哪位大哥大姐能帮我把这段中文翻译成英文啊 =。=~谢谢了

作者&投稿:尚怨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The highway roadbed is under construction and the roadbed how to control bitulith road surface levelling degree is the road basis, it is having direct impact to bitulith road surface mass and levelling degree in being playing important role in the highway engineering. Roadbed construction administration problem is that always, project builders probe and want the problem solving , road surface levelling degree is one of the major technological index appraising road surface mass , it is related to size and life time the force pounded by safety , comfort and road surface driving but. Road surface levelling degree is one of the major technological index appraising road surface mass , it is related to size and life time the force pounded by safety , comfort and road surface driving. Right away how, to ensure roadbed engineering construction mass , to accelerate the rate of progress , the improvement of economic results, several problems needing paying attention to such as mass and levelling degree how to control the bitulith road surface's carries out investigation and discussion.

4, strengthen the development of qualified personnel due to the complexity of the operational risk for its staff-related business must have rich professional knowledge and skills, largely determines the operational quality of risk management. China's commercial banks from the personnel structure, risk management familiar with the operation of high-quality managers and operational staff is the lack of the need to strengthen training and the introduction of work. 5, play the role of information disclosure requirements of the Basel Committee on Banking and the law should be appropriate to the relevant information to the public for the qualitative and quantitative disclosure, such as risk management functions related to the structure and organization, risk measurement and reporting system of the scope and characteristics, To avoid the risk or slow-release policies, monitoring tools to circumvent or slow-release strategy and the continued effectiveness of the process, so that market participants on the bank's operational risk exposure and its operation to assess the quality of risk management, thereby enabling the operational risk management more effective.Fundamentally speaking, China's commercial banks improve risk management operation should be from both internal and external proceed. From the outside, in order to clarify the structure of property rights, enhance corporate governance standards; improve the financial regulations, improve the legal system to strengthen public awareness of risk. From the inside, to establish a banking operation of advanced risk management culture; sound operational risk management system to optimize operational risk management concept; forward operational risk management juncture.


clear and calm lake,desolate wind

The darkness wandering in the dark street, waiting for the alternation of the night and dawn


I am wandering in the dark street, waiting for you

For your eyes,
For your smiling and frowing
For your waving hand
For your disapearance
Disapeared in the end gradually


I am still wandering,
wandering in the street ,
wandering in the heart...

我们拥有一个名字叫中国 叶佳修 一把黄土塑成千万个你我,静脉是长城,动脉是黄河。五千年的文化是生生不息的脉搏,提醒你,提醒我,我们拥有一个名字叫中国。再大的风雨我们都见过,再苦的逆境我们同熬过,就是民族的气节,就是泱泱的气节,从来没变过。手牵手,什么也别说,哪怕沉默也是歌,我们拥有...

Gansu Province will focus on the development of tourism as an industry, or even is a pillar industry and give some support to the growing industrial scale, significantly improved the competitiveness of tourism ,

哪位 英语好的大哥大姐能帮我把这个翻译成英文?急!急!!急!!!_百度知 ...
In August , 2006- - September, some Foodstuffs Company inquire into HAN * in July , 2007- - in August S LASER big family laser science and technology incorporated company operator Sell various articles of everyday use and the English weekly June in May , 2007- - on the weekend...

哪位神一样的大哥或大姐可以帮我把matlab7.0下Regression and Clas...
非线性最小二乘法假设自变量和因变量间关系已知. 如果你不知道这种关系, 你也不愿假设该关系可以用线性模型估计. 你需要一种非参数的回归拟合方法. 一种这样的方法就是基于"树"A regression tree is a sequence of questions that can be answered as yes or no, plus a set of fitted response ...

processing and single-chip microcontroller gave the processing passes temperature data for display. Buttons to set up over time, as the alarm clock buzzer is audible device. Therefore, on the monitor can also shows that year, month, day, the specific time and current temperature....


清平乐 辛弃疾,我实在不会了,各位大哥,大姐帮帮小弟了!!(⊙o⊙)(⊙...
辛弃疾 茅檐低小,溪上青青草。醉里吴音相媚好,白发谁家翁媪。大儿锄豆溪东,中儿正织鸡笼。最喜小儿无赖,溪头卧剥莲蓬。【注释】①村居:选自《稼轩长短句》。清平乐,词牌名。村居,这首词的题目。②茅檐:指茅屋。③吴音:作者当时住在江西东部的上饶,这一带古时是吴国的领土,所以称这一带...

各位大哥大姐小弟真的碰到麻烦了 帮帮我吧 我该怎么办 真的迷茫了 这...

