
作者&投稿:汝旭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Greater Tokyo is the world's most populous metropolitan area and is the center of Japanese culture, finance, and government. A bustling cosmopolitan city, Tokyo is also a major transportation hub and a world economic and industrial center. The city boasts a large number of world-class institutions of higher education, the highest concentration of universities in Japan. Tokyo was known as Edo until 1868, when the Japanese imperial family was moved there from Kyoto. Metropolitan Tokyo is generally defined as the four prefectures of Tokyo, Saitaima, Kanagawa, and Chiba, while the city of Tokyo proper usually refers to the 23 wards in Tokyo prefecture itself. The metropolitan area includes the major cities of Yokohama (the second largest city in Japan), Kawasaki, and Chiba, as well as rural mountain regions west of the city, the Izu Islands outside Tokyo Bay, and the Bonin Islands to the southeast in the Pacific Ocean.

500多年前,东京还是一个人口稀少的小渔镇,当时叫作江户。1457年,一位名叫太田道灌的武将在这里构筑了江户城。此后,这里便成了日本关东地区的商业中心。1603年,日本建立了中央集权的德川幕府,来自日本各地的人集中到这里,江户城迅速发展成为全国的政治中心。据记载,19世纪初,江户的人口已超过百万。1868年,日本明治维新后,天皇由京都迁居至此,改江户为东京,这里成为日本国的首都。1943年,日本政府颁布法令,将东京市改为东京都,扩大了它的管辖范围。 东京是日本全国的政治中心。行政、立法、司法等国家机关都集中在这里。被人们称为“官厅街”的“霞关”一带聚集着国会议事堂、最高裁判所和外务省、通产省、文部省等内阁所属政府机关。过去的江户城,现在已成为天皇居住的宫城。东京也是日本的经济中心。日本的主要公司都集中在这里。它们大多分布在千代田区、中央区和港区等地。东京同它南面的横滨和东面的千叶地区共同构成了闻名日本的京滨叶工业区。主要工业有钢铁、造船、机器制造、化工、电子、皮革、电机、纤维、石油、出版印刷和精密仪器等。东京金融业和商业发达,对内对外商务活动频繁。素有“东京心脏”之称的银座,是当地最繁华的商业区。 东京还是日本的文化教育中心。各种文化机构密集,其中有全国百分之八十的出版社和规模大、设备先进的国立博物馆、西洋美术馆、国立图书馆等。坐落在东京的大学占日本全国大学总数的三分之一,在这些大学就读的学生则占全国大学生总数的一半以上。东京作为一个国际性的大都市,还经常举办各种国际文化交流活动,如东京音乐节和东京国际电影节等。
震后东京1923年9月,关东大地震使东京变成了废墟。由地震引起的大火把市中心夷为平地。据报道,死亡及行踪不明者超过14万人,30万栋房屋毁坏。地震之后规划了城市修复计划,但是由于工程花费超过了国家预算,只有一小部分得以实现。 关东大地震结束后不久,昭和时代在昏暗中拉开帷幕。即便如此,日本的第一条地铁于1927年在浅草和上野之间开通了。
1928年首次举行全民众议院议员选举。1931年羽田的东京机场竣工,1941年东京港开港。到了1935年,东京居住的人数增长到636万,与纽约和伦敦的人口相匹敌。 然而1941年爆发的太平洋战争对东京产生了巨大的影响。为了适应战争需要,东京原来所存在的双重的行政机构东京府和东京市被取消。1943年,府和市合并形成东京都。因此,建立了都行政系统,并任命行政长官。在二战末期,东京被轰炸102次,最严重的空袭是在1945年3月10日,空袭后的东京在这次空袭中,造成了生命和财产的巨大损失。1945年8月15日,日本接受了波茨坦公告中的条款,战争结束。经轰炸后东京的大部分成为废墟,到1945年10月,人口下降到349万,是1940年的一半。 1947年5月,日本的新宪法和地方自治法生效,通过公众投票安井诚一郎被选举为新体制下东京第一届都知事。同年8月开始了现在的23区制。 二十世纪五十年代是国家逐步恢复的一个时期。1953年开始放送电视,1956年日本加入联合国。尤其1950年朝鲜战争的爆发,特需景气使经济得以迅速繁荣起来。从而导致日本在二十世纪六十年代进入经济高速增长的时期。由于进行技术革新和引入新工业新技术,这一时期,人工合成纤维和电视机、电冰箱、洗衣机等家用电器开始进入大量生产时期,致使东京居民的日常生活发生了巨大的转变。1962年东京人口突破1000万。1964年,奥林匹克运动会在东京举行,新干线(高速列车)开始运行,首都高速公路开通,为东京今天的繁荣打下了基础。 进入二十世纪七十年代,高速经济增长的负面影响开始日益明显,国家开始被空气、水污染、高度的噪音污染等环境问题所困扰。1973年的石油危机使多年快速的经济成长开始出现停滞。 到了二十世纪八十年代,由于国际经济活动的增加以及信息社会的出现,东京在经济发展上迈上了一个新台阶。东京成为世界上屈指可数的大都市之一,并且还有很多引人自豪的魅力,如最尖端的技术、信息、文化和时装以及高度的公共安全。但是,这些快速的发展导致了一系列的城市问题,如环境水平下降、交通拥挤和救灾物资准备不足。1986年以后,土地和股票价格开始呈螺旋式的上升,这就是众所周知的“泡沫经济”现象。 日本在泡沫经济下得到了巨大的发展,但是随着二十世纪九十年代初泡沫的破裂,长期的经济萎靡产生税收衰减,导致了都政府的财政危机。步入二十一世纪,现在东京处于一个历史的转折点。通过落实多方面的开拓政策,东京正在努力战胜自身所面临的危机,力争把东京建设成理想的极具吸引力的都市。
More than 500 years ago, Tokyo小渔is a sparsely populated town, then called Edo. In 1457, a named Ota Dokan's generals built in Edo City. Since then, this has become the Kanto region, business center. 1603, Japan established a centralized Tokugawa Shogunate, from all over Japan are concentrated here, the rapid development of Edo Castle becoming the country's political center. According to records, the early 19th century, Edo's population has more than one million. In 1868, Japan after the Meiji Restoration, the emperor moved from Kyoto to this, Edo to Tokyo, where to become the capital of Japan. In 1943, the Japanese government issued a decree will be replaced by the city of Tokyo, Tokyo, and expand the scope of its jurisdiction. Tokyo, Japan, the country's political center. The executive, legislative, judicial and other state organs are concentrated here. Been referred to as the "Guanting Street" and "Xia Guan" gathered around the National Assembly, the