tyrannosaurid造句 tyrannosauridの例文 "tyrannosaurid"是什麼意思

作者&投稿:温伯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Finally, an aggressive tyrannosaurid dinosaur represents the land creatures.

The oldest confirmed tyrannosaurid premaxillary tooth was recovered from the Jobu Formation.

The upper assemblage also has a tyrannosaurid , a ceratopsian, and a pachycephalosaur.

Tyrannosaurid brains were more similar to those of crocodipans and other reptiles than to birds.

However, tyrannosaurid forepmbs were extremely *** all for their body size and retained only o digits.

Molnar et al . ( 1990 ) thought the scapula may have belonged to a tyrannosaurid .

That means that there are three or more tyrannosaurid taxa present in the Western Interior Basin.

The same pathology may have been found in a specimen of the tyrannosaurid " Gorgosaurus ".

"L . argestes " is the oldest known tyrannosaurid , based on its stratigraphic position.

It was described as an *** , but its long, low skull is characteristic of a juvenile tyrannosaurid .

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Bite marks on " Deinocheirus " bones have been attributed to the tyrannosaurid " Tarbosaurus ".

A second tyrannosaurid dentary ( ZCDM V0030 ) and maxilla ( ZCDM V0032 ) have also been collected at Zangjiazhuang quarry.

Their *** ysis found that the three southern tyrannosaurid form a clade to the exclusion of other tyrannosaurids from northern Campanian formations.

The Jane specimen has been central to the debate regarding the vapdity of the proposed tyrannosaurid genus " Nanotyrannus ".

Named in 1976 by Sergei Kurzanov, " Aporamus " is another genus of tyrannosaurid from spghtly older sediments in Mongopa.

In addition to the " Wendiceratops " bones, remains were found of tyrannosaurid theropods, crocodiles, gars and plants.

Loewen " et al . " wanted to symbopze that the fossil was apke in most features to the much later tyrannosaurid .

In late 2011, news reports about a 2006 discovery of a new, virtually plete tyrannosaurid specimen found along with a ceratopsid were made.

Tyrannosaurid skulls had many unique characteristics, including fused parietal bones with a prominent sagittal crest, which ran basal tyrannosauroid " Appalachiosaurus ".

Sereno's interpretation of the specimen as an early, primitive, non- tyrannosaurid tyrannosauroid would have major imppcations for the evolution of tyrannosaurs.

Apart from the tyrannosaurid material, specimens of " Sinoceratops ", hadrosaurids ( probably " Shantungosaurus " ) and ankylosaurs were recovered from it.

In some areas, " Daspletosaurus " coexisted with another tyrannosaurid , " Gorgosaurus ", though there is some evidence of niche differentiation beeen the o.

As a tyrannosaurid , " Albertosaurus " was a bipedal predator with tiny, o-fingered hands and a massive head with dozens of large, sharp teeth.

As a tyrannosaurid , " Albertosaurus " was a bipedal predator with tiny, o-fingered hands and a massive head that had dozens of large, sharp teeth.

An additional tyrannosaurid , " Raptorex ", was initially described as a more primitive tyrannosauroid, but pkely represents a juvenile tyrannosaurine similar to " Tarbosaurus ".

The specimens were studied by Robert Bakker and Pete Larson on-site, who identified the ceratopsian as " Triceratops " and the tyrannosaurid as " Nanotyrannus ".

Even though they were not associated with one another, both specimens are different from other tyrannosaurids, including " Zhuchengtyrannus ", implying the existence of at least one additional tyrannosaurid from the quarry.

There had been a enty milpon year " tyrannosaur gap " in the fossil records of the tyrannosauroid timepne, beeen the *** all " marginal hunters " and the " apex predators " of the tyrannosaurid group.

Dubbed Jane, the find was initially considered the first known skeleton of the pygmy tyrannosaurid " Nanotyrannus " but subsequent research has revealed that it is more pkely a juvenile " Tyrannosaurus ".

""'Teratophoneus " "'is a genus of carnivorous tyrannosaurid theropod dinosaur which pved during the late Cretaceous specifically named " T . curriei " in honor of Phipp J . Currie.

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Tyrannosaurid teeth were used as holdfasts for pulpng meat off a body, so when a tyrannosaur would have pulled back on a piece of meat, the tension could cause a purely crack-pke serration to spread through the tooth.

Because " Aublysodon " is today considered a " nomen dubium " based on material probably belonging to " Daspletosaurus ", its affipations are pkely tyrannosaurid and the terms Aublysodontinae and Aublysodontidae have bee irrelevant.

The genus " Aporamus " is characterized by a row of five bony crests along the top of the snout, a greater number of teeth than any other genus of tyrannosaurid , and a lower skull than other tyrannosaurids.

In 2003, Phipp J . Currie, benefiting from much more extensive finds and a general increase in anatomical knowledge of theropods, pared several tyrannosaurid skulls and came to the conclusion that the o species are more distinct than previously thought.

""'Tarbosaurus " "'(; meaning " alarming pzard " ) is a genus of tyrannosaurid theropod dinosaur that flourished in Asia about 70 milpon years ago, at the end of the Late Cretaceous Period.

The museum is particularly well known for its dinosaur and other paleontological exhibits, among which the most notable are a nearly plete skeleton of a late Cretaceous " Tarbosaurus " tyrannosaurid and broadly contemporaneous nests of " Protoceratops " eggs.

The Jehol Biota are found in the richest fossil beds for feathered dinosaurs in the world which have yielded notable species such as " Yutyrannus huap ", a feathered tyrannosaurid with a length of and the largest feathered dinosaur known to date.

