
作者&投稿:康新 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
关于写校园生活的英语作文,六年级的,用上I always/usually/sometimes...句型,最少10句话~

I think my school life is very interesting.In the morning,we usually have four lessons ,Then we go to have lunch .
After lunch we usually play in the playground .Girls often chat with each other under the tree .Boys always play baskerball.About 12:30,we return to our classroom.In the afternoon, we have some relaxing lessons.
After classes we sometimes do some shopping or see films .Sometimes ,we have activities.We can enjoy ourselves .
L love my colourful school life.

I always do my homework after school everyday. I usually get up around 6:30 in the morning and go to school. I usually come back home around 5 in the afternoon. I often ask classmates and teachers if I have any problem. I always try to help other people. I sometimes go for a walk after dinner to relax myself. I always want to go to Singapore, but I have never been there.



I’m a middle school student.
My home is near my school, so I never arrive late for class, and I always walk to school.
In the morning, we have four classes.
And in the afternoon, we also have four classes.
I usually arrive home at 6:00.
I study very hard; of course, I do my homework very hard, too.
Sometimes until eleven o’clock.
Though I often sleep late, I feel very happy every day!


I’m a Shiyan high student. My school is very bealterful(美丽的),SO I love my school. And I usually go to school at 6:50,so I never later to school. And I go to school always wish my friends XXX(姓名),she/he is very firendly for me.And next,my English teacher is cute,but I think my English teacher is loving for our.so our very love my English teacher.This day was very fun day.Sometimes I go home by bus and sometimes by taxi.

校园生活作文1 我的校园生活可丰富啦!在学校和伙伴们一起学习、一起嘻戏、一起吃饭、一起打扫卫生。每天过的都很快乐、充实。我很有幸和同学认识相处在一个大家庭。 每天早晨我们在教室里一起朗读课文,早读课一下我们便又一起上课。在课堂上,我们仿拂又成了一个个仇人似的,恨不得老师指点自己的名字,让自己来...

以校园生活为话题的作文1 生活多姿多彩,即使在校园里也会有无穷无尽的乐趣。校园是我学习的地方,是我成长的地方,也是我结友的地方,我的喜怒哀乐都在这聚集。 校园是美丽的。一进校园,我就闻到一阵清香,向里走去,就会看到高大的教学楼。在阳光下,教学楼前的树木显得格外精神,他们一颗颗昂首挺胸,就像草原的哨兵...

我的校园生活作文 篇1 每一个人都有一个自己的家,如果你非要找第二个家,那就是你美丽的学校。这里也有我们可爱的“兄弟姐妹”,还有深爱着我们的“爸爸”、“妈妈”、“叔叔”、“阿姨”。 这是星期一的早晨,校园里显示格外冷静,可当校门一打开,一下子显得特别的热闹,门口站着整齐而带着笑容的保安,迎接着我...

校园生活的优秀作文1 校园是我们学习的地方,但也会有活动。又到了一年一度的科技节了,这是我最期盼的节日,因为这天学校会举行很多活动。一早,我刚来到教室时,只有几个人,但后面各路小仙女都陆续到位了,他们如同在参加比美大赛一样,各个争芳斗艳。谢佳凝还穿了一套典型的泰国女士服装。突然,...

校园生活的优秀作文1 校园生活是人生一段最绚丽多姿的旅程。青春的故事在这里展现,友情的故事在这里升华,学习上的竞争在这里无处不在。校园是一个充满激情,充满挑战的地方。在那里到处都洋溢着青春气息。校园生活面临跨进大学的压力,而这些压力又是我们学习的无限动力。每天天还没亮,校园的每个角落...

写“校园生活”的作文1 自从我成为小学生以后,我的大部分生活都在校园中度过了,每天都生活得十分快乐。每天早上起来时,我都希望可以快点去学校。等我出了家门,走在去学校的路上,我又蹦又跳,哼着小曲,十分开心,这是一件十分美好的事情。等到了学校我会从学校的花园中走过,各式各样的花儿...

作文一 在快乐而炎热的暑假中,我们沐浴着火辣辣的阳光,天天来到温馨的校园上兴趣班,充实自己的暑假生活,也正好学习一些平时学不到的知识。在近期一个五彩斑斓的校园里,又发生了许许多多的事情,有好事,也有坏事。这不,又发生了一件事呢!在这一天,我冒着骄阳似火的太阳来到校园,只见地上干...

篇一、校园生活作文 校园里的生活是丰富多彩的,但是,也包含着酸甜苦辣的难忘回忆。我清楚地记得,那次的体育课是一节特殊的体育课,因为,那节体育课是语文老师带着我们上的。正是那节体育课,成了我在校园里最甜美的回忆。 下一节是体育课,我们兴致勃勃地跑向了操场,可是,在那里等候的不是我们的体育老师,而是...

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匡晴哈西: I think my school life is very interesting.In the morning,we usually have four lessons ,Then we go to have lunch . After lunch we usually play in the playground .Girls often chat with each other under the tree .Boys always play baskerball.About 12:30,we ...

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匡晴哈西: I am a middle school student .My school life is very colourfui .In the morning,we have four lessons ,Than we go to have lunch .After lunch we can play in the playground .Girls often chat under the tree .Boys always play baskerball.After classes we ...

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