
作者&投稿:永朗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 1. Forgive me for not telling you the truth until now, my dear. I hesitated many times, felt lost, and was in great pain. I even considered not telling you at all, fearing you would leave me if you found out accidentally.
2. You see, I was so deeply in love with you that I didn't want to see you hate me or leave me. But I finally gathered my courage to be honest with you. I understand that you might not forgive me easily and that you might be heartbroken. However, I truly didn't want to keep this secret from you.
3. I want you to know everything about me. I hope our relationship is pure and transparent. Can you understand my intentions? Please don't be angry with me anymore.
4. I love my daughter dearly, and I love you even more. I can't bear the thought of losing you. My dear, if you truly love me, please give me another chance.


500字道歉的话给女朋友 写给女友的一封信

6、请接受我真诚的道歉!对不起!我该打,我该骂,全怪我不听你的话,宝贝儿不要再生气了好吗? 7、我不好,我检讨;我不对,我有醉,可以给个机会,让我负荆请罪吗? 8、以上就是关于向女朋友真诚道歉的句子,以及向女朋友道歉的暖心话,希望能帮助到大家,顺利获得女朋友的原谅,重归于好~ 9、骄阳如火酷热难耐,...


以下是我为大家收集的惹女朋友生气道歉的话语(精选80句),仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。   1.不要去后悔,无论怎样都不要去后悔,后悔的情绪比你所做错的事更加可怕,因为这会摧毁你的自信,自尊以及很有可能让你去做一件更错的事。   2.可是,不走,会后悔。   3.从前不知天高地厚拼命往前冲的气势...


惹女朋友生气挽回爱情的一句话 哄女朋友必备的心情说说31句
惹女朋友生气向她道歉的话 1、没有你的日子里,似白天里没有了太阳,心里失去了温暖;没有你的日子里,似夜晚没有了月光,生活失去了浪漫;没有你的日子里,我的世界一片凄清与严寒,求你赶快出现,不要不理我! 2、相遇,心情如蓝天白云飘飘;拥有,心间如花草芬芳丽俏;误会,心灵如流沙肆虐吼叫;回首,心田如静夜淡然...

对待女朋友,要从心里想对她好,关心她,她才能真正的感受到你的用心。惹女朋友生气了,第一要做的就是道歉。下面是我给大家整理的自己惹女朋友生气了怎么 道歉信 ,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 自己惹女朋友生气了怎么道歉信1 我知道错了,但你知道我是多么的爱你吗 我提前挂电话,不是因为别的,是...

玫瑰(黄):不贞、嫉妒, 欢乐, 高兴, 道歉 玫瑰(紫):忧郁.梦幻,爱做梦.玫瑰(捧花):幸福之爱 玫瑰(橙):羞怯, 献给你一份神秘的爱 玫瑰 (花苞): 美丽和青春 玫瑰(橘):欲望。玫瑰 (红+白): 共有 玫瑰 (红+黄): 快乐 玫瑰(黑) :你是恶魔,且为我所有 玫 瑰:纯洁的爱、...


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叱干响盐酸: Dear David: I am afraid that you will think me unpardonably negligent in not having answered your letter dated 7, December sooner, but when I have told you the reason, I trust you will be convinced that the neglect was excusable. When ...

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叱干响盐酸: sorry、honey.I don't smoke.

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叱干响盐酸: Many thanks for your order 782 of 19 January.We regret to inform u that the SP-12 item requested are no longer being manufactured.However we can offer u RT-36 models instead and these are ready for immediate despatch. RT-36S are similar to ...

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叱干响盐酸: dear---- i am so sorry for you. i write this lettler to give you an apologise.please believe me iam so love you that what i do just want you live better !and be happy !

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叱干响盐酸: baby,honey,sweetheart ,i'am sorry .i know i am really fault .please give me a chance to go on loving you .i will never change my promise whatever you do.

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