
作者&投稿:柘邦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

This pen is broken,so I'd better buy a new one.
坏了要用broken 两个句子中间要加连词so


(1)The current global economic crisis leads the airline industry to slump which makes Boeing's main customer groups (airline) lack purchasing power.
(2)As the Boeing is a company of the United States, Boeing may lose , customers groups in the American hostile countries, meanwhile, the Boeing Company does not prevail in the competition in those policies of protecting local companies.
(3)The development of technology will enable Boeing to produce better aircrafts, such as in the material aspects of the economy, reducing energy consumption, as well as to provide safer and more comfortable flying environment.

1.As a consequence of the present global economic cricis,Boeing's major customer groups(airlines) are lacking in purchasing power.

2.As an US-based Coporation,it is not impossible that customer groups from enemy countries will turn to other suppliers, meanwhile,there is no much advantages when competing with those companies who are sheltered by local protective policies for Boeing.

3.The development in technologyies enable Boeing to produce better aircrafts,for instance, more saving in materials ,reduce the consume of ernegy and provide a safer,more comfortable riding enviroment.

(1)The current global economic crisis led to the airline industry slump, so that Boeing's main customer groups (airline) lack of purchasing power.
(2)As the Boeing company in the United States, so that Boeing may be the loss of the U.S. hostile countries, groups of customers, at the same time, the Boeing Company in those policies to protect local companies do not prevail in the competition.
(3)Technology will enable Boeing to create a better aircraft, such as in the material aspects of the economy, reduce energy consumption, as well as to provide safer and more comfortable flying environment

1.The recent global financial crisis has dragged the aviation industry into a recession ,leading to insufficient purchasing power of the major customer group of Boeing(airline company)
2.Boeing's American identity may lead the loss of customer group from Anti-American coutries, meanwhile, it will be hard for Boeing to win an advantage over those companies under the protective umbrella of local policies.
3.The technological developments such as saving in material, lower energy consumption safer and more comfortable flight environment can help Boeing to build better planes.

都是强人啊!!我一个字也看不懂 呵呵

1.美丽的湖泊和湖中的天鹅被视为这个小镇的一大特点。The beautiful lake and the swans inside is viewed as one of the main attractions in this town.2.在中国,出去吃饭被视为一种庆祝方式。In China, eating outside is viewed as a way of celebration.3.香港被认为是以贸易和金融著称的...

1. At the meeting raised many environmental problems.2. Since the power since he received a lot of support.3.1921, Einstein won the Nobel Prize in Physics.4. Really want to should not be concealed.5. Planting rice in China thousands of years old.祝你好运了 ...

15.要不是太忙,我本来也想去看看您。15、忙しくなければ、もともとお访ねにいくはずです。=== 以上是按照楼主的中文意思翻译的,请参考。PS:貌似是标日初级的练习句,如有问题请追问。

日本の一番高い山はなんという山ですか?富士山です。5.初次见面,我是山下先生。初めまして、山下です。6.在电影院里看电影。映画馆で映画を见ます。7.咖啡和红茶都喜欢。コーヒーと红茶みんな好きです。8.那个人是谁?那个人是日语老师。あの人は谁ですか? 日本语の先生です。9.我...

日文?英文?,说清楚 英文:1 you go I go you go, my heart always remember safety 2 cars and more people suspicious. Don't worry, civilized courtesy in the mind 3 campus how to run the most important, cherish life 日文:1あなたが歩いて私みんなで歩いて、常に心に安全记 2...

1.你将要见到的那位女士是我们公司的经理 The woman who you will see is the manager of our company.2.我正在看一本关于电灯泡的发明人爱迪生的书I'm reading a book about Edison who invented the electric bulbs.3.这是我听过最好听的音乐会This is the best concert I have ever l...

あなたとの出会いは本当に奇妙なものでした。私が初めてあなたに电话をかけたとき、あなたはもしかしたら変に思ったかもしれませんね。あの顷のあなたの中国语はメチャクチャでした。でも、今では、あなたの会话と闻き取りはものすごく进歩しました。3 在KTV我们一起唱《xx》,...

算是一个proverb吧 楼主你见过这个杂技吗,杂技演员同时抛起接住多个东西,如瓶子,如小球?这是最古老的杂技之一。这句话就是这样来的,"a lot of balls in the air"就是形容要同时应付很多事情,手忙脚乱的意思。

费德里高·加西亚·洛尔卡,1921—1924 回答补充:在借鉴前人的译稿上,我又把我的翻译修改了一下,下面是戴望舒的译稿,你可以比较一下:吉他 吉他的呜咽 开始了。黎明的酒杯 碎了。吉他的呜咽 开始了。要止住它 没有用,要止住它 不可能。它单调地哭泣,象水在哭泣,象风在雪上 哭泣。要止住它...