Supreme Court and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Industry provinces, the Ministry of Education and other government agencies own cabinet. Edo past City, now has become a living Emperor Miyagi. Tokyo is Japan's economic center. Japan's major companies are concentrated here. They are mostly located in Chiyoda-ku, the central area and Hong Kong and other places. Tokyo, Yokohama and its southern Chiba and eastern regions together constitute a well-known leaf Japanese Keihin Industrial Zone. Major industries include iron and steel, shipbuilding, machine building, chemical industry, electronics, leather, electronics, fibers, petroleum, printing and publishing and other precision instruments. Tokyo financial industry and the commercial development of frequent internal and external business activities. Known as "the heart of Tokyo" Ginza is known, is the most popular shopping areas. Tokyo is Japan's cultural and educational center. Intensive cultural institutions, of which 80 percent of the national publishers and large-scale, advanced equipment, the National Museum of Western Art, the National Library and so on. Located in the University of Tokyo University, Japan accounted for one-third of the total number of these university students nationwide accounted for more than half of the total number of university students. Tokyo as an international metropolis, but also often held a variety of international cultural exchange activities, such as the Tokyo Music Festival and the Tokyo International Film Festival.
Tokyo's history can be traced back more than 400 years ago. At that time, known as "Edo", in 1603 the establishment of Tokugawa Ieyasu Tokugawa Shogunate here after the city began to flourish. As Japan's political and cultural center of Edo in the mid-eighteenth century has become a city of millions of people. This period, the Emperor has been living in Kyoto, Kyoto, the capital of the state official. Period lasted for nearly 260 years until the Meiji Restoration in 1868, the collapse of the Tokugawa shogunate rule, imperial renaissance. Emperor moved to Edo, the Edo was renamed Tokyo, from Tokyo to become the capital of Japan.
In the Meiji period (1868-1912), Japan keen to learn from the beginning of civilization in Western Europe. Feudal lords in the house and built a brick structure of a large number of stone buildings, major cities by road paved by the boulder.
In 1869, Japan opened between Tokyo and Yokohama, the first telecommunications lines,
The first steam locomotive in 1872 started a new bridge to run between Yokohama. Western Europe replaced hair men hair traditional, hard-dome hat, high collar and a skirt up the skirt as a fashion peak.
In 1882, Japan's first open zoo in Ueno.
In 1885, the Government adopted a cabinet system, Ito Hirobumi became Japan's first prime minister. With the 1889 Constitution of the Empire of Japan (Meiji Constitution) the announcement of the establishment of a modern Japanese nation-state political system.
In the Taisho period (1912-1926), the number of urban working population increased, the proportion of urban residents to increase consumption of life. In addition, the level of education has also been improved, women entered the high school the number of girls increased. Performing arts such as theater and opera flourished.
Tokyo after the earthquake in September 1923, the Great Kanto earthquake in Tokyo turned into ruins. Fires caused by the earthquake razed the city center. According to reports, missing persons died and more than 140,000 people, 300,000 houses were damaged. Earthquake restoration program planned for the city, but the cost of the project has exceeded the national budget, only a small portion can be achieved. Kanto earthquake shortly after the Showa era kicked off in the gloom. Even so, Japan's first subway in 1927 in Asakusa and Ueno opened between.
