
作者&投稿:成王莲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

What' the happiest thing ?
Accompaning with you.
Going across setbacks.
Just is my love to you!


Love is a game which belongs to the person who is brave.
Do not be afraid of being hurt feeling,
having to accept the ache.
Just like joining the "Cup World of Love",
entering the finals ,
there is no failture,
Only having one champion,
the runner-up have to face to music,
to understand what is a loser in the front of the Judge of Love.
He has learned how to take care of the Love carefully,
that's harvest which he got it.
no matter who she choose him as her boyfriend,
I knew that I was a good man.
Not being a wonderful,
Only her own choice.
I have a couragement to face it,
Having to chase her,
Until i am ......

Counting the days
when we have been getting to know each other,
it's about more than one month,
Everything what happened us is coincidence!
In every chat,
i always calls her " Little Jade."
it's a kind,friendly way to ask her name.
I like it.
i think,how can i get my real love feeling,
In fact,
if you are hurry to get it,
the feeling which you want to get it,
not belongs to you.Hold your horses,
Then that's ok!Every year,
the special day when it is on 14, February,
Red roses, choccolate,
is full of love feeling.
Though we are still common friends.
it does not matter.
Remember this:
I always you are real best friend,
giving your encouragement
which you want to get.
having my strong support for your study。
Believe me,
Best wishes to best friend,
sending it to the distant Europe,
acrossing the space to get you heart,
warming your feeling !


【一首英文自创短诗】the seasons
Spring is warm With flowers and song Outing teams are ready To a beautiful town.Summer is hot The days come long.Air-conditioners are All day on.Autumn is cool The wind becomes strong.Farmers get in crops Singing the harvest song.Winter is chilly With snow falls down In this ...

真讨厌。 有木有自编英文小短诗 1. Thank you for comforting me when I'm sad Loving me when I'm mad Picking me up when I'm down Thank you for being my friend and being around Teaching me the meaning of love Encouraging me when I need a shove But most...

自创一首短诗如下:夜幕降临,星光熠熠,遥望星空,探寻诗意人生。银河浩渺,梦幻般璀璨,如诗如画,勾勒心中境界。流星划过,留下一道亮痕,似在诉说着古老的传说。繁星点点,犹如宝石镶嵌,闪耀着无尽的诗意与浪漫。月影如梦,轻柔地洒落大地,静谧的夜,倾听心灵的声音。在宁静的时光里,品味诗的韵味, ...



经典童谣:wee sing 是哪些呀
1、《All the Pretty Little Horses》是一首由Wee Sing谱曲,Wee Sing填词,Wee Sing演唱的歌曲。该歌曲收录在专辑《Wee Sing:Nursery Rhymes and Lullab》中,2011-04-30发行。2、《Eentsy Weentsy Spider》是一首由Wee Sing谱曲,Wee Sing填词,Wee Sing演唱的歌曲。该歌曲收录在专辑《Wee Sing:...

1、春天到:春天到,春天到,柔柔的春风来报到。春天到,春天到,小草儿尖尖凑热闹。春天到,春天到,朵朵的花儿齐欢笑。春天到,春天到,小朋友们蹦又跳。2、柳姑姑: 柳姑姑,池边站, 绿头发,飘水面。 风儿梳,鱼儿染, 越梳越染越好看。 柳姑姑笑成一朵花...

1.关于夏天的诗(自编) 《夏夜叹》【唐】杜甫 永日不可暮,炎蒸毒我肠。安得万里风,飘飖吹我裳。 昊天出华月,茂林延疏光。仲夏苦夜短,开轩纳微凉。 虚明见纤毫,羽虫亦飞扬。物情无巨细,自适固其常。 念彼荷戈士,穷年守边疆。何由一洗濯,执热互相望。 竟夕击刁斗,喧声连万方。青...

4.关于春天的现代诗或古诗作参考(求自创) 寒暮迟风归,白雪映苍茫,谁知堪堪玉冰凌,一地星光;深宫绸络千匹缎,屋檐瓦下千般,琉璃灯火明,照人心;待得民间无锦裘,池寒风,箐玉坠。 ——— 雪冷银霜晶光透 棱枝六角萤通玉 八百楼城冰晶甲 一夜风来天寒冰 ——— 三月飞燕檐上飞 春回人家草下芳 六日...

