
作者&投稿:幸庭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


My hometown, Linfen, is known as the "flower and fruit city". It also has the nickname "Snail City" and "Pingyang mansion". Linfen is the first emperor of China, the hometown of Yao, and one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization.

I love this beautiful city affectionately. There are many scenic spots and parks in my hometown, such as: the first gate, the Yao temple, the drum tower, the waterlogged River Park and so on. What I like most is the waterlogging River Park. Every season, it has its own unique style. Spring is coming. Large tulips are blooming, pink, red, yellow and purple. They are full of flowers and gorgeous. From afar, the sea of flowers is like a fairyland in the world. Children roll in flowers, butterflies and bees play in flowers. In summer, the lotus opened, rented a yacht, passed through the dense lotus clusters, picked up a piece of lotus leaf, cleaned it in the river, and wore it on the head for fun.

The arrival of autumn brought colorful chrysanthemums to the park, and colorful flowers brought visitors away, afraid that they would not see the beautiful scenery when they left. The winter was accompanied by goose snow and heavy snow, and changed into silver in the park.

In the early morning, the river was covered with mist, and the tourists sat in the boat enjoying the beautiful scenery. At noon, the sun evaporated the fog, and the sun came out. Some people were enjoying the cool under the shade of trees, fishing by some banks, and watching beautiful scenery. In the evening, the waterfalls in the river opened, and there was a cave behind the water. There was always a sense of Monkey King's appendage from behind.

Linfen is not only beautiful, but also has many specialties, such as the crisp meat noodles of Hongdong, the cut noodles of Fushan, the walnut of ancient county, the pear of Xi county, etc. But my favorite is the meatball noodles. The beef balls are spicy and refreshing, often sweating after eating. A large bowl full of red hot oil. Simple and simple delicious, heartily and thoroughly.

In summer, a bowl of hot noodles makes people forget the hot summer. In winter, a bowl of hot noodles can withstand cold and cold. It is better to use bowl noodles than any panacea.

Linfen welcomes the arrival of you! My friends, please believe me, you will be attracted to the beautiful scenery here and be conquered by the delicious food here.



我深情的热爱这个美丽的城市。 我的家乡风景优美,有许多景区和公园,如:天下第一门华门、尧庙、鼓楼、涝洰河公园等。可我最喜欢的就是涝洰河公园了。每个季节,它都有自己独特的风采。春天来了,大片的郁金香盛开了,有粉的,有红的;有黄的,还有紫的,它们缤纷盛开,十分艳丽。远远望去,花海一片,就仿佛身临人间仙境一般,小孩子在花海中打滚、蝴蝶、蜜蜂在花丛中嬉戏。夏天,荷花开了,租上游艇,在茂密的荷花丛中穿过,顺手摘上一片荷叶,在河中清洗干净,戴在头上遮阳真是好玩极了。         







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毕震东药: i live in _________(写你家乡). I love my hometown. The environment here is pretty good. The trees are green and the sky is blue. There is a big lake behind my house, the water is very clean, and I usually go fishing with my mother. There are also ...

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富阳市18111177173: 写一篇英语作文,我的家乡 -
毕震东药: My hometownThese years, my hometown has taken place great changes. It isn't what it used to be.Many forests have been cut down without planting any young trees, that is to say, beautiful hills have been changed into a deserted land. ...

富阳市18111177173: 我的家乡的 英语作文 -
毕震东药: my love my famliy very love zi gong, it is very beaiful! l love my famliy! it hot!

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