
作者&投稿:江览 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Although wanglin did not go out for vacation this summer, she is not upset at all. practically, she spend a very nice vocation. 扩充了下句子的意思,但是基本意思不变。望采纳

Although wang not away on holiday this summer but he didn't feel annoyed instead she felt that the summer vacation had a full and meaningful holiday, she help mother mother do breakfast every morning, cleaning the house, go shopping in the afternoon to prepare dinner, help younger brother doing his homework in the evening,


Although Wang Lin did not go out for a holiday this summer, she felt bored at all. On the contrary, she felt that the summer vacation was full and meaningful.


On holidays, she helps her mother make breakfast and clean the room every morning. In the afternoon, she goes shopping to prepare dinner. In the evening, she helps her brother with his homework.


Although wang not away on holiday this summer but he didn't feel annoyed instead she felt that the summer vacation had a full and meaningful holiday, she help mother mother do breakfast every morning, cleaning the house, go shopping in the afternoon to prepare dinner, help younger brother doing his homework in the evening,

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在学习、工作或生活中,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,写作文可以锻炼我们的独处习惯,让自己的心静下来,思考自己未来的方向。那么你有了解过作文吗?下面是我整理的初一暑假作文9篇,欢迎大家分享。 初一暑假作文 篇1 暑假来了,就这么突然地来了。 完全不给人反应的时间。期末考一过,就气势汹汹地来了,用异常强势的态...

在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,许多人都有过写作文的经历,对作文都不陌生吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。作文的注意事项有许多,你确定会写吗?以下是我收集整理的我的暑假生活优秀作文,希望对大家有所帮助。 我的暑假生活优秀作文1 学期结束了,暑假开始了,我也有许多...


小学二年级语文下册语文园地八作文这学期收获和暑假打算怎样写_百度知 ...

2.四年级我的暑假生活优秀作文300字 我的暑假生活是五颜六色的,不仅是写作业这一种色彩,我也有放松的时候,有的时候爸爸妈妈带我去旅游,有的时候我与智慧的集合——电脑交交朋友。 不知什么时候起,每当我睁开朦胧的睡眼时,奶奶那“高音喇叭”就开工了,“妈妈要上班了,快去送妈妈到楼下。”我无奈地三下五除...

妈妈惊魂未定,语重心长地对我说:“你真傻,这是多么危险啊!冰箱旧用来保鲜、冷冻食物的,屋子里热,要打开空调。”我听得连连点头。 这件事虽然过去三年了,但是它就像一个烙印似的深深地印在我的脑海里,想抹也抹不去。 描写暑假作文500字5 光阴似箭,快乐充实的暑假已悄然进入尾声。这个暑假,对我来说,是快乐...

上思县13884301046: 英语作文:尽管这个暑假王琳没有外出度假,但她一点也感到烦闷,相反,她觉得这个暑假过得充实而有意义 -
冷卫岑连: Although wang not away on holiday this summer but he didn't feel annoyed instead she felt that the summer vacation had a full and meaningful holiday, she help mother mother do breakfast every morning, cleaning the house, go shopping in the ...

上思县13884301046: 尽管这个暑假王琳没有外出度假但他一点儿也没感到烦闷相反她觉得这个暑假过得充实而有意义,假日里,她每 -
冷卫岑连: Although wang not away on holiday this summer but he didn't feel annoyed instead she felt that the summer vacation had a full and meaningful holiday, she help mother mother do breakfast every morning, cleaning the house, go shopping in the ...

上思县13884301046: 王琳是我的朋友,她这个假期都没有外出,但她一点也没感到烦闷.假期里,她每天早晨帮妈妈做早饭,打 -
冷卫岑连: Wang Lin is my friend, she did not go out of this holiday, but she didn't feel bored. During the holidays, she helps her mother do breakfast every morning, clean the health. Go shopping in the afternoon to prepare dinner. Help my brother to do homework in the evening. She felt the full and meaningful holiday.

上思县13884301046: 王琳的假期英语作文 -
冷卫岑连: I'm wangling,a personnel staff of a company.I 've been busy with arranging a holiday travel for the works recently.I have zhe pleasure to inform you about some tourist information.I would greatly appreciate if you could tell me the routine with disconnt....

上思县13884301046: 英语作文:假设你是王琳,你的朋友Amy是一名英国中学生,她对中国学生的学校生活很感兴趣.请你给她写... -
冷卫岑连: DearAmy: Fromyourlastletter,Iknowthatyouareveryinterestedinourchineseschoollife.NowIwillintroducemyschoollifetoyou.Iamagrade7students,andIhaveeightclassawholeday,includingChinese,English,maths,history,politicsandsoon....

上思县13884301046: 假设你是王琳,是一名接受过UNICEF帮助的学生..英文作文 -
冷卫岑连: 既然开头和结尾已经给了,那我就不写了,直接是正文内容: I'm Wang Lin,a girl who was helped by UNICEF. You know my family was too poor to d...

上思县13884301046: 写一篇英语作文
冷卫岑连: Dear Wanglin:Please never give up your english.I think the biggest problem in your learning english is you have too preasure for yourself to learn it well.And then you are not sure yourself and you so care the teachers' watching.This is the reason why ...

上思县13884301046: 英语作文:“王琳是个比我外向的人,她对我很友善 给了我很多帮助.”的翻译
冷卫岑连: Wang Lin is more outgoing than me, she is kind to me and helped me a lot.

上思县13884301046: 英语作文,我叫王琳,我来自北京,我家三口人,我喜欢读书,我会说英语 -
冷卫岑连: Hi! My name is Wanglin.I'm from Beijing.There are three people in my family .I like reading books and I can speak English .

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