
作者&投稿:乘卓 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

In fact I can understand mother's heart. Sometimes she keeps nagging to me, but she gives me so much without expecting anything back.

Since the beginning I just asked for/enjoyed the great love from mother, taking it for granted. How childish and selfish it is! At that time, I was too naughty to understand that in mother's nagging is concealing her love. No one can tell how much her love is but the answer is right there, in the wrinkles on her face...

I remember an essay of Xi Murong, in which it says that every mother used to be a beautiful peri with a feathercoat which can make her fly. But when she decided to be a mother, she just covered her children with that feathercoat...It is true. Aren't all of us wearing a feathercoat which comes from mother? Mother weaved it with her youth, every thread representsed a day, which composed her past after her, leaving nothing to her but deep wrinkles and thick callus...

In my childhood, what I liked best was lying in my mother's arms, feeling that it was the safest port in the world. No matter how helpless/sad, mother would dry my tears. But, mom, why do you always conceal your tears behind your smile? Indeed, I want to dry your tears too...

It is always said that women's hearts are just like a needle at the bottom of the sea. But as a woman, mother's heart is clearer than anyone else's. "Love my children" is clearly written on it. The heart of mother is as pure as gold! She just gives without any complaint and regret, or any expectation for reward selflessly...

My eyes always let out the secrets in my heart. But the kindly eyes of my mother always bring warmth to my heart.

Her eyes full of love is like spring wind. It also makes me understand that the love released from eyes can be so sweet...

At the season of harvest, my mother's harvest is me who has grown up. And what I will do first when I grow up is to return the feathercoat to mother and to make her smiling, healthy and happy forever!!

Spell M-O-T-H-E-R and you will know why we call with a deep emotion: mother



2.4 to determine the location of adaptive order to enhance the color watermark image of transparency and robustness of this article fully integrated human visual masking properties, gives the location of the digital watermark embedded in the adaptive method (that is, select the method of wavelet coefficients). Concrete steps are as follows:
(1) of the wavelet coefficients calculated brightness of the X-Y, which said that the X-level wavelet decomposition, Z said that the high-frequency sub-band direction, x, y said that the location of the wavelet coefficients.
(2) to choose an important factor for visual embedded watermark. A brightness factor for keywords, all sub-band of wavelet coefficients in descending order, select a pre-3N wavelet coefficients X as a digital watermark embedding location.
2.5 adaptive quantization intervals to determine the perception of non-digital watermarking is a basic requirement of the characteristics of the algorithm must therefore Watermark and the sensitivity of the human eye to adapt. Use of the human visual system to determine the characteristics of the embedded watermark strength can ensure the invisible watermark on the basis of effectively improve its robustness. In order to quantify the adaptive modulation carrier in the image, we choose according to the wavelet-coefficient of variance and a mean b to determine the interval to quantify. Has been set up to choose the wavelet coefficients of the right to set the value of a, in which d and a and s were weighing the m parameters. H calculated minimum and a maximum value of b, will be able to use m = a wavelet coefficients to be set to quantify the interval e, where n alternative set of the number of wavelet coefficients, x and d are the biggest users and Quantify the smallest interval. D mean a variance was used to adjust the spacing to allow quantification of the embedded watermark to better adapt to the carrier in the image. S parameters used to control the context of the quantitative weight, a quantitative structure used to control weight.

In order to improve the transparency of the color image watermark and robustness, this combination of human visual masking properties, given the digital watermark embedded method to determine the adaptive position (i.e. the wavelet coefficient method in selecting). Specific procedures as follows:
(1) wavelet coefficients of the brightness, said wavelet decomposition, high levels of direction, Said the wavelet coefficients position.
(2) choosing coefficient of visual important for the watermark is embedded. Intensity factor for keyword, for all the sons of within the wavelet coefficients were descending sorting, choose a wavelet coefficients before digital watermarking embedded position.
2.5 adaptive quantization interval
Understanding is not interested in a basic requirements of digital watermark algorithm, thus watermark characteristics and the sensitivity to adapt. The characteristics of human visual system to determine the embedding strength can not visible in the watermark based on effectively improve the robustness. In order to make the adaptive quantization modulation in image, we according to the selection of wavelet coefficients of means and variances to determine the quantitative intervals. A selection of wavelet coefficients were set, and the value of the respectively and weighing parameters. The maximum and minimum, you can use
Get the wavelet coefficients quantification intervals, the collection of choice of wavelet coefficients, and the number of integrating user setting is the maximum and minimum quantization interval. Mean and variance are used to adjust quantization interval to make better adapt to the watermark embedded in the image. Parameters used to control the quantitative weighing background, used to control the quantitative weighing structure.

(1)计算小波系数 的亮度因子 ,其中 表示小波分解层次, 表示高频子带的方向; 表示小波系数位置。
(2)选择视觉重要系数用于水印嵌入。亮度因子 为关键字,对所有子带内的小波系数进行降序排序, 选择前 个小波系数 作为数字水印嵌入位置。
2.5 自适应量化间隔的确定
不可感知性是数字水印要求的一个基本特性,因而水印算法必须与人眼的敏感性相适应。利用人类视觉系统的特点来确定水印的嵌入强度可以在保证水印不可见的基础上有效地提高其鲁棒性。为了使量化调制自适应于载体图像,我们根据选择的小波系数集的均值 和方差 来确定量化间隔。设被选择的小波系数集的权值 ,其中 和 分别为 和 的称重参数。求出 的最大值 和最小值 ,就可以利用
得到小波系数集的量化间隔 ,这里 为供选择的小波系数集的数量, 和 分别是用户设定的最大和最小量化间隔。方差 和均值 被用来调整量化间隔以使嵌入的水印更好地适应于载体图像。参数 用来控制背景的量化称重, 用来控制结构的量化称重

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