
作者&投稿:束质 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求英语大神,帮忙写一篇英语作文 在线等,,急~

I like travel around the world very much. The scenes i viewed not only amazing ,but also make me feel happy and exciting.The beauty of nature and the intellgence of ancient people are the treasures of human beings.Mean while the knowledge increases while we travel around.For example ,when i went to HUANGSHAN Mountain,i learned more history about HUANGSHAN city and more reasons it famous of.How ever,we should notice if we travel too much without proper rest,we must feel tired and exhausted.That’s definitely not what we want.


Communication among animals is just like that among us human beings.

求英语大神帮忙,根据下面的内容写一个英语对话,最好长一点_百度知 ...
A:Hello, I'm a new tourist. I'm a little hungry. Do you have any delicious food to recommend?B:Yes, of course, we have noodles ,rice and dumplings. We have also kinds of vegetables , fruits and meat. Trust me,you will enjoy it.A: I think the ...

A:Hey,let's go to the Galleries.B:You serious?I don't think it's interesting there.Do you want to talk with the (fuking) paint?I'd rather go to the Bathhouse.I'm really tired recently so I need to take a relaxing shower.A:well,you are the boss.B:Thanks.I meet ...

My view on the College Entrance Examination 这是一个科技高速发展的社会,这是一个个性张扬,追求自我价值体现的社会。随着周围一切的不断变化,渐渐有一些人对已存在了几十年的高考制度提出了质疑,认为它已不能适应当今社会需要,成为了落后的制度。This is a hi-tech driven at breakneck speed ...

求大神帮我写英语一段旁白,想必大家都看过一个令人深思的公益广告_百 ...
原文旁白:I have four-hundred-and-twenty-two friends, yet I am lonely. I speak to all of them everyday, yet none of them really know me.The problem I have sits in the spaces between looking into their eyes or at a name on a screen. I took a step back and opened my ...

Cell phones have become increasingly popular in China these days. Wherever you go you can see people using cell phones. Many college students, even high school students, have cell phones. Bringing a cell phone can be both harmful and helpful for a middle school student. First of ...

Nowadays, college students commonly have a dream of establishing a business.当前大学生普遍心怀创业梦想 But they know little about how to establish a business, how to avoid risks of it, how to design activities of it and how to manage tasks of it.但是对于如何进行创业 如何回避创业...

but we find it troublesome to cross our own street and meet our neighbors; 我们可以往返月球,但却难以迈出一步去亲近我们的左邻右舍; We have conquered the uter space,but not our inner space; 我们可以征服外太空,却征服不了我们的内心; We have highter income,but less morals; 3 ...

求大神帮写一篇大学英语作文,题目是my dream job,字数150以上,限今晚...
My dream job Everytime I am asked what I want to do in the future. I think a minute and say being a doctor is my dream job. Doctor is an other kind of artist who does human art by fighting with diseases and making people feel good. I think it is a pleasure to try ...

求大神帮写下英语作文, 题目 写一张贺卡祝贺你的朋友Bliack先生被评为...
To Mr.Bliack,Happy New year! I'm giad to hear you are named "The outstanding manager" of the year,I have visited your company ,the high efficiency and implementation capacity of your company left an impressive impression on my mind.I believe necessarily that it's an honor ...

与你在一起时,整个世界都与我无关 What else to think about when I'm with you.与你在一起时,其他任何事情都可以不去想 Take me with you, wherever you go..I won't think twice.让我和你在一起,无论你走到哪里,我都会毫不犹豫 Take me, take my heart, and run away with it...

赤水市13749744149: 求大神帮写一片英语作文!作文要求如下:Write a Thank you letter to someone whom you have heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to.Tell him/ her why you ... -
殷卓吉巨:[答案] My dear friend,I want to say thanks to you.It is you who always help me when I was upset.I will never forget the days that you speat with me.When I was really upset ,beause of the agure with my mother...

赤水市13749744149: 一篇英语概要写作,题材比较简单,求大神指点,60词左右 -
殷卓吉巨: My Saturday I get up at 7:00.Then i eat breakfast at 7:30.After the breakfast,I do my homework during 8:00-11:00.I have lunch at 12 o'clock .In 14:00-17:00 ,i play football with my friends.And then i eat dinner at 18:00.I watch TV after dinner at 19:00 .At 21.30 i go to sleep.

赤水市13749744149: 请用英文写一篇60字的短文,介绍自己的校园的概况
殷卓吉巨: My school is very nice and big, i love studying in it very much. There are some tall buildings ,a playground,and many

赤水市13749744149: 用英语写的英语动画片的故事梗概3到5篇 -
殷卓吉巨: Cat and Mice Mrs. Brown went to visit one of her friend and carried a small box with holes punched in the top."What's in your box?" asked the friend. "A cat," answered Mrs. Brown. "You see I've been dreaming about mice at night and I'm so ...

赤水市13749744149: 英语作文,根据以下提示,写一篇60词左右的短文介绍你的家.求各位英语大神给予帮助!!! -
殷卓吉巨: My home My home is located in the city center of Nantong, My home is on the third floor in a modern building it has two bedrooms, one living room,one kitchen, two bathrooms.the living room is large and neat, my parents and i usually sit together ...

赤水市13749744149: 写一篇介绍中国概况的英语短文 -
殷卓吉巨: China is a large country. Its land area is 960 thousand kilometers square. It is the third largest country in the world. There are 34 provinces, municipalities directly und...

赤水市13749744149: 急需英语大神帮我解决这篇作文~!!!60词左右,还有,作文的要求,就是说Nancy上周末过得很忙碌 -
殷卓吉巨: Nancy was so busy last weekend. On Saturday morning, she needed to finish all her homework in order to help her mother did housework at the afternoon. And she also couldn't have a rest in the Saturday evening because her farther invented ...

赤水市13749744149: 求大神写篇英语作文60字左右 -
殷卓吉巨: 1:Hello everyone.Today I'm glad to be here to give a speech about my fresh experience in China Agriculture University. First I must say the campus life is really different from what I have experienced in high school.For instance,I used to lean upon my ...

赤水市13749744149: 求大侠帮写一篇初中英语作文.60字左右 -
殷卓吉巨: Jack's hobbyMy name is Jack,my hobby is to play table tennis. I started to play table tennis at the age of four. I kept practicing it for a long time and now I'm...

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