
作者&投稿:盛雪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  1、美丽 漂亮

  good-looking: Having an attractive appearance in a strong, healthy way used for men and women not things.

  beautiful: Suggesting symmetry of features or perfection of proportion, elegance and mobility. beautiful flowers, a beautiful girl/voice/city/face beautiful weather.

  handsome: Of attractive appearance applies to men. a handsome fellow/actor/horse/buildings/young man.

  pretty: Suggesting liveliness and sweetness, pleasing or nice to look at. a pretty little woman/garden, a pretty girl/ picture/piece of music。

  lovely: So beautiful that it makes you feel good to look at it or even to think about it. The garden looks lovely.

  fair: Beautiful light in color esp, skin hair.

  gorgeous: Extremely beautiful or handsome.


  cry: The most general one.

  weep: To let flow tears.

  sob: To weep or sigh with short quick breaths.

  snivel: To sniffle and cry in a irritating manner.

  blubber: To cry loudly noisily.

  whine: To make a low complaining cry.

  bawl: To utter loud cries .

  wail: To cry aloud from pain or sorrow.

  moan: To make a low, miserable sound in pain or sorrow.

  grown: To make a low sound of pain, unhappiness or disapproval

  mourn: To feel or show sadness or sorrow for someone who has died.

  lament: To express great sorrow or regret.


  clothing: General term of clothes.

  clothes: Coverings of the body such as coats,

  dresses, suits, shoes, hats.

  garment: A suit of clothes used by actors./a single article of clothing.

  costume: 1) The fashion of dress peculiar to a people, nation, class, period, etc.

  2) A dress worn by actors in a play. uniform: worn by all members of the community.

  dress: 1) A kind of outer garment worn by women .

  2) worn on special occasions evening dress/ morning dress

  suit: A set of outer clothes to be worn together. evening suit/swimming suit

  coat: A garment with sleeves worn on top of other clothes from rain, heat, etc.

  overcoat: A warn coat worn in the street.


  way: Wherever there is room for an object to proceed, there is a way.

  road: A road is a prepared way for traveling with horses or vehicles.

  path: A way suitable to be traveled only by foot passengers or by animals.

  route: A route is a line of travel, and may be over many roads.

  street: A street is in some centre of habitation, as a city town or village, when it passes between houses of dwellings.

  avenue: A avenue is a long, broad and imposing or principal street.


  fight: It is a bodily struggle

  struggle: An effort of any kind to overcome difficulty.

  battle: A fight between armed forces.

  campaign: A series of related military operations in a war.

  war: A period of fight between countries or states when

  weapons are used and many people are killed.

  combat: A fight, conflict, controversy.


"我经常步行去上学"英语表达为:I usually go to school on foot.同义句:I often go to school on foot.时态使用一般现在时表达即可。

词汇教学法 [浅谈大学英语词汇教学中的词源教学法]

5 Don't talk in the library . 在图书馆不要说话。\/ Keep quiet in the library .( be quiet = keep quiet 保持安静)祝天天开心,学习进步!本题不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!


6.1337 年,英法百年战争开始。在这116年的争斗中,英语吸收了法语中的战争词汇,如“armies”, “navies” 及 “soldiers“, 并逐步取代法语,成为当权者的语言。7.100年之后诞生了莎士比亚。字典告诉我们,莎士比亚大概发明了2000多个新字,包括好用的词汇还有很多当时的流行词汇。8.1611年出现了...

这样,在写作的时候,她再也不用枯燥地只用那么几个动词或者形容词了,她可以找很多背过的同义词来替换。所以事实证明你功夫下到了哪里,哪里就会有长进。这就是传说中的积累。 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 其他类似问题2011-10-24 怎样学习英语提高的快?是先背单词?还是先学语法? 211 ...

英语学习的六大原则 我在英语学习方面是十分幸运的。在下过硬工夫的过程中,我从未感到英语学习的单调和苦闷,也未感到英语学习有多么艰难。我读过一些英语名家谈体会的书,其中有中文译本,也有英文原文本。这些书给了我很多启发,使我能够在结合自身学习英语的方法和经验的基础上,总结出符合常识的学习方法,并上升到符合...

他有时步行去学校 英语 同义句
He sometimes walks to school.He sometimes goes to school on foot.


昆山市19433924648: 十对小学六年级英语近义词 -
阎倩益脉:[答案] strong-thin tall-short long-short quiet-active big-small come-go warm-cool hot-cold old-young old-new 嘿,我也是六年级,咱俩是朋友哦!

昆山市19433924648: 小学英语全部近义词 -
阎倩益脉: small----big tall---short long----short strong----thin fat------thin heavy----thin hot-----cold/cool couldy-----sunny old----young little------big happy---sad good----bad excited-----angry暂时就这些

昆山市19433924648: 小学6年级英语近义词20个
阎倩益脉: Big small. high low. good bad. ordinary special. happy sad. fast slow. above below. like dislike. understand misunderstand. know unknow. love hate. front behind.cheap enspensive. in out. indoor outdoor. tune on tune off.

昆山市19433924648: 1.what time(同义词)2.hike(ing形式)3.she(物主形式)4.too(否定句中的同义词)5.twelfth(基数词)英语 -
阎倩益脉:[答案] 1.what time(同义词)----when 2.hike(ing形式)----hiking 3.she(物主形式)----her 4.too(否定句中的同义词)----either 5.twelfth(基数词)----twelve

昆山市19433924648: 求英语当中同音词,同意词,反义词各五组 要是单词 -
阎倩益脉: 同音:there-their here-hear white-write throw-through hi-high 同意:nice-pretty good-well right-correct sad-unhanpy high-low 反义:sad-happy correct-incorrect happy-unhappy able-unable polite-impolite

昆山市19433924648: 小学英语近义词 -
阎倩益脉: Primary School Elementary School

昆山市19433924648: 谁能给我小学阶段英语的近义词、反义词、同音词? -
阎倩益脉: 同音词:here-hear,where-wear,pear-pair,there-their,know-no,right-write,meet-meat,may-May,dear-deer

昆山市19433924648: 问几个英语近义词1 label - mark 2 sceptical - doubt - suspect 3 splendid - great 4 smear - stain - dot5 banquet - reception 6 adequate - enough这几组近义词有什么区别? -
阎倩益脉:[答案] 1:labe mark都是做记号,label正式点,mark 比较随意.2:doubt 不太相信 suspect怀疑,某种程度上相信 sceptical不太清楚3:都表示极好的 但splendid 比great的程度要好很多4:这个不太清楚5:banquet是宴会,正式的,客...

昆山市19433924648: 小学英语同音词 反义词 近义词 越多越好 -
阎倩益脉: our和hour同音 big和small反义 bad和good反义 go和come反义 on籼和under反义 relaxing和interesting近义 boring和difficult近义

昆山市19433924648: 小学英语人教版第七册同义词 -
阎倩益脉: often,usually good,do will in ship,boat look,see listen,hear too,also because,for fast,quick hello,hi easy,simple

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