
作者&投稿:甘甄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、Don't eat in classroom 不要在教室里吃东西。
2、Don't fight with chassmate 不要和同学打架。
3、Don‘t eat in the classroom 不要在课堂上吃东西。
4、Don’t run in the corridor 不要在走廊上跑。
5、Don‘t speak in class 不要在课堂上讲话。

6、Must be put on school uniforms 必须穿好校服。
7、Finish your homework on time 准时完成作业。
8、Don’t be late for class 不要上课迟到。
9、Do notes 认真做笔记。
10、Listen the teacher carefully 认真听老师的。

Be in your seat and prepared to work when the bell rings.
2.Follow all school rules.
3.Respect people and properly.
4.Do your own work.
5.Pay attention in class.
You should not smoke
You should not drink beer.
.No electronic devices.


1、Be on time, attend school on time, don't be late, don't leave early, and don't be absent from class.


2、Consciously abide by classroom discipline and do not contradict teachers.


3、 Complete each assignment assigned by the teacher on time and carefully, and do not copy the assignment.

按时认真完成老师布置的每项作业,不得抄袭作业。4、Cheating is not allowed in the exam. Be responsible for yourself. If you find it, you will be severely punished.


5、Respect the teacher, say hello to the teacher, unite the students, behave in a civilized manner, do not speak rude and dirty words, and strictly abide by the seven irregularities.


6、Take good care of the public environment and public property, and do not litter or scribble.


7、Self study class consciously study all courses, quiet and attentive.


8、Consciously safeguard the interests of the class and pay attention to closing the doors and windows when leaving the classroom.


9、Dress according to the school regulations and pay attention to the neatness and generosity of appearance; Be simple and economical, don't compare with others and show off your belongings.


10、Respect teachers, unite students, be civilized in speech and behavior, and remember that your words and deeds represent the image of our class.


I'm in Class One Grade One.(我在一年级一班)In Class One Grade One.(在一年级一班)He is a student ( B ) Class 2 ,Grade Seven.(填空)A. at B. of C. on D.with.(像LS说的品凭语感,并应用排除法判断应该选B”)...

确认下他今天早班还是晚班 用英语怎么说
你好 很高兴为你解答 翻译如下 Confirm he this morning or evening

7、Sunday 英 [ˈsʌndeɪ; ˈsʌndi] 美 [ˈsʌnde; ˈsʌndi]n. 星期日;礼拜日 例:I thought we might go for a drive on Sunday.我原以为我们可能星期日去开车兜风。例:What do you do every Sunday?你每个星期天都做什么?

I take the bus to school everyday, which takes about 30 minutes. Some of my classmates lives at the school, and that saves them a lot of time. Some live very close to school, in which cases they walk or bike to school. About half of my classmates live withing walking ...

in Class XX Grade XX

我今天上什么班?这句话怎么用英语说正宗一点的。。 早中晚班用ABC表示...
I what class on today?我今天上什么班 I have what class in the morning?我早上上什么班?I at noon on what class?我中午上什么班 I evening on what class?我晚上上什么班

“六年级三班”用英语翻译是Class 3, Grade 6.一般年级的英文读法是班级在前,年级在后。class的英式读法是[klɑːs];美式读法是[klæs]。作名词时意思是等级;阶级;阶层;班级;课;[生]纲;<口>出色的风度。作动词时意思是分类。grade的英式读法是[ɡreɪd];美式读法是[...

...有关我们全班同学上星期天去海底世界参观的事 用英语说


The team activity of our class made a great success today.

睢宁县15032081536: 请用英语写出8条班规, -
夙时思吉: 展开全部1. Be in your seat and prepared to work when the bell rings.2. 2.Follow all school rules.3. 3.Respect people and properly.4. 4.Do your own work.5. 5.Pay attention in class.6. You should not smoke7. You should not drink beer. 8. .No electronic devices.同学您好,如果问题已解决,记得右上角采纳哦~~~您的采纳是对我的肯定~谢谢哦

睢宁县15032081536: 假如你是班长,用英语告诉同学,班规,1.不能再教室吃东西.2.不能迟到3.不能把篮球、足球带到教室4.不能再走廊乱跑5.在校要穿校服6.要按时完成作业7.不... -
夙时思吉:[答案] don't eat food in the classroom don't be late don't take the basket ball and footall in the classroom don't rush in the corridor uniform should be weared in the school home work should be finished on time don't fighting with others.

睢宁县15032081536: 用英语写十条班规,要简短.(初一,今天就要答案) -
夙时思吉: 1.早操迟到(以进行曲停为准),做操不认真,排队列不整齐的同学罚跑足球场两圈. (此项由体育委员负责执行). 2. .课间操迟到(以进行曲停为准),做操不认真,排队列不整齐的同学罚跑足球场两圈.(此项由体育委员负责执行).3.早锻...

睢宁县15032081536: 谁能说出10条左右的英语班规?? -
夙时思吉: Be quiet on class.上课安静.Don't throw rubbish casually.不要随处乱扔垃圾.No smoking or drinking.不要吸烟喝酒.Don't fight or say rude words.不打架不骂人.Don't bully girls.不要欺负女生.Ask for leave on emergency.有事请假.Be friendly to classmates.友好待人.No cheat in exam.考试不能作弊.Don't wear strangely.不要穿奇装异服.Be responsible for your behaviour.对自己行为负责.额..好累.

睢宁县15032081536: 谁能说出10条左右的英语班规?不用太复杂,5、6个单词就可以!快,就今天晚上,不然来不及了! -
夙时思吉:[答案] don't litter don't talk in class keep silent no food don't drink in class don't shout 1.早操迟到(以进行曲停为准),做操不认真,排队列不整齐的同学罚跑足球场两圈.(此项由体育委员负责执行). 2..课间操迟到(以进行曲停为准),做操不认真,排队...

睢宁县15032081536: 用英文写几条班规如题.还有翻译 -
夙时思吉:[答案] 在里输入“英文班规”四字,会有很多的!

睢宁县15032081536: 假如你是一位班主任,请用英语说你的班规,最好用到下面几点,不需要全用到,不要太深奥,七八十个词 Don't eat in class.不在课堂上吃东西.Don't talk in ... -
夙时思吉:[答案] good morning everyone,today is our first lesson now let us make a rule for our class,please clean the classroom everyday to make sure we have a good environment to study and don't be late for class.sleep talk eat or drink in the class is unpermited,don't...

睢宁县15032081536: 谁能帮我用英语写几条班规?
夙时思吉: 1,do not be late for class 2,be silence in class 3,finish homework on time 4,listen carefully in class 5,answer questions positively 6,get along well with classmates 7,clean our classroom after school 8,respect our teachers

睢宁县15032081536: 请用英语写一下班规 -
夙时思吉: 1. You are to be in class on time.2. Food, drinks, and gum are not allowed in the room.3. Books, pencil/pen, and paper is to be brought to class every day.4. Class work and homework is to be handed in on time.5. Listen to the instructions and ...

睢宁县15032081536: 用英语写班规 -
夙时思吉: don't litter don't talk in class keep silent no food don't drink in class don't shout 实在些不出来了

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