求一篇关于 如何在大学成功 追求激情 抓住机会 承担责任 的英语作文

作者&投稿:舌裴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Talking about career,I've been planning since my first year in the university.
I always knew that I wanted to apply for english-related jobs.My dream career is an english interpreter.And I want to be an english teacher after I quit the interpreting job.I don't just want to be confined by one job.Changing my career once or twice,I can acquire different experience and enrich my life.As part of my career planning I made a strict schedule for myself to keep to.In my first year in university,I extended my vocabulary and learned grammar very hard.I knew that I should have a thorough grounding in english if I wanted to use it fluently in the future,especially if I wanted to translate freely.In grade two,I began to apply for some part-time interpreting jobs.I knew that I should gain enough work experience,so as to win in the exceedingly competitive job market.Moreover,I got to know more foreigners,who would help me a lot with my future job.Now In grade three,I begin to send my CV to foreign-owned companies for internship.I clearly know that it is too late if I send CV to apply for jobs when graduation is close-at-hand.In grade four,if the company where I have the internship is content with me,I would stay there after graduating from the university.If not,I would send CVs to other companies.After earning enough money and acquiring enough experience,I would change my career into an english teacher.Being a teacher I would have more spare time to be at my disposal.With my good mastering of english I think I am qualified for an english teacher.As for the teaching skills,I would certainly attend some good teachers' classes to learn from them.I would also communicate with the students to get to know what they are thinking and what they really need.During the years as a teacher,I would teach the students my own way of english learning,show the outside world to them,and introduce new ideas to them,so as to broaden their horizons.

In the picture, we can see that some young ladies are dressed in fashionable clothes. They are joyfully showing some latest sorts of the garment . With the steady growth in the country’s economy as well as the people’s living standard, fashion has become big buisness and has influenced a lot of people’s daily life. However, traditionally, some people take negative attitudes towards the pursuit of fashion. Whether one should follow the fashion trend is a constant topic of debate.

In my opinion, the love of beauty is a nature of human beings. Everyone wants to be beautifully dressed so that he or she can display the best self in front of others. Fashion changes are the inevitable result of the advance of human civilization and are also a mirror of social progress. Fashion now has already become a flourishing industry, which contributes a lot to the economy and the society. Besides, fashion gives expression to new ideas and originality and offers an unlimited scope for talented artists.

However, it cannot be denied that there are some disadvantages to the pursuit of fashion. If everyone is overindulged in the pursuit of fashion, individuality and uniqueness will get lost to the public. Also, it is a costly hobby to follow the fashion, leading to extravagance of time,energy and money. What's worse, To follow the fashion blindly will make one get addicted to faddism, which will probably lead to superficiality of one’s intellect and thinking. Therefore, we should take a serious attitude towards the poursuit fashion.

在画中,我们可以看到一些年轻的姑娘们穿着时髦的衣服。他们高高兴兴地在展示一些最新的流行服装。随着国家经济的稳步增长和人民的生活水平的提高, 时尚已经成为一种大产业,影响到许多人的日常生活。然而,出于传统观念,有些人对追求时尚持消极态度。是否应当追赶时尚潮流一直是有争议论的话题。

依我看来,爱美之心是人之天性。每个人都希望自己穿得漂亮,把自己最美一面展现在别人面前。时尚变化是人类文明进步的必然结果,也社会的进步的反 映。时尚已成为一种欣欣向荣的产业,对促进社会经济发展有利。此外,时尚反映了新想法、新创意,同时也为有才华的艺术家提供了广阔的天地。


It is widely believed that some people are born lucky and successful,because they possess high intelligence.But this is not true.High intelligence is not equal to success.Success lies in not only the intelligence factors but also the non-intelligence factors.
Non-intelligence factors are at least as important as intelligence factors,if not more than the latter.Success is built upon tremendous amount of study,practice and devotion.In addition,having a definite goal and knowing what to do next become more important.In fact,researchers have evidence that an intrinsic passion for one’s work is a key factor for success.
According to my own experience,during our college years,having a good study habit is also important.Higber marks can’t be gained by putting in more hours.Efficiency in study can help us learn more.

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殷钢消旋: 可以先问路或寻求帮忙,消除她的戒备感.图书馆等安静场所,可以用纸条或卡片搭讪,共享秘密的感觉,可以为互动增添张力.再聊天,熟悉.然后强调做个朋友,要电话,聊天,每天互动,熟悉后约会,请吃饭.这期间不要忙着表白....

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殷钢消旋: 大学其实诱惑也不多啊,就是丰富多彩的社团生活,还有感情问题了.我觉得吧,这些都不是什么大问题.我自己也刚刚从大一的迷茫期走了出来.其实大学就是用来体验生活的,没必要要求自己像高中一样的努力.所以,我认为,一定要合理的安排自己的时间,根据自己的需要学习.然后剩下的时间可以做一些有意义的事啊,加入社团,丰富自己的经验啊~当然,有合适的也可以谈场恋爱,但一定要适度就行.最后,如果你真的有梦想,就要坚定梦想,为了自己的梦想冲刺,就什么困难都没有了,因为最大的困难就是自己.

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