吸烟有害健康。(动名词作主语)Smoking is bad for our health.她建议周末去看电影。(动名词作宾语)She suggested seeing a film at weekend.这把刀是专门用来切水果的,(动名词作介词宾语)This knife is used for cutting fruits specially.女主持人的话被掌声淹没了。(drown out)The hostess's...

大宁县15517306380: 英语翻译因为在学句子结构..所以想请高手回答几个句子..翻译的.1.我们工作 2.孩子们游泳.3.婴儿哭了.4.下雨了.5.太阳发出光芒.6.鸟飞7.开始上课.8.火车到了.... -
典荣复方:[答案] 1.We work 2.The children swim. 3.The baby cries. 4.It rains. 5.The sun shines. 6.The bird flies. 7.The class begins. 8.The train arrives. 自己翻译的,绝对正确.

大宁县15517306380: 英语翻译(求高手,要全部翻译,会采纳,谢谢!) -
典荣复方: 1他有一个有趣的工作.2他在广播站工作.3那是一个有趣的吃早饭的时间.4,我工作从不迟到.5你一般什么时候起床?6他什么时候吃早饭?——他七点钟吃早饭.7他什么时候去工作?——他通常八点钟去工作.8在上学的日子你通常什么时候起床?9在我们小组,李雷周末通常起床晚.10我没有太多的时间吃早饭.11我吃饭经常很快12我有时候大半个小时的篮球13我要么看电视玩要么电脑游戏14她一直都是洗一个澡和吃一顿好早餐15她知道这个对她不好,但是它尝起来还不错16冰淇淋很好吃,所以学生们都爱吃

大宁县15517306380: 求英语高手们帮忙翻译几句话!
典荣复方: 1.多谢夸奖! thank you for praising 2.那我就不打搅你了! I am sorry to trouble. 3.那你去忙吧! You can do what you want. 4.你要下线了吗? Will you be out of line? 5.我认为那很值得我骄傲!I think I am proud of that. 6.等一下! wait a moment.

大宁县15517306380: 请英语高手翻译几个句子? -
典荣复方: 1,作为秘书的主要工作是帮领导处理日常事务. My main task as a secretary is to assist leaders in handling daily affairs. 2.很高兴你来机场接我. I am so happy you come to airport, and pick me up. 3.请允许我代表我们系欢迎王教授给我们做英语...

大宁县15517306380: 求高手翻译几个英语句子!!!!!!!!!!!!!
典荣复方:1 we must develop a program of spending cuts 2 many one-child parents expect too much of the children 3 the audience was deeply moved by his wonderful performance 4 shadows lengthened as the sun 5 computers have many advantages, but it can't do creative work, also cannot replace man 请采纳

大宁县15517306380: 紧急求助:求英语高手帮我翻译几句句子? -
典荣复方: 1 We must take advantage of this opportunity to improve our spoken English.2 As far as I know, the car accident was caused by the weather.3 The workers were all very much surprised at what the boss said.4 The students should take an active part ...

大宁县15517306380: 求英语高手们帮翻译两句句子 ~ -
典荣复方: 1,when he got off the bus, I saw him.下车是个短暂性动词,不能用于进行时2,air is to many plants what water is to them. 固定句型: A is to B what C is to D.A对于B就像C对于D一样.

大宁县15517306380: 请英语高手翻译个句子,不是只要意思对,要地道一点深刻一点,非常感谢! -
典荣复方: 把情景翻译成 sight 或者 scenes...都是因为你们在翻译的时候首先考虑的是 情景这个字在中英文字典里是啥,然后你们只能选择 sight or scene..这种翻译方法,就是Chinglish Just a hint: 老外有个很简单的词形容某个重要情景,那就是 "moment".你会问,字典上说的是时刻的意思啊,不是情景.那我只能说,老外的英文是假的,国内的中英文字典才是真的..还有,fragile 不是用来形容情感的,它只能形容物品脆弱,比如玻璃,形容感情脆弱的无助的,是vulnerable Anyways...

大宁县15517306380: 英文高手帮忙翻译句子
典荣复方:In computer games you can get much satisefaction which you can't get in real life,you can do things that cannot be done in real life and you can also make more freinds .

大宁县15517306380: 求高手翻译几个简单的英文句子
典荣复方: 1 what are you going to do with these apparatuses? 2 she spend half of her money on clothes 3 he is considering changing jobs 4 i would like to have a look at your new car 5 your answer should have been better 6 to get rid of cold,i have tried a ...

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