哪位大哥(大姐,小姐)能帮我翻译一下下文 将中文翻译成英文:
willful Si beautiful woman mature many. By now, spread the news from the front, the north armed forces hits quickly, many others are frightened start to flee the homeland, but the Si beautiful woman's mother and two younger sisters has also been sick, the Si beautiful woman wan...


邕宁区15199207678: 个位大哥大姐……帮我翻译一下这段话 谢谢
慎顾蓉生: 我希望你一切顺利···我料想.非常感谢你给我ok的答复. 我想从今往后我们能够成为朋友.所以我们来谈论一下我们能够如何爱对方.我希望能得到你的回复我想我们从今往后是朋友

邕宁区15199207678: 有哪位大哥大姐帮我把《即使知道要见面》的歌词翻译成中文.真的很感谢他. -
慎顾蓉生: ่ bung kon toom tae toom jai hai daem tee 某人奉献付出全部的心 ไอมใหาร่หวดไระม้ว ทว่นป toom tae took yung tum peur kum waa ruk 奉献付出一切 为了爱而做 แตพื:泰国歌手--Sara 泰文;างื่ักมาะไ...

邕宁区15199207678: 请帮我把这段中文翻译成英语,谢谢各位了!2000年高中毕业后没有
慎顾蓉生: 2000年高中毕业后没有考上大学,在亲戚的一家广告公司担任秘书一职.2003年随父母来到山东后一直在广告公司从事秘书工作,负责一般秘书业务,例如接见来访者,...

邕宁区15199207678: 哪位大哥大姐帮我翻译成汉语,非常感谢.
慎顾蓉生: 妈妈和爸爸都很努力!孩子是你培养的,你20年无私的爱都知道.我儿子很感谢你们.婴儿时一个小小的生命就是被你们撑起一片天的.没什么大出息的儿子啊,4年来为了你好好发展不管做了什么样的约定,你都正在努力回报,约定现在已经达到了.你的儿子和你为了我,让我感到非常骄傲自豪,【年轻的农村习俗决定了我现在还不能学习有名的哲言】.非常感谢妈妈和爸爸的爱,我的儿子再次和我们的家庭一起深表感谢!我真的真的很高兴你是幸福的!我真的很高兴你是开心顺利的,祝一帆风顺!祝你们健康的儿子 敬上 【纯手工翻译 请设我为满意答案】

邕宁区15199207678: 求助…那位大哥大姐能帮我把下面的汉语翻译成英文谢谢内容如下大家好我叫吴阳,我是一中的一名普通学生... -
慎顾蓉生: Everybody is good I call WuYang, I am a part of an ordinary student, 18 this year, my college have served as a youth corps committee post, I want you to take the chance to go to school, I will be more efforts to learn professional knowledge, not for ...

邕宁区15199207678: 哪位大哥大姐帮我把下面这段话翻译成广东话写的..主要是要音相似.. -
慎顾蓉生: 曾经有个男仔中意左一个系游戏入面认识噶女人..其实距并唔确定果个女仔都中意距.但系距就从未后悔自己甘样噶选择. 呢个系果个男仔噶初恋...距地一起玩游戏只有几个月时间..但系却发生左好多令人无发接受噶事..结果呢个男仔对呢个女仔噶心都一直无变..为左果个女仔可以高兴,距可以放弃一切..最后果过男仔终于捻通左.喜欢一个人并晤一定要拥有距..只要距过得开心、幸福就得喇..剩下可以为距做噶就系祝福距..做一切可以俾距感觉到距而家好幸福噶事..包括系距噶世界入面消失..留底一句话希望距会知道"果个男仔唔系骗子" PS:有几个字普通话跟广东的意思有点偏差 我换了一下更适合广东口音的字 意思也是一样的 这样应该行吧?

邕宁区15199207678: 哪位大哥大姐可能帮我把下面的这段翻译成英语啊?
慎顾蓉生: After the game, the hare said to the tortoise, I am not satisfied, and we have a match again. The tortoise said: can. So they agreed to three days later than the last. Three days later they agreed to place, the rabbit said: I won't let you today. The tortoise ...

邕宁区15199207678: 哪位大哥大姐帮我把下面的这段翻译成英语啊?,,
慎顾蓉生: After the mach, the rabbit and tortoise, I refused to accept than once. Turtle said: Yes. Sothey agreed to three days later than the first. Three days later they agreed, the rabbitsaid: I will not let you. Turtle said: Me too. Only heard a gunshot, then a rabbit ...

邕宁区15199207678: 哪位大哥大姐能帮我翻译一段话啊,我想把它作为俺新买的手机问候语.尽量翻译的别生硬. -
慎顾蓉生: My beloved Cinderella, he is your princess, while I am only the little mouse driving you here by the pumpkin carriage. 楼主觉得咋样?呵呵, 希望可以帮助到你.

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