The first time in 1928 the House of Representatives elections held in all the people. 1931 Tokyo Haneda airport, Tokyo, Hong Kong opened in 1941 in Hong Kong. By 1935, the number of people living in Tokyo rose to 6,360,000, with the population of New York and London match. However in 1941 the outbreak of the Pacific War, Tokyo had a dramatic impact. In order to adapt to the needs of the war, Tokyo was the existence of a dual government administrative agencies and the city of Tokyo, Tokyo was canceled. In 1943, merged to form the city government and Tokyo. Therefore, the establishment of all administrative systems, and the appointment of the Chief Executive. At the end of World War II, Tokyo was bombed 102 times, the most serious air raid in March 10, 1945, after the Tokyo air raid in the raid, the lives and property caused a great loss. August 15, 1945, Japan accepted the terms of the Potsdam Proclamation, the end of the war. After the bombing of Tokyo by the most in ruins, and in October 1945, the population dropped to 3.49 million, is half of 1940. May 1947, Japan's new entry into force of the Constitution and the Local Autonomy Law, through a public vote Seiichiro Yasui was elected as the new system, the first Governor of Tokyo. The beginning of August the same year the current system of 23 zones. Fifty years on behalf of the twentieth century is the gradual recovery of the country for a period of time. Start running television in 1953, Japan joined the United Nations in 1956. In particular, the outbreak of the Korean War in 1950, the special economic prosperity of the economy up quickly. Resulting in the sixties of the twentieth century, Japan entered into the stage of a period of rapid economic growth. As a result of technological innovation and the introduction of a new industry of new technologies, this period, the artificial synthetic fibers and TV sets, refrigerators, washing machines and other household appliances during the mass production started, resulting in the daily lives of residents in Tokyo, has undergone tremendous changes. Tokyo in 1962 exceeded 10 million population. In 1964, the Olympic Games held in Tokyo, the Shinkansen (high-speed train) is running, the capital of the highway opened for Tokyo today to lay the foundation for prosperity. The seventies into the twentieth century, high-speed economic growth in the beginning of the negative impact is increasingly clear, the state began to be air, water pollution, noise pollution, such as a high degree of environmental problems. 1973 oil crisis years of rapid economic growth began to stagnate. To the eighties of the twentieth century, due to the increase in international economic activities as well as the emergence of the Information Society, Tokyo, in terms of economic development onto a new level. Tokyo as the world's one of a handful of cities, and there are a lot of pride in the charm of attraction, such as cutting-edge technology, information, culture and fashion as well as the high degree of public safety. However, the rapid growth of cities led to a series of issues, such as a reduction in the level environment, traffic congestion and shortage of relief supplies ready. After 1986, land and stock prices began to rise was spiral, which is known as the "bubble economy" phenomenon. Japan's bubble economy has been under huge development, but the early nineties the twentieth century with the bursting of the bubble, a sluggish economy have a long-term revenue decline resulted in all the Government's financial crisis. Into the twenty-first century, now in Tokyo at a historic turning point. Through the implementation of a wide range of development policy, Tokyo is working to overcome the crisis faced by themselves, and strive to Tokyo into an ideal city attractive.