2.关于雨天的诗(最好是自创的) 落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色---唐·王勃《秋日登洪府膝王阁饯别序》 树树皆秋色,山山唯落晖---唐·王绩《野望》 长风万里送秋雁,对此可以酣高楼---唐·李白《宣州谢朓楼饯别校书叔云》 八月秋高风怒号,卷我屋上三重茅---唐·杜甫《茅屋为秋风所破歌》 红烛秋光...

毕节地区19546005990: 求自创的英语诗一首 -
剑怖天福: Odyssey of a lonesome heart ---------------------- (寂寞的心)Beautiful night sky without stars even muted light 夜空很美,但没有星辰. Long roaming far and wide 走了这么久, So many imperfectness in hindsight 回首看来,有太多太多的不完美...

毕节地区19546005990: 求一首英语诗歌,一定要押韵简单一点没关系,但是要自编的,3到5句就行. -
剑怖天福:[答案] when it rians snow, I just miss my home. where you will show your smile, where I can hold you for a while.

毕节地区19546005990: 求两首英语诗,必须自创,急!! -
剑怖天福: What can you see in the time? 你在时光里看到了什么? Is a fantasy or reality 是幻想还是现实 The child is chasing the bird 孩子在追逐鸟儿 The butterfly flying from flower to flower 蝴蝶在花间飞舞 This is a good prospect 这是美好的前景Summer ...

毕节地区19546005990: 寻求自创英语短诗 -
剑怖天福: 楼主,你好,我这有些自己创作的英语诗篇,互相切磋下!● Love is a game which belongs to the person who is brave. 爱情是勇敢者的游戏 Do not be afraid of being hurt feeling, 不能怕被伤害,having to accept the ache. 也不能怕痛 Just like ...

毕节地区19546005990: 求原创英文诗歌.至少20行,单词不用太难,有简单押韵就可.最好是主题简单易懂的诗歌,如friendship,love等等. -
剑怖天福:[答案] The Bight 海湾 At low tide like this how sheer the water is. White,crumbling ribs of marl protrude and glare and the boats are dry,the pilings dry as matches, Absorbing,rather than being absorbed, the water in the bight doesn't wet anything, the color of the ...

毕节地区19546005990: 求英文原创小诗一首,请大家自己编,本人课上用, -
剑怖天福:[答案] You Are My Heart and SoulCountless nights,sleepless I am,Staring into the sky,a sad feeling creeping into my heart.Many stars in the night sky,but down upon the earth,I am all by myself.How many lonel...

毕节地区19546005990: 自创的一篇英文诗 不要太长 不要在网上搜的(初一水平) -
剑怖天福: Early summer oath A gust of wind Montreal leaves scattered in the air The lonely show of them No sooner has the person gone away than the tea cools down Tears in the rain Early summer oath You have already forgotten And I -- but still waiting ...

毕节地区19546005990: 急求英语短诗,一定要原创的,不要爱情的,其他题材不限,不超过18行就行. -
剑怖天福: Carelessly utter'd, die as soon as born,不加思索的轻率话语,And in one instant give both Hope and Fear:被每一次平凡的呼吸载入空气;Breathing all Contraries with the same Wind随便说说,刚出口即消失,According to the Caprice...

毕节地区19546005990: 求一首英文小诗,可以围绕1.An active girl 2.Mothers 3.Fathers最好短一点,而且要押韵,希望单词不要太难,也希望是有才的哥哥姐姐们自己原创的,这样... -
剑怖天福:[答案] An active girl,she doesn't like any pearl i know she's my girl she's got a caring mother and a strict father ...

毕节地区19546005990: 我想找一首英文诗歌,要求原创的 -
剑怖天福: I call you darling I call you baby why don't you know that you belong to me every time you crying every single weekday I can't take my breath I can't help to tearing oh, you timid you went away and never came back just leave my heart in the desert but ...

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