商务英语 Level 6 Unit 2 Part 1 Vocabulary【CSR Terminology】

作者&投稿:毓疯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Corporate social responsibility, or CSR, is the idea that a company should help the environment and society.
Through CSR programs, businesses can contribute to society while also boosting their own image.
Depending on the company, CSR can take on many forms, like philanthropic giving.

Philanthropy is when a corporation donates money to a cause or organization that helps people.
Corporate philanthropy is a common approach to CSR.
Typical forms of corporate philanthropy include monetary donations and aid given to non-profit organizations and deprived communities.
For example, PepsiCo has a program called Food for Good, which donates healthy meals to children.

halo effect
The halo effect is a favorable perception people have of a company.
If a company has halo effect, customers will overlook its negative aspects in favor of its positive ones.
When a company engages in CSR, it can create halo effect for itself.
This can improve customer loyalty and give a company a reputation for social responsibility.

triple bottom line
The triple bottom line refers to people, planet, and profit.
Companies engage in CSR because they believe the well-being of people, the planet, and the company are interrelated.
People refers to the human capital bottom line.
It calls for fair labor practices and beneficial business practices toward the community where the business operates.
Planet is the environmental bottom line.
It calls for sustainable environmental practices as well as reversing the damage done to the environment.
Profit is the economic bottom line.
It refers to economic value created by the organization.

江南区17714975588: 商务英语等级考试的中级和高级的词汇量是多少 -
微米丹片: 中级好像和四级差不多.高级介于6和8级之间,8级的词汇要求,根据大纲是13000-14000(不含专业词-即商务),所以6000(常用词)+ 3000-4000(专业词)

江南区17714975588: 英语初级,中级,高级和英语1——6级有什么区别 -
微米丹片: 两种应用环境不同,初级,中级,高级是指商务英语级别,剑桥大学考试委员会跟中国教育部考试中心合作的,简称BEC. 另外,英语只有4、6级之分,简称CET-4、CET-6,没有1、2、3、5级别,是由国家教育部高等教育司主持的全国性教学考试;考试的主要对象是根据教育大纲修完大学英语四级的大学本科生或研究生. 还有专业8级的英语呢.

江南区17714975588: 商务英语中级跟六级的区别 -
微米丹片: 商务英语中级和六级难度相似.但是介于我们平时对商务知识和词汇的匮乏.所以复习稍要多费事些吧.商务英语高级和专八难度相似. 商务英语分笔试和口试.2个都过才有证书.报名费比较贵.一年可以考2次.这些你百度都可以得到. 商务英语一直都可以考.六级只能在大学里考. 六级是是一般的英语知识.偏重生活些吧.比较综合.而商务英语都是和商务相关的.你要了解些商务方面的知识.还有单词也都是商务方面的.以及口语考试.

江南区17714975588: 商务英语级别划分
微米丹片: BEC(Higher) 高级水平 BEC(Vantage) 中高级水平 BEC(Preliminary) 中低级水平 Entry (A2) 入门级 *考虑到广大考生和使用BEC证书机构的要求, ESOL考试部在BEC P中增加了A2级别, 原有参加初级(BEC P)考试的考生, 如果成绩达到了...

江南区17714975588: 关于剑桥商务英语等级 -
微米丹片: BEC共分三个等级:BEC初级(BEC Preliminary Level,缩略为 BEC Pre.),BEC中级(BEC Vantage Level,缩略为 BEC Van.),BEC高级(BEC Higher Level,缩略为 BEC Hi.).以前分别称作BEC1,BEC2和BEC3.相关信息可以参考以下的网站哦…… http://baike.baidu.com/view/2100390.htm

江南区17714975588: 全国商务英语等级考试要什么书 -
微米丹片: 全国国际商务英语考试分为两级,教材如下: 1.国际商务英语听力(一,二级) 2.国际商务英语口语(一,二级) 3.国际商务英语阅读与写作(一级) 4.国际商务英语翻译(一,二级) 5.全国国际商务英语考试大纲与复习指南(一级) 6.全国...

江南区17714975588: 职通商务英语综合教程一 Unit 6 Advertising Section Ⅱ Reading Advertising 全文翻译!急需,谢谢! -
微米丹片: please put the text here.

江南区17714975588: 商务英语与英语六级 -
微米丹片: 商务英语考试(BUSINESS ENGLISH CERTIFICATE),简称BEC,指的是剑桥商务英语资格考试.是剑桥系列考试中专为学习者提供的国际商务英语资格证书考试,考察真实工作环境中英语交流能力,被欧洲乃至全球众多教育机构、企业认...

江南区17714975588: 商务英语等级考试 -
微米丹片: 商务英语分三个等级:初级,中级,高级. 初级(Preliminary):难度相当于我国大学英语四级,就剑桥英语考试系列来说,它介于入门英语考试(Key English Test) 和初级英语考试(Preliminary English Test)之间.中级(Vantage):介...

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微米丹片: 剑桥商务英语适合人群很广,其规定报名不受年龄、性别、职业、地区、学历等限制... 在中已列出其分三个级别,分别是:BEC初级 (BEC Preliminary Level,...

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