纸是中国的四大发明之一 用英语表达

作者&投稿:孙张 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The Four Great Inventions

China's long history has seen some extremely important inventions emerge, most noticeably gunpowder, paper making, printing and the compass, which, in the words of Roger Bacon, changed the whole appearance and status of things in the world.

China was the first country in the world to make proper paper. Paper made during the Western Han Dynasty (202 BC-16 AD) has been found in Gansu Province, Xi'an and other places in Shaanxi Province as well as Xinjiang. A further development of paper is credited to Cai Lun of the Eastern Han (25-220). He used plant fiber such as tree bark, bits of rope, rags and worn-out fishing nets as raw materials. In 105, Cai presented the first batch of paper made under his supervision to the Han emperor, who was so delighted that he named the material "Marquis Cai's paper". Eastern Han Dynasty paper found in Wuwei, Gansu, in 1974 carried words which were still clearly decipherable. Thin, soft, and with a smooth finish and tight texture, this paper is the most refined and oldest paper discovered to date.

Before paper was invented, the ancient Chinese carved characters on pottery, animal bones and stones, cast them on bronzes, or wrote them on bamboo or wooden strips and silk fabric. These materials, however, were either too heavy or two expensive for widespread use. The invention and use of paper brought about a revolution in writing materials, paving the way for the invention of printing technology in the years to come.

The invention of gunpowder was no doubt one of the most significant achievements of the Middle Ages in China. The correct prescription for making gunpowder with nitre, sulphur and carbon was probably discovered in the ninth century. In fact, in his book, Ge Hong in the third century records the procedures for making a kind of mixture that could be ignited. After the Tang Dynasty (618-907), things took a much faster course as gunpowder was already used in simple hand-grenades which were thrown by a catapult. In 1126, Li Gang, a local official, recorded how he ordered the defenders of the city of Kaifeng to "fire cannons" at the invading Nuzhen tribal people, inflicting heavy casualties on the invaders.

The first prescription for gunpowder appeared in 1044, much earlier than the earliest (1265) gunpowder-making instructions recorded in Europe. By the Song Dynasty (960-1126), gunpowder was in extensive use. Weapons made with it included rifles and rockets. The Song army also used a kind of flame thrower which involved packing gunpowder into bamboo tubes. The earliest picture of a European cannon shows that it bears a striking similarity to Chinese cannon of 1128.

About 1230, the Song army had cannon powerful enough to breach city walls.

A bronze Chinese cannon cast in 1332 is the oldest one in the world extant today. Many bronze and iron cannons have been unearthed in China, most of them bearing inscriptions dating them to between 1280 and 1380.

On the basis of printing using carved blocks in the Tang Dynasty, Bi Sheng of the Northern Song Dynasty invented movable type printing in the 1040s, which ushered in a major revolution in the history of printing.

Bi's printing consisted of four processes: making the types, composing the text, printing and retrieving the movable types. According to Dream Stream Essays, Bi Sheng carved individual characters on squares of sticky clay, then baked them make clay type pieces. When composing a text, he put a large iron frame on a piece of iron board and arranged the words within the frame. While one plate was being printed, another plate could be composed. After printing, the movable types were taken away and stored for future use. Movable type printing has a very important position in the history of printing, for all later printing methods such as wooden type, copper type and lead type printing invariably developed on the basis of movable clay types. Bi Sheng created movable type printing more than four hundred years earlier than it was invented in Europe.

According to ancient records, natural magnets were employed in China as direction-finding devices. This led to the first compass, called a sinan (south-pointing ladle) during the Warring States Period. In the Han Dynasty compasses consisted of a bronze on which 24 directions were carved and a rod made from a natural magnet. Such devices were in use until the eighth century.

In the Song Dynasty, Shen Kuo described the floating compass, suspended in water, a technique which minimized the effect of motion on the instrument. This enabled the compass to be used for sea navigation for the first time. The invention of the compass promoted maritime undertakings, and its use soon spread to the Arab world, and thence to Europe.

China's four great ancient inventions made tremendous contributions to the world's economy and the culture of mankind. They were also important symbols of China's role as a great world civilization.

The Four Great Inventions of China:
The Compass指南针

These four discoveries had an enormous impact on the development of Chinese civilization and a far-ranging global impact.

Paper is one of the four great inventions of acient China

Paper is one of the four great inventions of China.

Paper is one of the Four Great Inventions of China.

The paper is China's one of four big inventions

Paper is one of Chinese 4-big invention




中国的四大发明是造纸术、指南针、火药、活字印刷术。指南针、火药、造纸术和印刷术是我国古代的四大发明,是中华民族给人类的卓越贡献,是我国 成为文明古国的重要标准。中国人发现磁石指南的特性非常早,传说部落战争时期,黄帝和蚩尤打仗,位于南方的蚩尤部落能制造妖雾,让黄帝迷失方向,黄帝发明了一种...

中国的四大发明是:蔡伦、栾大、孙思邈、毕升。1、蔡伦 东汉元兴元年(105)蔡伦改进了造纸术。他用树皮、麻头及敝布、鱼网等原料,经过挫、捣、炒、烘等工艺制造的纸,是现代纸的渊源。这种纸,原料容易找到,又很便宜,质量也提高了,逐渐普遍使用。为纪念蔡伦的功绩,后人把这种纸叫做“蔡侯纸”。2...


2、蔡伦 造纸术是中国四大发明之一,纸是中国劳动人民长期经验的积累和智慧的结晶。自古书契,多编以竹简,其用缣帛(即按书写需要裁好的丝织品)者谓之为纸。缣贵而简重,并不便于人。伦乃造意(发明、创造)用树皮、麻头及敝布。鱼网以为纸。先捣制成浆,取膜而去水,后晾干,而制成纸。兴元...

中国4大发明是指:造纸术、指南针、火药、印刷术。一、中国四大发明 造纸术:西汉时期(公元前206年)中国就有了造纸术,东汉元兴元年(105年)蔡伦改进了造纸术,改造后造纸的流程为:原料的分离、打浆、抄造、干燥。中国的造纸技术随后传播到了中亚的一些国家,并通过贸易传播到了印度。造纸术的发明和...


中国四大发明是:造纸术、指南针、火药、印刷术。一、造纸术 在2世纪早期,一位名叫蔡伦的东汉官员制作了一种新的纸,在总结前人制造丝织晶的经验的基础上,用树皮、破渔网、破布、麻头等作为原料,它相对便宜,轻巧,薄,耐用,更适合于笔写。在3世纪初,造纸术首先传播到韩国,然后传到日本,它在...

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贰怡复肝:[答案] Paper is one of the four great inventions of acient China

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贰怡复肝: In its beginning age,before the invention of paper,the turtle shell,animal bone,golden stone,bamboo slips,wood and cloth were used for recording and remembering things.AD 105 is often cited as the year in which papermaking was invented.In that ...

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贰怡复肝: compass,gunpowder造纸术、指南针、火药、活字印刷术 分别是paper making

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贰怡复肝: 指南针compass 造纸paper making 火要powder 印刷术printing

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贰怡复肝: the four great Chinese inventions: paper, printing, magnetic compass and gunpowder 中国的四大发明:纸、印刷、指南针和火药

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贰怡复肝: 造纸术 Papermaking指南针 compass火药 Gunpowder also called black powder印刷术 Movable type the system of printing and typography that uses movable components to reproduce the elements of a document (usually individual letters or ...

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