
作者&投稿:邹胁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 以下是关于衣服的英语单词,共计20个,每个条目一段:
1. Clothes - 衣服
2. Suit - 西装,套装
3. Dress - 女服
4. Uniform - 制服
5. Coat - 大衣,外套
6. Jacket - 短外衣,夹克
7. Muffler - 围巾
8. Pocket - 衣袋
9. Sweater - 运动衫
10. Blouse - 紧身女衫
11. T-shirt - 短袖圆领衫,体恤衫
12. Trousers - 裤子
13. Jeans - 牛仔裤
14. Short trousers - 短裤
15. Belt - 裤带
16. Bathing suit - 泳衣
17. Bikini - 比基尼
18. Boots - 靴子
19. Bra - 胸罩;文胸
20. Gloves - 手套
1. Buy clothes that suit you well; what is suitable for you is the best, so there is no need to envy others' styles.
2. Over 80 people set a world record by ironing clothes underwater at 50 meters.
3. Wait until you're in the mood to iron your clothes before taking them out of the wardrobe, or choose according to your needs - perhaps take out the shirt you'll wear tomorrow and iron it 5 minutes before you leave.
4. Dudley laughed so hard he was rolling on the floor, but Harry couldn't sleep all night, worrying about how he would face school the next day, with his classmates already making fun of his baggy clothes and glasses held together with tape.
5. Take a sip of milk, swallow the cake that was stuck in your mouth, and then collapse with relief on the sofa amidst the pile of clothes.
6. Giving others kind words is more valuable than giving them gold and jewels; showing people good manners is better than the beautiful patterns on clothes, and making others listen to kind words is more joyful than listening to music.

1、clothes 衣服 2、suit 西装,套装 3、dress 女服 4、uniform 制服 5、coat 大衣,外套 6、jacket 短外衣夹克 7、 muffler 围巾 8、rocket 衣袋 9、sweater 运动衫 10、blouse 紧身女衫 11、T-shirt 短袖圆领衫体恤衫 12、trousers 裤子 13、jeans 牛仔裤 14、short trousers 短裤 15、belt ...

求关于服装类的英文单词、 像coat啊、shoes啊这类的、不胜感激中...
jeans, stockings, socks, shoes, slippers, sports shoes

1、 crop top 露脐上衣 crop 修剪,剪短 2、short-sleeve top 短袖上衣(泛)sleeve 袖子 3、sleeveless top 无袖上衣(泛)sleeve+否定后缀less=sleeveless 无袖的 4、tank top 背心 简称Tank 肩带比较细 5、tube top 筒形弹力胸围 一般指即没有肩带也没有袖子的衣服 6、 turtleneck 高园套领 tur...

1. Clothes - Garments, attire 2. Wardrobe - Clothing storage 3. Clothing - Apparel 4. Habit - Clothing as part of one's lifestyle or identity 5. Ready-made clothes, ready-to-wear clothes - Off-the-rack garments 6. Garments - Outerwear 7. Town clothes - Urban attire 8. ...

suit 一套衣服。able 能够。be able to 有能力做某事。dress 穿衣。casually 随意地。which 哪个。even 甚至。the World Cup 世界杯。wrote 动词write的过去式。myself(反身代词)我自己。interview 面试。predict 预言。prediction 预测。came 动词come的过去式。come true (希望等)实现。

1. clothes 衣服,服装 2. wardrobe 服装 3. clothing 服装 4. habit 个人依习惯.身份而着的服装 5. ready-made clothes, ready-to-wear clothes 成衣 6. garments 外衣 7. town clothes 外衣 8. double-breasted suit 双排扣外衣 9. suit 男外衣 10. dress 女服 11. tailored suit 女式西服...


服装类英语单词汇总 clothes 衣服,服装 wardrobe 服装衣柜行头 clothing 服装 habit 个人依习惯.身份而着的服装 garments 外衣 外套服装衣着 town clothes 外衣外套 suit男外衣 dress\/women’s wear女服 everyday clothes\/causal clothes 便服 three-piece suit 三件套 uniform 制服 school uniform 校服 laye...