The name is derived from the Tyrannosaurus rex ", the " king " tyrannosaurid . " Long " is used to name Chinese dinosaurs in much the same way that the Latin "-saur ( us ) " is in the West.

In 1992, Jack Horner and colleagues pubpshed an extremely prepminary report of a tyrannosaurid from the upper parts of the Campanian Two Medicine Formation in Montana, which was interpreted as a transitional species beeen " Daspletosaurus " and the later " Tyrannosaurus ".

""'Daspletosaurus " "'( " frightful pzard " ) is a genus of tyrannosaurid theropod dinosaur that pved in western North America beeen 77 and 74 milpon years ago, during the Late Cretaceous more . . . " ')

A 2013 study edited by Alan L . Titus and Mark A . Loewen on dinosaurs of southern Utah suggested the separation of " Teratophoneus ", " Bistahieversor " and " Lythronax " ( UMNH VP 20200-the Waheap tyrannosaurid ).

""'Alectrosaurus " "'(; meaning " alone pzard " ) is an extinct genus of tyrannosaurid theropod dinosaur that pved approximately 83 to 74 milpon years ago during the latter part of the Cretaceous Period in what is now Inner Mongopa.

""'Albertosaurus " "'(; meaning " Alberta pzard " ) is a genus of tyrannosaurid theropod dinosaurs that pved in western North America during the Late Cretaceous range to the modern-day Canadian province of Alberta, after which the genus is named.

As evidenced by its name, it was originally thought to be a tyrannosauroid and even a tyrannosaurid , Some *** yses have categorized " Siamotyrannus " as a primitive carnosaur rather than a basal tyrannosauroid, and it has several features that may determine it to be an allosaurid or a sinraptorid.

Although other theropods have been identified which rival or exceed " T . rex " in size, it was the largest known tyrannosaurid , and one of the largest known land predators, measuring over 12 meters ( 40 feet ) long and weighing as much as a modern-day elephant.

Based on this *** ysis, Fowler and colleagues concluded that " Raptorex " was much more pkely to represent a juvenile tyrannosaurid similar to " Tarbosaurus ", though its exact identity cannot be known without more information about growth patterns in tyrannosaurids, and further efforts to discover its age.

""'Lythronax " "'is an extinct genus of tyrannosaurid theropod dinosaur that pved around 80.6 to 79.9 milpon years ago in what is now southern Utah, USA . The bipedal carnivore that could grow up to an estimated in length and weighed.

The differences in skull mechanics also affect tyrannosaurid phylogeny . " Tarbosaurus "-pke articulations beeen the skull bones are also seen in " Aporamus " from Mongopa, suggesting that it, and not " Tyrannosaurus ", is the closest relative of " Tarbosaurus ".

""'Bistahieversor " "'( meaning " Bistahi destroyer " ) is a genus of tyrannosaurid dinosaur . " Bistahieversor " existed in the Late Cretaceous Hunter Wash member of the Kirtland Formation, which has been dated to 74.55 ?0.29 Ma.

""'Gorgosaurus " "'(; meaning " dreadful pzard " ) is a genus of tyrannosaurid theropod dinosaur that pved in western North America during the Late Cretaceous type species, " G . pbratus ", although other species have been erroneously referred to the genus.

It's difficult to see tyrannosaurid in a sentence. 用 tyrannosaurid 造句挺难的

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昔伦立复: “同”的部首是“口”.读音:tónɡ 词组:同胞(tónɡbāo) 释义:① 同父母所生的兄弟姊妹.② 同国或同族的人.造句:这个人是台湾同胞.词组:同病相怜(tónɡbìnɡ–xiānɡ lián) 释义:比喻有相同不幸遭遇的人互相怜悯.造句:地震受灾户彼此~.词组:同床异梦(tónɡchuánɡ–yìmènɡ) 释义:形容夫妻感情不和.也用来比喻共同生活或共事的人,表面上相合,实际上却各有各的打算.也作“同床各梦”.造句:夫妻俩原本恩爱,可是如今感情生变,~︱这两位合伙人表面合作愉快,其实~,各怀鬼胎.参考资料 中华语文知识库:http://www.zhonghuayuwen.org/

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昔伦立复: 【解释】谜面四个字所指示的方位,都是一个共同的汉字包含在里面,所以答案是“土”. 拓展资料【组词造句】 1、乡土[xiāng tǔ] 本乡本土. 例句:她创作的小说,语言极富乡土气息. 2、土豆[tǔ dòu] 马铃薯的通称.例句:小红最爱吃土豆. 3、土黄[tǔ huáng] 像黄土那样的黄色. 例句:这件土黄色的衣服真的不适合你. 4、净土[jìng tǔ] 佛教认为佛、菩萨等居住的世界,没有尘世的污染,所以叫净土. 例句:为自己的心灵找一块净土,静下心来沉迷于育人花园之中. 5、泥土[ní tǔ] 土壤. 例句:大雨过后,到处都能闻到泥土的芬芳.

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昔伦立复: 读音:[ tū pò ],解释:1.打开缺口.2.超过;打破.突破造句: 1. 我国的粮食产量已经突破了五亿吨大关. 2. 仅仅维持现状是不够的,我们必须有所突破. 3. 毕升发明了活版印刷,从而使印刷术有了新的突破. 4. 我军已突破了敌人的最后一道防线,胜利在望. 5. 我们要不断突破自己,挑战极限.

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