
作者&投稿:恭贤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



  1. 形容词:指某人或某物在某人的记忆中或经验中是熟悉的,常见的或亲密的。例如:He looks familiar.(他看起来很熟悉。)

2. 名词:指某人或某物在某人的记忆中或经验中是熟悉的,常见的或亲密的人或物。例如:She is a familiar face around here.(她是这里常见的面孔。)

3. 动词:指某人或某物被熟悉或认出。例如:I can't quite place him, but he seems familiar.(我无法确定他是谁,但他看起来很熟悉。)

4. 副词:指某人或某物在某人的记忆中或经验中是熟悉的,常见的或亲密的程度。例如:I know this place familiarly.(我对这个地方非常熟悉。)


10,cinema;11,domestic;12,diamond;13,enemies;14,experts;15,engineer;16,familiar;17,favourite 18,festival;19,government;20,grey;21,hopeless;22,including;23,international;24,journey 25,kitchen.

意思是某件事物被人所熟知,如:The book isfamiliar to me.这本书我很熟悉。“be_amiliar_ith”的主语必须是人,意思是某人对某事很熟悉,如:I'm familiar with the environment here.我很熟悉这里的环境。

110.amiliar(NMET1999)110.familiar熟悉的111.favorite 最喜爱的 (即作形容词也作名词,作名词时有复数)112.figure人物\/数字113.finger手指114.flight飞行115.forehead前额116.foreign(NMET1998)117.fortunately幸运地118.forward向前119.freezing 极冷的 (frozen 冷冻的)120.frequently 经常地121.furniture 家具122.furt...

traditional way is to send greeting cards in变on festival occasions,which takes a bit longer ,but t 去掉the f amiliar handwriting itself makes a friend be happy,Now,it is more popular to send flowers,Thanks to the internet, 没错 we can send e-cards instead of ...

在叙述个人技能时,如果用揻amiliar with敚抟庵懈嗽斐杉际醪还氐募傧蟆U饪赡苡攵饺吮冉虾钣泄兀媸允币苊庹庖磺榭觥V骺脊偃绻誓闶欠袷煜++,如果是熟悉的话,还应该恰到好处地回答你用C++做过什么,这...

And the door at the end of the gallery opened, and Mr.Rochester advanced with a candle: he had just descended from the upper storey. One of the ladies ran to him directly; she seized his arm: it was Miss Ingram.

110.amiliar(NMET1999)110.familiar熟悉的111.favorite 最喜爱的 (即作形容词也作名词,作名词时有复数)112.figure人物\/数字113.finger手指114.flight飞行115.forehead前额116.foreign(NMET1998)117.fortunately幸运地118.forward向前119.freezing 极冷的 (frozen 冷冻的)120.frequently 经常地121.furniture 家具122....

绥江县15236187947: Familiar(英文单词) - 搜狗百科
圭伯热毒: familiar 密友、常客.

绥江县15236187947: familiar什么意思 -
圭伯热毒: 形容词 adj.1.熟悉的, 通晓的, 常见到的, 常听说的 The man seemed familiar, but I could not quite place him.这人很面熟, 但是我记不清在哪儿见过他.2.冒昧的, 放肆的3.随便的, 非正式的

绥江县15236187947: “familiar”是什么意思?
圭伯热毒: familiar adj.熟悉的, 常见的, 听惯的, 亲近的, 随便的 n.密友, 熟客, 常客 1、(常与to连用)熟悉的;常见的;普通的 a familiar sight 常见的情况 This song sounds familiar. 这首歌听起来很熟 sth be familar to sb. 某件事物对于某人来说很熟...

绥江县15236187947: Familiar什么意思
圭伯热毒: adj.熟悉的,n.仆人,庸人 n.家人,亲人(罕见的词意)

绥江县15236187947: familiar的意思?
圭伯热毒: 熟悉的

绥江县15236187947: familiar 有名词密友,常客的意思吗? -
圭伯热毒:[答案] 有的. webster的解释: 1 :a member of the household of a high official 高官家里的成员; 2 :one that is familiar; especially :an intimate associate :COMPANION 熟悉的人; 3 :a spirit often embodied in an animal and held to attend and serve or guard a ...

绥江县15236187947: “familiar"他是什么用法啊?是什么意思
圭伯热毒: 1. 表示“熟悉的”.若是指某人熟悉某事物,通常只用作表语,其后通常连用介词 with;若是指某事物为某人所熟悉,此时可用作表语或定语,其后通常连用介词 to: Are you familiar with these details? 你熟悉这些细节吗? It's a familiar face. ...

绥江县15236187947: 很熟悉的翻译是:什么意思 -
圭伯热毒: familiar [英] [fəˈmiljə][美] [fəˈmɪljɚ] adj.熟悉的; 通晓的; 冒昧的; 随便的; n.常客,密友; 高级官吏的家属; [天主]教皇[主教]的仆人; Everyone must be familiar with the old favourite among roses, Crystal Palace. 大家一定都很熟悉玫瑰中的老牌名品“水晶宫殿”.

绥江县15236187947: farmilier这个单词什么意思? -
圭伯热毒:[答案] 应该是familiar吧, 意思是“熟悉的,常见的,普通的”,是一个形容词,是由family衍生过来的

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