
作者&投稿:山成 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

“就其中某一个人或某一群人的表现,表明你的态度”。 也就是说材料内部充满了争议性、多解性,公理婆理,莫衷一是。现在,请高三的学生作为一个成人、准成人、公民、准公民,参与其中,说清楚自己的看法。学生要选出其中一方

Nowadays, English has become the international standard language. As China is stepping to the internationalization, learning English is more and more important. But many people find it hard to learn English well. According to my own learning experience, I think determination, read English materials and patience are the most significant.
First of all, doing everything needs determination. Determination is a prerequisite to do something. When facing difficulty, the people who have determination will insist, on contrary, the people who don’t have determinatin are easily give up. Thus, if people wants to do something well, the first thing they need to do is to make up their mind. Secondly, reading English materials is a great help for learning English. It can help people raise sense for English language, have interest and confidence in Engilsh. That will help people a lot in the process of learning. Last, patience is necessary in English learning. Most people will feel difficult to learn English at the beginning. The people without patience will often upset towards learning English. As a result, it will increase the difficulties of learning English and vice versa.In general, determination, reading English materials and patience are the effective ways to learn English. If people recognize those, they will learn it well sooner or later.


Like any other English learner, I met a lot of difficulties in learning English.
  First, I found it difficult to understand what I read because most English words have more than one meaning. Besides, I found it difficult to write in idiomatic English or put Chinese into idiomatic English. Finally, I couldn't express in English orally because I had no opportunity to communicate with native English speakers. Although I often read aloud, this didn't prove to be an effective way to improve my spoken English.
  But I didn't lose heart in removing these obstacles. I tackled English vocabulary in two ways. First,I tried to understand and memorize the specific meaning of a word that appears in the context. Second, I enlarge my vocabulary by learning the dictionary by heart. To overcome Chinglish, I tried to think in English directly. Although I still had no opportunity to communicate with native speakers, I improved spoken English by listening to the English broadcast and writing English composition. This expedient turned out to be effective.



这样,我们就能在自己的周围营造一个十分轻松的氛围,学习起来也就感到格外的有精神。)一、保证8小时睡眠。二、学习时要全神贯注。三、坚持体育锻炼。四、主动学习。五、保持愉快的心情,和 他人融和相处。六、注意整理。学习过程中,把各科课本、作业和资料有规律地放在一起。待用时,一看便知在哪。而有的学生查阅...


6.汉译英: 在莱曼英语教学理念中,我们更加强调翻译训练的重要性。无论是英译汉,还是汉译英都是英语学习着必备的基本能力,或者说,都是顶尖级能力。所以...你可以在那里做你的家庭作业或阅读杂志。 4. 英语作文怎么写 英语作文(书面表达)是英语综合能力的集中体现,是词汇语法阅读遣词造句篇章结构逻辑思维等的综合...

〗 现在英语中的学习方法总结如下: 学好英语要的努力勤奋,要每天学习单词和语法,英语水平好比一座楼房,语法是盖楼房的砖瓦,而单词就是装饰楼房的装饰品。 学好英语离不开听说读写,每天都要朗读英语,每天都要跟读英语磁带,每天都要在生活当中运用英语,每天都要用英语写日记。 还有一个就是环境,...


发展各种 能力,培养学生学习英语良好习惯的基本手段之一.我们广大英语 教师要是在英语作业的布置和批改上多下点功夫,那么我们就会 有效地减轻自己的工作强度,避免学生的共性错误反复出现.让英 语作业在英语教学中最大限度地发挥作用,从而更好地强化英语教 学效果,扎实有效地提高英语教学质量!


学习英文的小方法:1.最简单的是若是在课堂上或则功课方面有不明白的意思的话就查字典。2.多看英文方面的书籍。例如:小说(哈利波特),故事书,报章...3.看英文的电视剧\/电影。(最好是有中&英字幕的,这样比较容易学习。)4.收听英语广播\/多听英文歌曲。(这样可以练习英文的语法)5.上补习班。 1...

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舒兰市18288342487: 以 "My Difficulties in Learning English " “我在英语学习中的困难”为题 写一篇英语作文 字为80字左右
善疮协达: My Difficulties in Learning EnglishThere have been many difficulties in learning English during the past …… years, but I managed to overcome them and made much progress.The spelling and meaning of words can be said to be the first difficulty I ...

舒兰市18288342487: 用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文. 1.你在英语学习中遇到什么困难; 2.你如何克服这些困难. -
善疮协达: Now I am a senior school student but when I first came here I had much difficulty with my classmates , therefore ,I could not adapt myself to the new school life. What's worse ,nobody would like to play with me . But later I followed my teachers' advice ...

舒兰市18288342487: 英语作文!你在学习英语的过程中遇到了一些困难,例如:不知道英语会话讲的是什么,不能用英语与人交流,不能很好的理解一些英语文章,不擅长英语写... -
善疮协达:[答案] 你好,原创英语作文如下:Dear Tom, How have you been,Tom?I am so happy to tell you that I`ve improved my English a lot.Do you wonder why?I got some problems during learning English such as being unable...

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善疮协达:[答案] Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition based on the following two questions: 1.你在英语学习中有哪些困难? 2.你是如何克服这些困难的? You must write your composition in no less than 100 words on the ...

舒兰市18288342487: 书面表达:假定你是高中生李华,在学习英语过程中遇到了困难,请给English Weekly的编辑写一封短信内容要点:1、自我介绍﹏2、遇到的困难﹏3、希望... -
善疮协达:[答案] 不是copy的哈 刚写的~ Dear editor, I'm Li Hua,a student from high school.Till now I've been learning Enlish for many years.But...give me some instructions on memorizing words? Moreover,I'd like you to introduce some reading skills to me.For instance,...

舒兰市18288342487: 英语作文.假如你是一名高中生李华.在学习英语过程中遇到了困难请给 English weekly的的编辑写封信要点如下,1自我介绍2遇到困难3希望得到的建议和帮助.... -
善疮协达:[答案] 不是copy的哈 刚写的~ Dear editor, I'm Li Hua,a student from high school.Till now I've been learning Enlish for many years.But...give me some instructions on memorizing words? Moreover,I'd like you to introduce some reading skills to me.For instance,...

舒兰市18288342487: 用英语描述英语学习遇到的问题请问英语学习过程中会遇到什么困难,该怎么解决?举例说明,用英语表达! -
善疮协达:[答案] During the process of learning English , it's probably that we may meet some difficulties . For example , we don't have a foreign friend for communicating in English to get more improvments . Besides ...

舒兰市18288342487: 初三一单元英语作文书面表达 说说你在学英语过程中都遇到了哪些困难 你是如何克服的(80词) -
善疮协达:[答案] I have some problems when I study English.I can't remember English works as quickly as my classmates and I am shy to speak English in front of my classmates.I also can't understand listening clearly.B...

舒兰市18288342487: 写英语学习中的困难 英语作文 -
善疮协达: It's different for me to remember the words My speaking skills isn't very good


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