
作者&投稿:阚郝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ advice, recommend, suggest 这三个词都有“建议”的意思,但在用法和语气上有所不同。

1. advice 是正式用语,通常用于咨询和建议。它通常指在相关领域中经验丰富的人给出的深思熟虑的建议。

2. recommend 主要用于表示介绍和推荐,通常带有积极的语气,暗示推荐的东西是好的。

3. suggest 则更常用于非正式的场合,通常指提出一种想法或建议,但并没有提供充分的考虑和论证。

总的来说,advice 和 recommend 更正式,suggest 更非正式。另外,它们之间还有一些区别,例如 advice 可能带有某种强制性,而 recommend 更强调推荐,suggest 则更灵活,可以表示不同的意思。

(2)在宾语从句中用于suggest, propose, move, insist, desire, demand, request, order, command等动词后的宾语从句中,表间接的命令和建议。其谓语形式是"(should)+动词原形"。如: I suggest that we (should) go swimming. (3)在表语从句中,表示间接的命令,要求、请求、建议、决定等,主句中的主语通常是sugg...

什么动词后面加that...(should) do??
如果是动词的话,那就是表示请求,命令,要求的词,如suggest,reqiure,request,command,insist(注意是坚持要求的意思)等,还有形容词的,如necessary,important,表示这类意思的形容词后,还有上述动词的各种词性变化形式出现时也用这种虚拟语气的形式 ...

1、一想要(desire)二宁愿(prefer)三命令(order. command)四建议(advice. suggest. propose)五要求(demand. require. request. desire.insist)中,无论主句谓语动词为何种时态,从句的谓语动词都用:“should + 动词原形”或只用“动词原形”。如 He suggested that we (should) take the teacher’s ...

英语either express or implied怎么翻译?
suggest通常指暗含地、隐晦地表达意思。六、双语例句 Wanting fidelity implies you're thinking about a major relationship.要求忠诚意味着你想发展一段严肃认真的恋爱关系。Federalism implies a plurality of political authorities, each with its own powers.联邦制意味着存在众多各自都拥有权力的政治管理...

31) In the nationwide discussion, many people suggest that …. But I argue that … 在全国范围内的讨论中,许多人提出…。但我却认为… (该句suggest引导的从句应用虚拟。)32) As opposed to widely held belief, I believe that … 与普遍接受的看法不同,我认为…33) From a personal ...

...suggest three hours for every hour you're in class,什么意_百度...

it's essential 后面可以接虚拟语气么?suggest哪些词取特殊意思要用虚拟...
② 在上述动词相应的名词形式作主语+连系动词,其后的表语从句中,例如His suggestion was that classed be re-scheduled. ③ 在对上述动词相应的名词进行解释的同位语从句中,如:The workers raised the demand that their pay be increased to cope with the inflation. ⒊ would (had)rather , would sooner也...

...teacher has given me lots of———.they're very useful. a.i...

一、could aux.(助动词)1、could为助动词can的过去式,其后可接不带to的动词不定式。2、could有两种否定形式,即couldnot和could not,其缩写形式为couldn't。这两种否定形式英美均通用,当使用could not时,特别强调not。3、could用于疑问句中并不表示过去时,而是表示现在时,此时语气比较委婉,有时表示把握...

suggest, want 和consider后面加什么?下面三题该选什么?为什么?_百度...
the plan as reasonable. 他们认为这个计划是合理的。9.选B。suggest doing结构 10.选D。头发应该是被剪。参考资料:http:\/\/\/ask\/q.asp?qid=335348

海丰县15928908009: suggest advice recommend 用法区别 -
大叔可伤科:[答案] advice 是建议劝告意见等意思,但是他是名词 suggest它意思还是动词,名次形式是suggestion 而recommend 的主要意思还是介绍,推荐.其次的意思才是建议. 所以一般情况下建议的名词形式用advice 动词形式用suggest 下面是单词意思和各个例句 ...

海丰县15928908009: suggest move propose recommend区别和用法分别在什么情况使用,还是可以通用? -
大叔可伤科:[答案] 在这个情况下通用:suggest /move/ propose /recommend THAT +句子(should) do sth例句:They suggest /move/ propose /recommend that we (should ) finish our work before Monday.

海丰县15928908009: recommend解释为 推荐 和 建议 分别不同的用法
大叔可伤科: 1.推荐,推举,举荐; a)recommend sb. sth.=recommend sth. to sb. 给某人推荐 ... b)recommend sb. for the job/post/position 给某人推荐岗位(工作) c)recommend sb. as +职务 推荐某人做什么 2.建议,劝告,忠告;【同advise用法一样】 ...

海丰县15928908009: suggest move propose recommend区别和用法 -
大叔可伤科: 在这个情况下通用: suggest /move/ propose /recommend THAT +句子(should) do sth 例句: They suggest /move/ propose /recommend that we (should ) finish our work before Monday.

海丰县15928908009: recommend advise suggest区别 -
大叔可伤科:[答案] if I make a recommendation, that implies that I have experience with the subject at hand, and have handled it with positive ... It implies that you've heard of success stories but have not had first hand knowledge of said results... when you recommend, you ...

海丰县15928908009: suggest 后绝不能跟复合宾语 -
大叔可伤科: 答:对,suggest不跟不定式也不跟现在分词作复合宾语中的宾语补足语,而advise sb to do sth.是可以的.这是需要注意的.suggest 可跟动名词的复合结构作宾语(单宾语)如suggest our giving a performance 相当于suggest that we should give...

海丰县15928908009: 建议和提议的区别?? -
大叔可伤科: 提议一般是首先提出建议;建议一般是对其他意见的提出意见1 ◎ 建议 jiànyì(1) [propose;suggest;bid;offer;recommendation]∶向有关方面提出自己的主张建议改善生活建议晚饭后散步(2) [advise;advocate;recommend]∶向有关方面所提...

海丰县15928908009: recommend用法类似的词, -
大叔可伤科:[答案] recommend,advocate,propose,suggest,prescribe 这些动词均含“劝告,主张,建议”之意. recommend:指向对方提出公开的建议或规劝. advocate:指公开表明对某事或某行为的完全赞同,语气强于recommend. propose:多指较正式地提出建议. ...

海丰县15928908009: 建议和意见有什么区别? -
大叔可伤科: 意见:带有反对的意思. 建议:在不反对的基础上做一个良性的修正1、意见yìjian(1) [view;suggestion;opinion;idea;]∶见解;主张各陈意见(2) [objection;differing opinion;compaint]∶对人对事不满意的想法有意见就提嘛(3) [idea;...

海丰县15928908009: 建议用英语怎么说? -
大叔可伤科: 建议的英语是proposal. 一、读音: [prə'pəʊzl] 二、意思是求婚、建议. 三、例句 She had had many proposals but preferred to remain single. 许多人向她求过婚,,但她愿过独身生活. 四、词汇用法 1、proposal表示“提议,建议”时,...


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