描写衣服的英文单词:clothing衣服、clothes衣服、dress衣服、habiliment衣服、graith衣服、 harness衣服、brat衣服、threads衣服、toilette衣服、array衣服、clout衣服、apparel衣服。

男: vest背心 underpants裤衩 shirt衬衫 suit西装 tie领带餐服,无尾晚礼服trousers裤子 女: bra 小背心underwear裤衩(lingerie内衣)blouse衬衫 skirt裙子 sweater毛衣 秋衣 coat 大衣fur coat裘皮大衣 shawl披肩 gown外袍 pajama(和服)glove手套 mitten(不带手指的手套sock袜子 stockings长丝袜 veal围巾...

威宁彝族回族苗族自治县13684483124: 表示服装的单词有哪些 -
糜符肠舒: jearsey 针织衫 Jean 牛仔 Shirt 衬衫 sweartshirt 卫衣 pants 裤子 legging 打底裤 underwear 底裤 连衣裙down coat 羽绒服

威宁彝族回族苗族自治县13684483124: 形容衣服的英文单词 -
糜符肠舒:[答案] 宽松--loose 合身--suitbale 紧--tightthere are a lot like describing words for clothes,like the color words颜色:a pink blouse,a light gray sweatersize words大下,尺寸:a small vest,a big coat,texture wor...

威宁彝族回族苗族自治县13684483124: 四年级有关的衣服的英文单词 -
糜符肠舒: 四年级有关的衣服的英文单词:shirt、dress、jacket、coat、sweater. 一、shirt 1、含义:n. 衬衫.v. 给…穿上衬衫. 2、用法: shirt的基本意思是“衬衫,衬衣”,通常指男用的衬衫或衬衣. shirt有时可借助单位词表示不确定的可数性. ...

威宁彝族回族苗族自治县13684483124: 衣服的英语单词 -
糜符肠舒: 衣服的英语单词: clothing clothesclothing n. 服装; 衣服; [航] 帆装; v. 覆盖(clothe的现在分词); 给…提供衣服;n. 衣服,衣物; 寝具; v. 穿(衣)( clothe的第三人称单数); 给…提供衣服; (用语言) 表达; 覆盖;

威宁彝族回族苗族自治县13684483124: 服装类有哪些英语? -
糜符肠舒: dress 连衣裙 skirt 短裙 shirt 衬衣 pants 裤子 coat 外衣,大衣 sweater 毛衣 tie 领带 vest 背心 T-shirt

威宁彝族回族苗族自治县13684483124: 帮我列一下所有关于衣服的英语单词(所有衣服.别忘了注汉语) -
糜符肠舒: coat skirt shirt dress sweater hat gloues T-shirt shoes stockings tie vest sneakers jacket socks jeans scarf boots pant suit

威宁彝族回族苗族自治县13684483124: 衣服的英语是什么?英语试卷中试题是:一件衣服,要你写出英语单词.写什么?,怎么办呢?好不好怎么样 -
糜符肠舒:[答案] a suit (piece,article) of clothes, a suit of clothing 好像是常见的是a piece of clothes

威宁彝族回族苗族自治县13684483124: 形容衣服的英文单词 -
糜符肠舒: 宽松--loose 合身--suitbale 紧--tight there are a lot like describing words for clothes, like the color words颜色: a pink blouse, a light gray sweater size words大下,尺寸: a small vest, a big coat, texture words质地: a soft top, a smooth shirt 其它还有:beautiful/ugly, dirty/clean, new/old etc.,

威宁彝族回族苗族自治县13684483124: 表示衣服的单词 -
糜符肠舒: skirt 短裙 dress 裙子 jacket 夹克

威宁彝族回族苗族自治县13684483124: 单词clothes与clothing的用法及区别 -
糜符肠舒:[答案] 一、clothes 的用法1.是衣服的统称,不仅包括 coat,shirt,dress 等这样的“衣服”,而且还包括 trousers,socks 等穿在身上的所有东西.2.表示“衣服”,是一个没有单数形式的复数名词,其前不可加不定冠词,也不可...

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