
作者&投稿:以娟 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Different students like different ways to go to school.As for me, I like to go to school on foot the most.There are four reasons.
不同的人喜欢用不同的方式去学校。至于我,我最喜欢走路去学校。有四个理由Firstly, my home is not far away from my school.It takes me only twenty minutes to get to school.Secondly, the traffic on my way to school is heavy.There are a lot of bikes, buses and cars.I think it's safe to go to school on foot.Thirdly, I think walking is a kind of sport.It’s good for my health.Finally, I can listen to my MP3 when I am walking.It's fantastic, but a little dangerous.
These are the reasons why I like to go to school on foot the most.What about you?

I usually go to school by bike.Because my home isn't very far from my school.It's only ten minute's ride by bike so I usually ride to school.Besides,it is one of the good ways of exercise.It can help me keep fit and strong.What's more,I can breathe the fresh air and see the beautiful scenery When I ride my bike.And I can also have a good talk with my friend on the way to school.So I like riding to school.But sometimes when it rains or snows heavily,I go to school on foot or by bus.建议学习在线外教一对一课程,跟着外教学英语作文效果好,还可以学到地道纯正口语,课均不到20元。【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】点击蓝字即可免费领取外教一对一免费试听课大礼包!阿卡索是欧美外教一对一授课的,而且都是欧美师资,欧美师资的发音是很标准的,外教都持有tesol(国际英语教师资格证书),阿卡索课程收费课均不到20元,性价比超高。希望可以帮到你啦!想要找到合适英语培训机构,百度搜下“阿卡索vivi老师”即可。百度搜下“阿卡索官网论坛”免费获取全网最齐全英语资源。

My house is three kilometres from the school. I can walk, cycle or take a bus to school. Walking to school will take me thirty minutes. cycle to school will take me ten minutes whereas taking a bus may take me five to twenty minutes. Taking a bus has a variance of timing because, sometimes, I have to wait for the bus longer before the bus arrives.Therefore, I had decided that the best way to go to school is by cycling

1、go to 英 [ɡəu tu:] 美 [ɡo tu]v.上;赴;转到,定位;奔赴 2、get to 英 [ɡet tu:] 美 [ɡɛt tu]到达;开始;达到…地步 3、reach 英 [ri:tʃ] 美 [ritʃ]v.到达,走到;够…,抓…;完成 n.手脚能够到的范围;范围,区域;影响的范围,...

How do you go to school?或:How are you going to school?看问话的场合,如果是对经常用的方式提问,用第一个。如果是问当前选择的方式,用第2个~

我怎样去学校,英语是:How do I get to school?句子解释:how 英[haʊ] 美[haʊ]adv. 怎样; 健康状况如何; 到何种地步; 以任何方式;n. 方式; 方法;[例句]How do I make payments into my account?我如何向自己的账户付款?get to 英[ɡet tu:] 美[ɡ&#...

范文:I often take bus to go to school. There is a bus stop in the front of main gate of our community. I take five stops and get off at the Main road.I often see many people to go to work and my schoolmates to go to school as I do at the same time. People get...


英 [haʊ]     美 [haʊ]adv. 怎样;多么;如何。conj. 如何;怎样;以 ... 方式。n. 方式。语法:how作“怎样,怎么样”解时,主要是指做某事或某事发生的方式或方法,还可以引导从句或动词不定式,在句中作宾语,引导的从句在句中还可作定语。how表示某种方式时,可放在表示...

Walk 读法 英 [wɔːk] 美 [wɔːk]1、v. 走,步行;散步;走过;陪伴……走;遛;被盗走;(鬼魂)出没;(非正式)解脱嫌疑;(棒球)自由上垒;(古)生活;给……引路;(非正式)放弃 2、n. 步行,走;散步;小路;(邮递员的)投递路线;(护林人)的管辖...

中:你通常怎样去上学?英:How do you usually go to school?以上就这个中文句子的英语翻译了。不过,这个句子中有几个比较重要的词汇,我觉得有必要单独解释以下,便于大家理解和运用。1、How 音标:英\/haʊ\/ 美\/haʊ\/ 释义:adv.(指方式、方法)怎样,怎么,如何;(指数量、程度...



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欧阳鸣麝香: My Way to go to School Different students like different ways to go to school. As for me, I like to go to school on foot the most. There are four reasons.Firstly, my home is not far away from my school. It takes me only twenty minutes to get to school. ...

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欧阳鸣麝香: How to go to school On general, every body go to school usually by foot. But there are many of student go to school by bike. Because they are old enough to ride bike safely. Certainly, it should pay enough attention to the safty question. Some so student go to school by bus.

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欧阳鸣麝香: This is my survey.Different people have different ways to go to school.In my class ,many students go to school on foot,some students go to school by bus,others go to school by your father's bus.Igo to school on foot,on the one hand,i can keep health,on the other hand,I can let my mother have a rest.What about you?

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欧阳鸣麝香: As for me, it's a little bit far to get to my school.So I always go to school by car.Sometimes I go by bus.Sometimes I go to school by bike, I seldom go on foot.

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欧阳鸣麝香: My classmates go to school in different ways every day.Many take public transport,such as bus ,subway etc.Others live not far away school,they may go to school on foot.

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欧阳鸣麝香: 望采纳,谢谢. Different students like different ways to go to school.As for me, I like to go to school on foot the most.There are four reasons. 不同的人喜欢用不同的方式去学校.至于我,我最喜欢走路去学校.有四个理由 Firstly, y home is not far ...

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欧阳鸣麝香: I usually go to school by bike. Because my home isn't very far from my school. It's only ten minute's ride by bike so I usually ride to school. Besides, it is one of the good ways of exercise. It can help me keep fit and strong. What's more, I can breathe ...

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