Tokyo is the world-class big city, generally said east the capitalcity refers to the Tokyo 23 areas, namely its big city are partial.But Tokyo took in fact an administrative area, calls Tokyo in Japan,including three major parts: The Tokyo 23 areas, touch the area, thePacific Ocean islands. These islands including the archipelago,the bonin islands, and most east end south Niao Island and most flush Niao Island. These islands are farthest amount to severalthousand kilometers to Tokyo. Mainly introduces Tokyo in this the mainpart - Tokyo 23 areas. Tokyo's population occupies head of theJapanese various administrative areas, reaches 11000000. Tokyo withneighbor thousand, mediates has notconstituted Japanese the biggest city circle, the railroad and theroad assumes the radiated each place take Tokyo as the center,Tokyo is the Japanese politics, the economical and the culturalcenter. Must take a stroll Tokyo first to have open the transportation map,brings the map first to look at the Tokyo transportation main skeletonline - Shan Shouxian and the Tokyo subway and all the camp subway.Shan Shouxian is east the Japanese railroad company (JReast) linkTokyo skeleton line. The mountain on-line has in, Ueno, fall YeYuan, Tokyo, the new bridge main initial sending end to the station,Sichuan, fords the valley, newly sleeps, the pond bag, the redfeather. The iron wire like spider web generally leads to Tokyo eacharea and the neighbor county city, and with leads to outside the cityeach private hard line to link up. In east each private hard line mainhas the anxious line (mainly to lead to Kanagawa), the Beijing kingline (mainly connects 23 areas with to touch area), young Tian isanxious (mainly leads to Kanagawa county each traveling), west themilitary line (mainly connects west Tokyo with 23 areas, east the military line (north mainconnection Guandong and Tokyo), Beijing becomes the line (thousand andTokyo). Tokyo's main shopping area distributes in around the Shan Shouxianvarious key stations neighbor, the department store quite centralizedarea has a bag, newly sleeps with originally sleeps, fords the valley,the new bridge, Tokyo stands the silver place and the Japanese bridge,these local constitution main shopping areas. Also has is by electricappliance renowned fall Ye Yuan, guarantees famously , by the oldbook fair famous god builds the central wholesale market by theaquatic product wholesale, the Ueno sugar which to the bargain-pricedgoods is famous horizontal . Will have the characteristic thegeographic name to be also useful forever Tian Ding, thepocket , the dexterity and so on. Forever Tian Ding will bemiddle the Japanese parliament and political party's locus, theJapanese is commonly used forever the field to refer to thegeneration of Japanese political circle, will be Japanesegovernment each locus, the Japanese often takes him to analogy thebureaucrat or Okura Sho, the pocket is the Tokyo stock marketlocus, some people to it analogy Japanese the negotiable securitieskingdom. As for the dexterity is the place which the foreignstudents frequently visits, Tokyo enters the country administrativebureau to be situated to this. Tokyo famously goes sightseeing the scenic spot to have the Tokyo irontower, the emperor occupies, Congress , the shallow grasstemple, the creek , the Ueno park and the zoo, Ge Xilin the seapark, a field, the Tokyo Disneyland and so on. Compared with has thecharacteristic the competition to have the baseball and the sumowrestling, looked the baseball may the Tokyo field which stands to theafter paradise, there is Tokyo giant team's . Looked the sumowrestling may arrive fall leaf original neighbor both countries to go,there already has both countries country technique hall, but also somemany sumo wrestling contestant's respective room (club), each room allhas own given name and the sign. The river household Tokyo museum alsois worth as soon as looking. Mountain on-line several big stations nearby regions, also is the goodplace which plays and goes sightseeing, for instance nearby in thepond bag sunlight building has concentrated many aquariums, the artmuseum, the museum neighbor, newly sleeps all the hall building, thekabuki , the shopping area, fords Gu Yuyuan to sleep is theJapanese young people fashionable clothing, the music, puts onmake-up, along with the goods, the hair style, the even life styleinformation source. Nearby Ueno has concentrated like Japan'straditional theater, the Tokyo state-run art museum, the state-runscientific museum, the state-run Western art museum, the Tokyo artmuseum and so on. Main street and newly sleeps which in the silverplace, to Sunday, the prohibited to traffic, there has becomepedestrian's heaven, or performs the street corner artist,sells each kind of manual product the various countries' peddler, theyoung people which plays on the street, assorted person and so on, allkinds of. More than 500 years ago, Tokyo or a sparse population small fishingtown, was called the river household at that time. In 1457, a name wascalled too Tian Daoguan military commander to construct Jiang Huchengin here. Hereafter, here has then become the Japanese Guandong areabusiness center. In 1603, Japan has established the centralization, comes to concentrate here from the Japanese each placeperson, Jiang Hucheng rapidly develops into the national politicalcenter. According to the record, at the beginning of 19th century,Jiang Hu population has surpassed million. In 1868, after the JapanMeiji Restoration, the emperor of Japan moved by Kyoto to this,changed Jiang Huwei the Tokyo, here became Japanese the capital. In1943, the Japanese government promulgated the law, east the capitalcity will change Tokyo, will expand its jurisdiction scope. Tokyo is the Japanese nation political center. State agency and so onadministration, legislation, judicature all concentrates in here. Iscalled "the official hall street" by the people area togather Congress , the highest court and Ministry of ForeignAffairs, passes produces cabinet respective governmental agency and soon the province, Ministry of Education. Past Jiang Hucheng, has nowbecome the imperial city which the emperor of Japan lives. Tokyo also is Japan's economic center. Japan's main company allconcentrates in here. They mostly distribute in thousand placessuch as areas, midcontinental region and port areas. Tokyo Yokohamaand the east side thousand areas constituted together with it southside has been well-known Japan's Beijing shore leaf industrialdistrict. The main industry has the steel and iron, the shipbuilding,the machine building, chemical, electronic, the leather, theelectrical machinery, the textile fiber, the petroleum, thepublication printing and the precision instrument and so on. Tokyofinance industry and trade developed, is frequent to in foreigncommerce activity. The element has "the Tokyo heart" the name silverplace, is the local liveliest business district. Tokyo or Japan's culture and education center. Each kind of culturalorganization crowded, including the national 80% publishing house andthe scale is big, the equipment advanced state-run museum, the Westernart museum, the state-run library and so on. Is located accounts forthe Japanese nation university total in Tokyo's University 1/3, goesstudy in these universities the student accounts for the nationaluniversity student total one above the half. Tokyo takes aninternational metropolis, but also frequently conducts each kind ofinternational cultural exchange, the Rudong Beijing music festival andthe Tokyo international film festival and so on. Tokyo's transportation is very convenient, the speed reaches 200kilometer new skeleton lines, extends the Nine Provinces from Tokyo,and extends to the northeast aspect. The underground railway nearlycan arrive all vital areas. The railroad, the road, the aviation andthe marine transportation have composed the communications networkwhich extends in all directions, to nation and world each place. On March 14, 1979, Tokyo and Beijing tied for the friendship city. 3. Tokyo is refers to north Vietnam the majority of areas. TheVietnamese person is north 圻, Italy is "north the frontier". "Tokyo" writes & in the Vietnamese; Ocirc; Ng Kinh, is theVietnamese capital Hanoi's old name. The French controls North Vietnamafter, then uses this name to call North Vietnam entire the area.

