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英国是一个具有数百年文化传统的国家,它的风俗传统全世界闻名。当人们想起英国的时候,他们通常就会联想到人们喝茶,吃鱼和薯条,戴着圆顶礼帽,但是英国并不是只有这些。我们也有英语这种古老的语言,有运动、音乐、食物和许多皇室传统庆典。同时也有歌谣、谚语和很多古老行为。谁是Guy Fawkes?为什么女王有两个生日?你都可以在我们的“生活在英国”的网页上找到答案。



From now on,all sorrows and sadness,let's face together!

No harm,no quarrel,let's be together till the end of the world!


地老天荒,我翻译为till the end of the world,直到世界的尽头,我觉得表意还可以。

厮守 be together

After so much sadness,
So many miserable,
No harm,
There is no quarrel,
Stay together to the end of life

From now on
No matter how many sadness
Or dreariness would be,
We defend together

Without any more harm
And endless quarrel,
We shall live to eternity.


In the future we may have many things grieving
However they may be desolating
We are here, together,protecting
There's no more harming
No more arguing
Our love can last without ending

all the sorrows,
and the desolations that are coming our way,
will be faced by us both,
there will be no more hurt,
no more quarrels,
just you and me till the end of the world.


show their English culture from multi-angles and in many ways: the actor's lines, the story itself and movie and video pictures, etc. They are of crucial importance to have a better understanding of the English national culture.有更多翻译需要 记得直接百度 元培翻译直通车哦~~...

Every time when you call me,I can feel very happy, but I can not express myself to you in English fluently.I feel anxious about this. Recently,I got some busy ,so I cannot stop to write to you.My answer is yes for all the questions that you asked me. But there ...

请帮忙我翻译成英语 谢谢
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寻求语言帮助 帮忙翻译这些句子 谢谢
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凉州区17322429093: 英语帮忙翻译!谢谢. -
啜怀川贝: From now on,all sorrows and sadness,let's face together!No harm,no quarrel,let's be together till the end of the world!这么翻译就行了!地老天荒,我翻译为till the end of the world,直到世界的尽头,我觉得表意还可以.厮守 be together 悲哀sorrow 凄凉sadness 伤害harm 争吵quarrel

凉州区17322429093: 帮忙翻译成英语谢谢 -
啜怀川贝: In order to get some social experience ,I do some part-time jobs when I was in college,for instance,family education.

凉州区17322429093: 帮忙翻译成英语!谢谢 -
啜怀川贝: My English teacher is a very good people , she is called MISS LI. Her very beautiful strong point's very high but a little bit thin. She is fond of reading a book and touring. She often educates us , our help is face to face very big. She had once got the teaching competition first. This be our English teacher! 望采纳 谢谢

凉州区17322429093: 帮忙用英语翻译.谢谢
啜怀川贝: 您好,可翻译为:The band is full of the energy as the band's name suggests.

凉州区17322429093: 帮忙翻译成英语 谢谢 -
啜怀川贝: the stranger sat oppositely was photoing me, I went to him and let him delete the photos when I found this.

凉州区17322429093: 帮忙用英语翻译一下~谢谢!
啜怀川贝: 我要和我的同事们好好谈谈i would talk to my colleagues carefully!

凉州区17322429093: 帮忙翻译英语谢谢 -
啜怀川贝: 对不起,我的最爱,我抓不住你,永别了,我的爱

凉州区17322429093: 帮忙用英语翻译一下谢谢
啜怀川贝: 英文:"The king has to go! Life to continue"法语:«Le roi est pour vous! À la vie continue"俄语:"Царь должен идти! Жизни для продолжения"

凉州区17322429093: 英语帮忙翻译一下谢谢
啜怀川贝: Enter the door and walk stright on the road, then turn right, You can see a small hill. Go around the hill and come to a lake,where you will see a small woods.we are in the woods and wait for you.

凉州区17322429093: 帮忙翻译成英语谢谢
啜怀川贝: First, regardless of family objections, I'll stick to my dreams. I can succeed on my way of music. Second, I'll, as soon as I can, shake off the shackles of leadership and the control from my families. Third, for you, I'll be strong-minded and never give up. Even if I fall, I'll keep on my way.

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