from me yesterday is helen's ,not mine.
8.the dog that is eating over there belongs to the shopkeeper.
9.i like the movie that i watched yesterday.
10.do you think the picture that is taken by john is good?

That boy who has a hat is my brother

The book that the girl using is mine

The student who likes a monkey is friendly to others

The young man that we saw yesterday is Zhou JieLun

This is the card which I like


1. Here is the pen taht you lost the day before yesterday.

2. A fridge is a machine, which/that is used for keeping food fresh.

3. The students whom do not work hard will not pass the exam.

4. The train that/which was going to Wu Han was late.

5. Can you help me to find the person who saved the girl yesterday morning?

which 和that 基本上都是差不多的,所以可以都用。who 和whom 的区别很难判断,但在3和5里面的作用和意思是有一点区别的。
祝你好运 ^_^

1Here is the pen which/that you lost the day before yesterday.
2 A fridge is a machine that/which is used for keeping food fresh.
3The students who do not work hard
will not pass the exam.
4The train which /that was going to Wu
Han was late.
5Can you help me find the person who saved the girl yesterday morning.

1Here is the pen which you lost the day before yesterday.
2 A fridge is a machine that is used for keeping food fresh.
3 The students who do not work hard will not pass the exam. .
4 The train which was going to Wu Han was late.
5 Can you help me find the person who saved the girl ?

4.We can't eat in the classrom..6.My mother agreed with me last Saturday.7.What else do you have to do?8.I helped me mom make dinner last Sunday..9.I often visit my grandma on weekends.10.Eating fruits is good for our heath.这是我自己一个字母一个字母打出来的,...

1.They are talking each other in the yard.2.A Trucks full with goods run to me when I through the street.3.Feeling tired and hungry,he went to home.4.After so many years of hard work,my dream come true finally,I'm very pround.5.He got up,then put on his clothes ...

帮忙造下几个英语句子 作业~急急急~~!
Can you fly? 你会飞吗?could you please clean your room?你能打扫一下你的房间吗?May I help you? 有什么能帮上忙的?It might rain. 可能会下雨。You should be careful. 你得小心点。I need you.我需要你。You must talk to them about their study.你必须和他们谈谈学习的事...

1、The final exam is coming, the students stopped playing online games, are busy preparing for it.2、as time goes by, not hate easy 3、Daughter to tell them the first day of school life, they listened to.4、In twenty-first Century, ahead of the time, we feel strongly that...

1、Henan is on the west of Sandong .交界用on 2、The old man lives in the west of the village .内部用in 3、Japan lies to the east of China .不接壤用to .

1. today's weather? It's cold and sunny .2. What day is today? Today is Wednesday. Yesterday, a few weeks? Yesterday was Wednesday .3. What's today? Today is December 22, yesterday was the number? Yesterday was December 21, tomorrow is the number? Tomorrow is December 23...

1. Do you have to watch TV ?2. I am so busy that I don't go fishing.3. He doesn't have anything to do everyday.4. How often are English lessons broadcasted ?楼主有几个单词都没写完 不过已补充完整了

I tried to reach him, but the line was busy. 我试图和他联系,但他的电话占线。修饰表示事物的名词定语也是如此 a busy Sunday 一个忙碌的星期天 a busy street 热闹的街道 a busy signal 占线信号 2、由此可见,be busy with 的本意是“主语与 with 的宾语都处于忙乱的状态”。如果句子...

答案一定是:1, chemistry is the study of the material composition, structure, properties, and the change rule of science.2, the father to the more busy later, every day to see a lot of a lot of guests.3, flowers red as fire, white as snow.4, subject examines the ...

1. Mary was sitting on the sofa, feeling tired of her work.2.You, I suppose, ought to get rid of those useless things.3. I can hardly stand sharing an office with Peter.4.It would be better if we were more aware of the customs in the country.5. We left in such a ...