Tokyo is the capital city of the japan
东京 是 这个 首 都 在 这个 日本


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禽裕祥迪:[答案] Tokyo is the world-class big city, generally said east the capitalcity refers to the Tokyo 23 areas, namely its big city are partial.But Tokyo took in fact an administrative area, calls Tokyo in Japan,including three major parts: The Tokyo 23 areas, touch the ...

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南明区15912215263: 求英文介绍的东京资料. -
禽裕祥迪: 历史沿革 500多年前,东京还是一个人口稀少的小渔镇,当时叫作江户.1457年,一位名叫太田道灌的武将在这里构筑了江户城.此后,这里便成了日本关东地区的商业中心.1603年,日本建立了中央...

南明区15912215263: 英语作文介绍熟悉的城市,最好是写东京(40个单词左右) -
禽裕祥迪: Tokyo is a good piace to visit. That's the capital of Japan. Tokyo is a quiet. Tokyo is more beautiful than Russia. I think Tokyo is more interesting than Russia. Tokyo is a beautiful and Tokyo is cleaner than Russia. I prefer to go to Tokyo.

南明区15912215263: 求一10句15句以下的介绍东京的英语小短文. -
禽裕祥迪: Tokyo (Tokyo) is Japan's capital, is the first city in Asia, the world's second largest city. One of the world's largest economic center. Tokyo geographical coordinates of longitude 140 degrees 50 minutes north latitude 35 degrees 44 minutes. Tokyo is ...

南明区15912215263: 介绍东京,要英文!!急!! -
禽裕祥迪: 如下: Tokyo is the capital of Japan.It is the biggest city in Asia and it is also very beatiful.You can see the beatiful mountain in Tokyo.There is snow on it and it looks very nice.I hope on day I can go there.

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