
作者&投稿:野彭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


I don't know what will happen to love, because I can't advise you to share my poverty. However, if you don't love me, what does life mean to me?


Man is the yardstick of everything, the existence of the being and the non-existence of the non-existent.


What is the most important thing for o people to be together, besides municating? In addition to language, a look and a hug can be. But no matter what form, it must be based on understanding. When you don't understand him, your hug is just a shackle. When you understand, a hug is better than a thousand words.


All knowledge that deviates from justice should be called cunning, not wisdom.


Nothing is happier than health, although they did not feel that it was the greatest happiness before they fell ill.


Sometimes o people who can't understand each other are more lonely than when they are alone.


Love can make a girl pletely get rid of pretense and pretense, bee simple, natural, more beautiful.


Years are like a river, the left bank is an unfettable memory, the right bank is worth grasping the youth, the middle of the flowing fast, is young and hidden sadness. There are many good things in the world, but few of them really belong to themselves. Flowers blossom and fall in front of the court.


Paper courtship is perhaps the most interesting form of courtship. Because it's the most durable.


I like to leave my mark on you, but I never remember that you never belonged to me. If one day I don't like you anymore, will my life be the same as before? Fallen, decadent, I don't want that kind of life anymore.


A man, you can have no money, no house, no car, but you must have an ambition, if not, then you have to consider whether you are a man. Women are not afraid to suffer with you, they are afraid that you have no determination to let their women live a good life.


The lover of a lifetime is not a vigorous love, nor is it a promise or oath. Don't be depressed by your lover's silence and unconsciousness, because time will tell you that the more ordinary pany you have, the longer you will be. Together is more important than anything else. Happiness is better.


Love a person can tolerate everything for her, even give up everything for her. So, when someone tells you that you can't be together because of your status, because of your studies and so on, don't think it's really for a reason. The only reason is that he doesn't love you.


My sunset-like sorrow is like a melancholy bird, and the melancholy bird flies into my sunset-like sorrow.

15、有些人,我们叫着亲爱的,却并不喜欢;有些人,我们骂着 *** ,却是真的爱着。

Some people, we call dear, but do not like; some people, we call silly, but really love.


I met the cat diving, but I didn't meet you. I met the dog climbing, but I didn't meet you. I met the snow in summer, but I didn't meet you. I met a typhoon in winter, but I didn't meet you. I met all the extraordinary, but have never met ordinary you.


Life is only a few decades, don't leave any regrets for yourself, laugh when you want to laugh, cry when you want to cry, love when you love, it's meaningless to oppress yourself. There are o kinds of misery in life, one is that desire is not satisfied, the other is that it is satisfied.


No matter how deep love is, it will be consumed by life. Don't change yourself for anybody. It's what it's considered. Even if you try harder, it won't change anything. People are cheap bones. What they can't get is always the best. What they have got and say they will cherish is just the end of time.


Material love, when you stop giving it, quickly disappears.


Life is endless, loneliness is endless. Lonely life is endless love, loneliness is the theme of love forever. I am alone with my shadow. It said it had a whisper to tell me. It says that it misses you very much. It turns out that my shadow and I are missing you.

南雄市17798781062: "柏拉图式的爱情"的英文是什么? -
解览茵栀: Platonic love译为柏拉图式的爱情,精神恋爱,男女间的纯洁友谊

南雄市17798781062: 柏拉图式的爱情 用英文怎么说? -
解览茵栀: 柏拉图式爱情: Platonic love 1)它的意思是:只有精神上的恋爱.但没有肉体上的结合.这样纯洁,洁白的爱情是不可玷污的.才称为柏拉图式的爱情. 也有人说它是一种永久的,不求回报的爱.即使不能相守,只要看到对方幸福,这份爱便会...

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解览茵栀: Platonic Love

南雄市17798781062: 你说我们演绎柏拉图式的爱情英文翻译 -
解览茵栀: 你说我们演绎柏拉图式的爱情 You say that we have interpretation of Platonic love

南雄市17798781062: “柏拉图式爱情”用英语怎么说? -
解览茵栀: Platonic love

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解览茵栀: 1.柏拉图说:分手后 不可以做朋友,因为彼此伤害过, 不可以做敌人.因为彼此深爱过, 所以我们变成了最熟悉的陌生人. 2.柏拉图说:人生最遗憾的, 莫过于,轻易地放弃了不该放弃的, 固执地,坚持了不该坚持的. 3.柏拉图说: 既然爱, 为什么不说出...

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解览茵栀: 有别的说法!若指的是希腊哲学家柏拉图 除了“Plato”,另还可用:“Platon”或“Parto”,“Pareto”

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解览茵栀: 下面给你几个经典句子供你参考:(1)他出现的好突然,但我的世界却好像等了他很久似的.--关晓彤 (2)我从来都没有那种害怕失去的恐惧,但是我一面对你却常常会有那种不安全感.--陆恩祈 (3)有人说,爱一个人多久,就要用多久...

南雄市17798781062: 柏拉图式爱情理论是What? -
解览茵栀: 1)它的意思是:只有精神上的恋爱.但没有肉体上的结合.这样纯洁,洁白的爱情是不可玷污的.才称为柏拉图式的爱情. 也有人说它是一种永久的,不求回报的爱.即使不能相守,只要看到对方幸福,这份爱便会绵延下去,直到永恒.有些人...

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解览茵栀: 柏拉图式恋爱,也称为柏拉图式爱情,以西方哲学家柏拉图命名的一种异性间的精神恋爱,追求心灵沟通,排斥肉欲.最早由Marsilio Ficino于15世纪提出,作为苏格拉底式爱情的同义词,用来指代苏格拉底和他学生之间的爱慕关系. 柏拉图认...

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