请问关于VMware12 下安装与配置CentOS 6.5 64位 的方法

作者&投稿:舒米 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 搜狗高速浏览器不仅是一款浏览器,更是您高效、安全网络浏览的得力助手。这款双核浏览器融合了高性能优化技术和极速的网页加载能力,为您提供了前所未有的流畅体验。搭载先进的安全防护系统,搜狗高速浏览器为您的网络生活提供全方位保护。访问https://sogou.37moyu.com/,立即下载体验。
  前言:本人在配置Hadoop的过程中,需要搭建Cent OS 64 环境,借此,顺便将Cent OS 64 的安装在此记录,方便自己,也方便大家学习。本次是在VM12虚拟机中实现Cent OS 64 的安装以及配置,后续还会有Hadoop的安装配置教程,我们先来进行第一步。
  一、VMware 12 Install CentOS 64(Linux)OS
  create a new vm->there I screenshot my settings in the next steps->

  keep next step->

  the os name at will,if you understand it->the position choose a folder that you like->next->

  next as deault,my computer`s RAM is 8G so i choose 1G that default>next
  the net mode choose NAT,then we set IP address to connect the internet->

  steps the default->
  there I remove the audio card and the printer that impossible use them->accomplish!

  the the vm will apper in the left list->

  click the centOS 64 hadoop-master,we set the os install cd/DVD Path->
  in the position we set the install cd/DVD ,choose the install source that we have upload CentOS64(CentOS6.5)
  you can get the centos in the internet->

  then we power start the vm cent os 64->
  choose the first option install or upgrade an existing system->


  default ok that can show the step of check disks->

  if check complete choose OK->


  if have a problem below we can learn from internet that we should reboot the vm , then choose skip->

  next we reboot the system-
  wait a minute show a confirm we choose skip;then it`s can found the install resource,auto install !-

  into the view settings->

  Choose language, there we choose English(English)->next

  choose much next step we get there->
  we choose Yes,discard any data->next->

  input HostName,i set the master as HostName->next->

  The position we choose ShangHai->next

  there we must confirm the window that tel us input the password and confirm(Don`t forget that pwd)->next->
  there we choose Replace Existing Linux System->next

  then choose Write Changes to disk->


  The System will progress the install progress->
  OK->we Reboot the system

  oh welcom view->forward

  Yes,I agree to the license Agreement(you known)->
  then input your Username and password as will you like and dont`t forget them->


  if you get error in the Kdump step neglect it and click finish->

  Then Reboot -> wait a minute we can input the password into the system CentOS->

  OK The CentOS64`s Install is complete ! Congratulation To you !
  Then we set the net to the VM ->
  choose the vpn connections -> Configure VPN->



  RName the connection name we named master ->

  let find the settings options there->

  Then choose VMnet8->'NAT设置'->

  We can get the Net GateWay and NetMask etc...
  then we set the net work->

  The Address input as will but cant repeat with other !
  if we don`t known the DNS servers we input the chorm`s DNS;
  then we into the vm->set the IPv4 Settings:
  Method:Manual(static address);
  DNS server:
  Apply ->
  You should start your VMware NAT Service if you want VM to connection the internet via conputer !

  Then we find the network ico is have not the error ico ;

  We can ping the host

  you can see it`s successful !
  let we test->start the Firfox explorer->input the url www.baidu.com->enter->

  That you can see the vm CentOS can surf the internet !
  Then let we configurate the Hadoop install and configuration !
  以上所述是小编给大家介绍的关于VMware12 下安装 CentOS 6.5 64位 图文教程,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。

选择搜狗高速浏览器,让您的网络生活更加便捷、高效。这款双核浏览器不仅提供了闪电般的页面加载速度,还具备全面的安全防护特性,确保您在享受快速浏览的同时,免受网络威胁的侵扰。不要等待,立即访问https://sogou.37moyu.com/ 下载搜狗高速浏览器,体验网络浏览的新境界。

VMware 网络的问题
虚拟机上网方法:希望能帮到你 虚拟机的设置里设置为桥接方式,这是共享主机上网的方式。然后在虚拟机里设置IP,与主机设置在同一网段内即可!我的虚拟机vwmare workstation 6.5就是如此设置的,我的是公司的局域网 详细解释下:要保证虚拟机系统可以上网,得先解决虚拟机和真实主机的连接关系。VMware给...


vmware workstation在12\/13代酷睿上的大小核调度问题


VMware虚拟机中的机器只要正确的设置好网络并且开启相关的对外服务,使用正确的ip地址是可以对其进行访问的。工具原料:VMware虚拟机 1、依次打开VMware虚拟机设置中的网络设置,按照经典模式创建出的网络适配器,一般是NAT模式,这种模式是共享主机ip的模式,也就是物理机的ip地址要比虚拟中的ip地址高一层。


VMware Workstation问题


首先在控制面板的管理工具中,打开服务界面,把所有和VMware相关的服务改为手动,然后将这几个服务停止。如果需要使用VMware的时候,在命令行下运行:net start "VMware Authorization Service"net start "VMware DHCP Service"net start "VMware NAT Service"如果不使用的时候运行:net stop "VMware NAT ...


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涂所小儿: 1、先到官网上下载windows server 2012 ISO.(官网链接:https://www.microsoft.com/zh-cn/evalcenter/evaluate-windows-server-2012)2、在VMware Workstation上新建一个虚拟机,硬件配置不低于要求的512内存和32G硬盘空间.中间提示需...

赫山区18872398954: VMware12怎么安装出现这种问题怎么解决??? -
涂所小儿: 提示其实很清楚!——VMware Authorization Service这个VMware授权验证服务没有运行!打开主机控制面板——管理工具——服务,找到VMware Authorization Service服务,设置其启动类型为自动,并运行这个服务即可!如果根本找不到这个服务,就覆盖安装一遍VMware workstation虚拟机软件!一般乱用所谓的优化启动项软件都会导致这个问题!

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涂所小儿: 下载vmware workstation 12 pro(其他版本也可以,如果安装其他版本需要自行百度秘钥)2 安装就不用说了吧,直接上图.(安装路径可以默认也可以自己设置,需要设置的点击更改即可设置.)3 全部点击下一步(检查更新和帮助完善...

赫山区18872398954: vm 12 虚拟机怎么安装win7 64位系统 -
涂所小儿: 直接打开虚拟机软件,新建Win7 x64虚拟机,设置加载64位Win7的安装光盘,打开虚拟机安装即可!如果提示虚拟化支持未开启,建议重启电脑,进bios设置中,开启相关选项后,保存退出,再进系统就可以了!上图为两种常见的bios虚拟化开启的设置.

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