鹤庆县19336458831: 帮忙写几个定语从句,中文翻译成英文 -
池媛亚奋: 1. He is the writer who wrote this book2. The house that I lived in has the bule roof3. That is the guy who is painting the house4. This is the car which I bought last year5. The man who you just met a while ago is my uncle 看看满足你的要求吗

鹤庆县19336458831: 有谁帮我写几个定语从句的句子呀是英文的哟!大于五个左右 -
池媛亚奋:[答案] I like Yaoming who plays basketball very much.Beijing which is the capital of China held the Olympic Game.The nurse took the temperture of the sick people who had a fever.Docter Lee who is famous work...

鹤庆县19336458831: 英语的定语从句和后置定语帮忙造8个句子4个定语从句和分别关于这四个句子的后置定语句型分别是doing .done .being done .to do -
池媛亚奋:[答案] 4个定语从句 限定性定语从句: He is a student who never fail in exams. she is the girl who i met before. 非限定性定语从句: He is a good student,who always gets high remarks. He like you ,which love the other man doing The building building now is ...

鹤庆县19336458831: 帮忙造几个句子!急````````````````````````````````````````初中学的定语从句,that/which引导的定语从句,帮忙用that和which各造两个句子!要翻译过来啊. -
池媛亚奋:[答案] I like do the things that the things are difficult.我喜欢做那些难的事情. I don't think that you can do this thing.我不认为你能够做那件事. I like the pencil which in your pencil case.我喜欢你铅笔袋里的那支铅笔. I need to use the pen which on the desk.我需要...

鹤庆县19336458831: 帮忙造几个英语定语从句他的父母提醒他注意功课为了挽救许多人的生命他努力工作新年那天,许多人都许下了愿望不是定语从句 是 用 一般现在时 一般过去... -
池媛亚奋:[答案] His parents asked him to pay attention to his study.To save lots of people's lives,he works hard.On New Year's Day,many people all made their wishes.这也不是定语从句呀供参考希望可以帮到你O(^-^)O...

鹤庆县19336458831: 请帮我写几个英语句子!帮我写6个包含定语从句的复合句.并注上中文..不用太复杂的、简单点易懂的就可以.最好不要6句的关系代词都用同一种.最好who/that... -
池媛亚奋:[答案] The reason why we enjoy sports differ from one person to another.很难解释人们为何喜爱运动. A diet which includes meat,fish,vegetables and fruit is ideal.包含肉类,鱼类,蔬菜和水果的饮食是理想的. Is he the man who wants to see you?他就是想见...

鹤庆县19336458831: 帮忙造几个英语定语从句他是我们班上唯一一个姐姐教英语的学生He is only one student in my class whose sister teach English.这句我自己造的 有语法错误么... -
池媛亚奋:[答案] He is the only student in my class whose older sister teaches English. Li Ming is the boy whom I want to see. In here, the house whose roof can be seen is a hotel. 希望可以帮到你的.

鹤庆县19336458831: 帮忙造15个定语从句 -
池媛亚奋: It is a big house that was built two years ago. He is my best friend who is a tall boy. I don't know the man who standing there. The car belongs to my teacher who is very strict to us. He wrote many books that were writen in english.

鹤庆县19336458831: 谁能帮忙写几个定语从句的例句啊? -
池媛亚奋: 定语从句是由关系代词和关系副词引导的从句,其作用是作定语修饰主句的某个名词性成分,定语从句分为限定性和非限定性从句两种. 一、 限定性定语从句 1. that即可代表事物也可代表人,which代表事物;它们在从句中作主语或宾语,that...

鹤庆县19336458831: 帮忙给几个用 (THAT WHICH WHO WHOM WHOSE)的 定语从句例子 (要中文)谢谢 -
池媛亚奋: 最佳答案1.He is a leader who is magnanimous in victory. 他是个在胜利时宽宏大度的领袖. 2.I reached the gate that opened onto the lake. 我走到临湖而开的那扇门前. 3.That is the man about whom we were speaking. 他就是我们刚才谈论的那...

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